The Woman’s Son

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The Woman and the Dragon

Many years ago, there was a woman whose name was Israel. She was named by her Father, Yahweh, the Almighty, and was destined to bear a child. She became pregnant by God’s will. The child was to be unique, special, a hero like no other hero. 
When it came time for her to give birth, a great fiery red dragon appeared in the sky to snatch the child away. The dragon already ruled over ten of the world’s 11 kingdoms and took it upon himself to judge by his own law. The Almighty God, Yahweh, ruled the 11th Kingdom
With his slick tongue, the dragon procured a third of Yahweh’s armies to come and wage war against the woman and her son, soon to arrive in this world. As the time approached for the woman Israel to give birth, the dragon stood close by to devour the child as soon as he was born. 

Israel Gave Birth to the Son 

The son was destined to be born and to rule in righteousness, at the right hand of the Almighty, Yahweh to reign over all the people of the earth, including all of the nations under the authority of the dragon. 
So just as the dragon opened his claws to snatch up the son, he was caught up with Yahweh in the heavens, leaving his mother behind, but not alone. Israel, his mother, fled to a sacred place in the wilderness where she waited and was ministered to by Yahweh’s angels. 

War Broke Out in the Heavens

The dragon came up to the heavens to find his prey. He was coming to devour the son of the woman Israel, but the archangel Michael rallied Yahweh’s armies and fought against the dragon and his troops so that the dragon could not prevail. 
As a result of his rebellion, Yahweh cast the dragon down to the earth with all of his armies. And to this very day, it is remembered that this was the day Satan and a third of the angels fell from heaven and that the dragon fell from his throne. 

The Fall

When the dragon saw that he could not conquer heaven because Yahweh had exiled him to the earth, he went after the woman Israel, tormenting and persecuting her for the rest of her days. 
Yahweh gave the woman wings like an eagle to escape, and she fled the presence of the dragon where she found rest for a short time. As the prophet spoke in days of old, Yahweh renewed her strength, she mounted up on her eagle wings, and she was able to run and not become weary.
When the dragon would spew rivers of water at the woman to carry her away, Yahweh would command the spirit of the earth to open wide his mouth to drink the water to save the woman. 

War on the Earth

When the dragon found that he could not consume the woman, Israel, he went to wage war against her other sons. The other sons are the dragon’s sworn enemies, those who follow her firstborn son and keep the commandments of Yahweh, the Almighty. 

The Beast

The dragon stood, feet firmly planted on the sands of the sea—the land that the Son now rules to one side and the seas of chaos waters to the other. A Beast like no other beast came forth from the chaos waters—not a mere animal, but an Old Testament kind of wild and ravenous creature.
The beast ruled over the ten kingdoms of the earth at the dragon’s right hand and controlled all of the princes of the world who people worshipped on high mountains. The princes are blasphemers, liars, and enemies of Yahweh, the Almighty God. 
When the people of the earth saw the Beast--Father to the rebellious gods of the nations--they worshipped him in the place of the Almighty. These gods were the powers in the heavens who were cast out, swept down by the tail of the dragon. 
They worshipped the Beast because they lacked the faith to believe that a higher ruler existed who could wage war against the Beast; so they bowed in submission. 
For an era, the beast ruled, persecuting the sons of the woman Israel, the followers of Israel’s first son, by blaspheming the name of the Almighty and desecrating everything good and righteous and holy. The beast waged war against Israel’s other sons and even conquered many--although what could not be seen must now be known--he could not destroy the Kingdom of the Almighty, the 11th Kingdom of the earth. 
Before the Almighty Yahweh laid the foundations of the world, He elected the sons of Israel to join Him in His eternal Kingdom and wrote the names of all of his followers in an exceptionally significant book that belongs to the Son.

A Second Beast 

Another beast, unlike the first, emerged—not from the waters of chaos, but from the depths of the earth. He is not a wild beast like the first beast. He looks more like the son of the woman Israel, polished and clean, discreet, presentable, and altogether excellent in the eyes of the world’s people. They followed the first beast out of fear, but this second beast out of compulsion. 
This second beast is yet anti-Christ; he speaks eloquently, with the convincing words of the spirit of the Dragon, and exercises the full authority of the first beast since he sits at his right hand. 
The second beast rules over the ten nations of the earth, not with a mighty rod, not with a strong arm or bow, but by the deceiver’s words: the adversary, the ancient serpent, the dragon. 
Like the son of the woman, Israel, who judges the world with the authority of the Father, the second beast appears to call down the fire of judgment for heaven. But, this judgment is not from heaven; for the words of the second beast are words of deceit that do not point the Kingdoms of the world to the Almighty. Instead, the second beast’s words direct the people of the earth to see goodness, righteousness, and intrinsic holiness in themselves. This is his deceit: the beast blinds the people of the world from the glory of the Almighty and of the Son of the woman Israel who rules the 11th Kingdom at his right hand.
The second beast exercises all of his authority to distract the world from the glory of the Son. He even goes so far as to erect a memorial to himself so that the world will remember his sacrifices for the kingdoms of the world, and his self-proclaimed purity and righteousness. The second beast also demands that the world set their eyes on him and be called according to his name … by receiving the beast’s name as a seal upon their foreheads--the Mark of the Beast, as it is often called.
Anyone who refused to bow to the second beast because they had seen the glory of the Son of the Woman Israel who rules with the full authority of the Almighty in heaven, is persecuted, rejected from common (and so-called, decent) society. They are even put to death because they do not bear the beast’s name, but choose to take the name of the Son upon their foreheads. 
And for those who bear the name of the Son--everyone can see the mark on their heads. For as the Son had said, it is not that you have achieved righteousness on your own, but the world will know you belong to the Son because you love and care for each other.

