Philippians 1:27-2:4 – Walk Worthy
To Live is Christ • Sermon • Submitted
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· 9 viewsHBI – vs 27 in all that we do our lives are to be lived in worthiness of the one who died for us together as the body of Christ.
20-09-24 - 1:27-2:4 – Walk Worthy
HBI – vs 27 in all that we do our lives are to be lived in worthiness of the one who died for us together as the body of Christ.
Þ Intro
- People are often sent out as messengers on behalf of someone else. When this happens, it is as if that person is there and in lots of cases they often come with the same authority.
- For example, Canada is a constitutional monarchy. Which means the queen technically still has authority here?
- The queen exercises that authority through the position of the governor general. Though the power the queen has is not as much as it used to be.
- Representatives of a person or an organization reflect the organization that they are representing.
- I used to play sports while I was in bible college. We were expected to act a certain way when we were out playing sports because with our uniforms on, we were representatives not only for the bible school but for God as well.
- Any time we did something bad where we should have known better, we where rewarded by having to run laps at the next practice.
- But we tried hard to play for the Lord and represent well our college. We played a few non-Christian teams which enjoyed playing with us because we played hard and respectfully.
- When someone who stands for something does something stupid, then what they have done is passed on to the rest of the people as if they did it too.
- Unfortunately, this has happened in Christianity. There have been people that have twisted the word of God and made bad decisions which people see and use that as an excuse to not want anything to do with us.
- This does not mean that we need to be perfect but rather we need to strive to live our lives for Jesus in all we do.
- What we need to do is learn what it means to “Walk worthy” as citizens of the kingdom of God.
- As we live a Christ centered life, how is it that we can live this life worthy of being called disciples of the Kingdom of God? Does this mean we have to be perfect? Let us investigate this.
Þ Whether people can see or not, Live your life worthy
- Living a Christ centered life is not always easy. Sometimes we find it easy and joyful to live a life for God but that is unfortunately not always the case.
- But what can we do about it? Strive to live a Christ centered life. But why and how do we do this? Let us start with the how.
- As citizens of heaven – vs 27
- We are told that we are to walk worthy as we have been talking about but we are told we are to do this because we are Philippians 1:27 Just one thing: As citizens of heaven, live your life worthy of the gospel of Christ.
- As followers of Jesus we are now no longer all about ourselves. We are told by the world to look out for number 1, to climb high on the corporate ladder. To save up for the end of your life so you can live in peace and comfort.
- Some of those things in themselves are not horrible but the bible speaks of a different way of living. It tells us that as followers of Jesus we are now emissaries of the Kingdom of Heaven and therefore we need to live as such.
- What a thought to think that we are a citizen of the Kingdom of heaven. With all the perks that come with it. As followers of Jesus we have been adopted into the family of God. The rewards that we have are not medals and adulations but rather an eternal kingdom.
- We have an eternal reward and earthly blessings that are promised to us. And we have been given the ability to invite other people to be adopted into the same kingdom. This is no exclusive club.
- That is why we need to walk worthy, to live as proper representatives of this new family. Knowing that we may still make mistakes, but it is all in how we respond when we do make those mistakes.
- As a testimony to others – vs 27b I will hear about you that you are standing firm
- As we walk worthy of being called citizens of heaven one thing, I need to remind us is that sometimes we feel unworthy, so we do not even try.
The bible promises that though we may struggle from sin we are covered by the grace of God and He will forgive us if we ask Him to. The Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
- But we are not to use this as an excuse to keep sinning. So even though we may struggle with sin, our response to that is clear. Confess and repent.
- Philippians 1:27b Then, whether I come and see you or am absent, I will hear about you that you are standing firm
- Paul wanted them to know that he was overjoyed with the good report he heard from them in his absence from their midst.
- But more then that he hoped to continue to hear reports about these Philippian Christians who were living for Jesus despite the persecution in their midst.
- So, to walk worthy as citizens of the KofG this needs to happen whether we know we are being watched or whether we are on our own.
- Our goal, to live our lives in such a way, despite the mistakes we make because we will make mistakes, so that the report will go out about how these people from Cornerstone Community Church are different and have something in there lives that they want.
- Whether we are being watched or not, let the report go out that we are living our lives as followers of Jesus.
- It is extremely easy to think that when we are on our own in the quiet of our undisturbed rooms to let sin slip in and reign. But this will catch up with you eventually.
- So let our lives be lived as a testimony to those around us as we learn to walk worthy of our inheritance.