This Calls for Wisdom

It is written that there are 666 who follow the beast if you were to take the time to count them. Most certainly, there are multitudes more who belong to the ten kingdoms and who bow to the second beast, but the second beast bows to the first beast, and the first beast bows to the dragon, the prince of this earth from the days of old. 
The wise can see and count the immeasurable multitudes of those who bear the number of deceit, ‘6’. But they bear the number in the totality of the divine rebellion: ‘6’ for the dragon, ‘6’ for the first beast, and ‘6’ for the second. The symbol of the deceived, the kingdom of this world, in totality is ‘666.’ 

The Heavens Opened

The Son of the woman Israel stood upon the highest, most holy mountain, the mountain of Yahweh, the Mountain named Zion. The heavens were rent from top to bottom, revealing the holy of holies. The peak of the mountain was the very throne of God in his throne room. 
Around the throne were four Cherubim, the divine throne guardians who day and night sing songs of praise to the Almighty and the Son. The elders of the kingdom of the Almighty were there with the elders of the Kingdom of the Son, whom the Almighty brought together as one people. 
Around the throne were the remnant, the faithful followers of the Almighty Yahweh from the days of old. A complete number from each of the 12 tribes bore Israel and Yahweh’s name on their foreheads. They appeared in the heavens with the son. This remnant of the 12 tribes had not defiled themselves by worshipping the gods of the nations under the dragon, in the days of old, and had not committed the unspeakable moral atrocities present in the temples of the gods.  

A Great Sound and a New Song

The sound came like giant waterfalls from heaven and had the presence and command of great thunder and lightning, and yet it had the beauty of a choir of perfectly tuned harpists.
The Thunders sang a new song of praise, worship, and adoration before the throne and were accompanied by the remnant who had gone ahead as the firstfruits and first citizens of God’s holy, eternal Kingdom. 

The End of Days 

An angel appeared, flying high over the nations and pronouncing to every nation, tribe, and ethnicity that they should “Fear God and give him glory.” The angel commanded the nations to worship the one who made the heavens and the earth. For, although the second beast had deceived the people, it is the Almighty who created both beasts, the dragon, and the seas from which the beasts came forth.
Then the one who looks like the Son of Man, who is the son of the woman Israel, came back to the earth, riding on a cloud. He had a sharpened harvesting tool in his hand and began to harvest the fruit produced in the ten kingdoms of this world while angels cheered. The Son gathered the kingdoms of this world to crush them in a great winepress, belonging to the Almighty. 

The Mystery is This: 

The harvest of the Kingdoms consists of the people who follow the second beast, who deceived them so that they do not follow the Son of the woman Israel. 
The winepress is the crushing force of God’s wrath, where judgment will trample the people of the ten kingdoms of this earth underfoot so that their blood covers the world. 
But, blessed are those who died in the Lord before these days, for although the Son will gather the holy ones into God’s storehouse for eternity, they will not have to endure the times of the coming wrath. 

Three Points

The presence of spiritual evil (The Stars/Powers of Heaven)
When the Powers lost their Authority
Revelation 12:3–4
When Satan (The Dragon) Fell
Revelation 12:8–9
What Satan and his Angels Do (Right Now)
Revelation 12:17
What we think is demonic (The first beast)
Comes out of the chaos waters, submits to Satan, the dragon.
Represents the gods of the nations who ruled harshly and demanded all forms of immorality in their worship (tribalistic and primitive religion).
Ancient gods
Needed to be appeased to avoid their wrath.
Needed to be pleased to receive blessing.
Do whatever they want, regardless of what the people do.
What is truly demonic (Second Beast)
Comes from the earth like Adam and Eve.
Appears to judge righteously, but actually are deceiving people
Revelation 13:13–14
Represents a rebellious form of humanism that rejects the Almighty God and worships the divinity of the human as the ultimate good.
Social rejection
Revelation 13:16–17
Where is Jesus in all of this?
Jesus is preparing to judge the earth. On one side…the socially amicable ‘good people’ receive wrath.
Revelation 14:9–11
Jesus is working and waiting for the end.
Revelation 14:12
Keep God’s commands
Faith in Jesus
NOTE: Faith in Jesus produces faithfulness to God’s commands.
Those who die in the Lord are blessed
Revelation 14:13
Their works follow them
Our perseverance in the faith does not go unrewarded.
The Reward: Rest/Shalom, Eternal Presence with Jesus
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