- As one body united – Contending together for the faith
- Philippians 1:27c I will hear about you that you are standing firm in one spirit, in one accord, contending together for the faith of the gospel,
- Walk worthy as we live a Christ centered life as representatives of our inheritance in the Kingdom of God. Do this as a testimony to others who do not have the same hope that we do
- Do this for this also for those that may be part of the family of God but are struggling and need a hand up.
- Again, we get to the idea that we are not to do this on our own as if we can live this life on our own but rather do it together for the glory of the Lord.
- The word contend is an interesting word. It means to strive towards a goal together, to help one another and engage side by side together.
- This implies that there are going to be adversaries faced in the process. Against people that are going to be against the gospel we need to walk side by side.
- Walk as representatives together. I will not get into this again as we have gone over it already. But a continual reminder that we are in this together.
Þ Walk worthy Without fear – vs 28-30
- Because people will oppose us - 28 not being frightened in any way by your opponents.
- We are told to walk worthy without fear, but what exactly is there that we could fear to begin with?
- The church at the time was facing heavy persecution for their beliefs and their following of Jesus.
- In our walks with God, people will oppose us for what we believe. There will be people who say that we are preaching hate literature, that think that what we follow is foolishness.
- Not only are there going to be adversaries, but those adversaries need to be faced. We can go through life without facing them.
- If we are walking worthy of the Kingdom of God, we will be sharing the gospel and we will face adversity but take heart, we are not alone, we do not have to fear.
- Walking without fear is a sign of your salvation and their failure and ultimate destruction - 28 This is a sign of destruction for them, but of your salvation — and this is from God.
- Our opponent’s failure to intimidate us by there opposition is a sign of there destruction. That the way that we follow is not just a fad but truth,
- Because as believers we will suffer for Jesus if we fear what people think of us, if we fear to get questions and attacks from people that is a sign that they have won.
- We read in the Bible that we have no need to fear! The ending has been written and we know that God wins! That our salvation is secure as His children.
- Then why would we have anything to fear? When our God has control over our eternal soul and the worst that they can do is kill our bodies?
- Our living without fear of what our opponents can do to us is a sign that their attacks are futile, and that God will prevail.
- So, stand strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
- For to die is gain – We must continue to remember the other side of the equation. To live is Christ. To live is to live our lives for Christ. But to die, that is immense gain.
Þ Be encouraged
- If what I just said is true, if we are encouraged through Christ, if we are comforted by His love, if we have compassion towards each other then…
- If this is the case, then to walk worthy in a Christ centered life we need to do it together.
- Be encouraged through Christ, be consoled by His great love for us, join in the spirit. Be encouraged that you are not alone.
- Be encouraged that God has not left you through your struggles but is rather there with you. All you need to do is to cling to Him and grow through the struggles.
- Think the same way, have the same love, think of others as better then yourself. How better can we encourage people and help them to cling to Jesus then by joining them in their hard times. By sacrificing our time to make sure they know God still cares for them.
- Be encouraged by this and be an encouragement that pulls other people from their despair. When joy and encouragement is hard to find then help people find Joy in the Lord.
Þ So What
- Walk worthy, live a life worthy of a citizen of the kingdom of Heaven. How can we apply this to our lives?
- I was thinking of this as I remembered a movie, I watched a while ago. I love action movies. I was watching a blockbuster movie about an assassin and I realized partway through the movie how desensitized I had become.
- I started to pay a little closer attention to what I was watching. Essentially there was very little story line just extended scenes of shooting other people.
- Why does this matter to me all of a sudden? If we are to walk worthy as disciples of Jesus to me that means watching what I put into my mind.
- Am I really living worthy as a citizen of the Kingdom of God if I am fillinf my mind with that kind of stuff? Then what happens when bad stuff happens? What happens when I hit my thumb with a hammer?
- I do not swear, I never have but in my mind lots of unkind words start to come to my head. For me to walk worthy in a Christ centered life means that I need to start watching the kind of things that I put into my head.
- For we have been reminded that people will oppose us, they have opposed me, sometimes unintentionally, by questioning what I believe.
- If I have not been living a Christ centered life but rather filling y mind with garbage how will I be able to respond to that?
- This doesn’t mean you cant have fun but rather look into some of the things you do in your life, as you rest on your own and ask How you can use that time to learn what it means to live a life for Jesus.
- How can you walk worthy today? What does it mean that you might have to change in your life today?