Christ changing work in the believer

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Scripture Reading:  Colossians 1:21-23


Text:  Colossians 1:21-23


Introduction:  The news channels buzz about the immigration problems that we face as a country.  We hear of illegal immigrants receiving drivers licenses, debt cards, and on and on.  No matter where you stand on the issue we all understand that these people are in a foreign land illegally.  They are aliens who are not allowed to receive the benefits of living in America as citizens.  They do not or have not yet met the qualifications for citizenship.  We can all relate to this because we hear about at least once a week in the news, in the papers, or talking with those that we meet during the week.  You and I are not that much different.  While we may not be here illegally, before we knew Christ were alienated from God.


Central Idea:  Followers of Christ should understand that we are changed and now have new priorities and a new direction.


Main Transition:  In the past two weeks we have understood some incredibly vital doctrines about Christ.  These are foundational to what we believe.  Yet, they mean nothing if they have no power.  If the doctrines of Christ do nothing to change us then we are not following the Christ found in Scripture.  That change is what we are dealing with in today’s text.  We start with where we were before we meet Christ.  This is our previous standing before God.  Then we have already seen Christ’s actions of reconciliation, but we will deal with more directly, and finally we are changed as we see our response to Christ’s work.


I.  Our previous standing before God (21)


            A.  We were aliens toward God

                        1.  This means that we were transferred to another master. 

                                    a.  There are only two rulers one is God and the other Satan.

b.  Paul reveals that if you are alienated from God who are under the servant hood of Satan.

2.  If we are in this condition we are estranged from God, and this is perpetual condition unless God were to do something about it.  We could not help ourselves

            B.  We were hostile toward God in our thinking

                        1.  Our hostility toward God comes form our minds and our thinking.

                        2.  We do not want anything to do with God or His people.

3.  Our minds are filled with violence and have mentally established the battle lines.

            C.  We were evil against the Lord in our actions


1.      The hostility in our minds manifests itself into the evil action we displayed against the Lord.

2.      We not only sought evil, we practiced it and firmly established our alienation from the Lord. 

Illustration:  We understand this type of alienation because we lived it, but also because of how it is revealed in our culture.  We know what happens when people become hostile in their minds toward someone else.  We know then that it transcends into evil against the other person in their actions.  We understand because we are in a war that has this very problem at its root.  Islamic hostility acted out in evil actions against all who do not agree with them.


Transition:  This picture that we have painted so far this morning is bleak.  It is familiar to us because we watch as our unsaved friends continue to struggle with the same problems in their own lives.  They are aliens who are hostile toward God and they seek to drown that emotional struggle away with their evil actions.  The wonderful truth is that they do not have to stay in that condition, Christ has provided a way of reconciliation. 


II.  Christ’s actions of reconciliation (20-22)


            A.  Christ will reconcile (20)

1.  Last week we bridged the doctrine of Christ with the reconciliation of Christ through this verse.

2.  Remember that this does not mean that all will come to a saving knowledge of Christ.  What it does mean is that all of creation will be used of God in His perfect will and plan.  Eventually those that continue to live alienated from God will bow before the throne of God and agree that they are sinners against Him. 

            B.  Christ has reconciled believers (22)

1.  Christ has reconciled not with pencil and paper, but with blood, look back at verse 20, now at verse 22

a.  The reason that Christ went to the cross was to reconcile your account before God.

b.  Your account was overdrawn, you have no ability to pay what you owe, except through the blood of Christ

c.  however, if Christ would have bleed without dying, salvation would not have been purchased

                        2. Christ is not only our sacrifice He is our substitute.

                                    a.  Christ’s death satisfied the wrath of God

b.  Paul once again reaches into this Colossian heresy and says that only God could satisfy His own wrath.  Christ is not a lesser spirit, but He is wholly and completely God.

            C.  Christ has reconciled for a purpose (22)


                        1.  Christ reconciled your account for a reason

a.  God’s ultimate goal in reconciliation is to present the elect holy and pure before Him.

b.  This is necessary for the sinner to be able to stand in the presence of a holy God

2.      There are four results of reconciliation in this passage

a.       Holiness – we are separated from sin.  As a result of reconciliation God sees us as holy as His Son.

b.      Blameless – This word is used in the Old Testament in reference to the sacrifice for sin which had to be without blemishes.  It is used in 1 Peter 1:19 in reference to Christ as the perfect Lamb of God.  As a result of reconciliation we have a blameless character

c.       Beyond reproach – This we will come back to in a moment, but it goes beyond blameless, and means that not only are we blameless, but that no one can bring a charge against us.

d.      Finally Christ’s reconciliation does these three actions before Him.  This means that God sees us as we will be in heaven in our glorified bodies.  We are seen as clothed with the very righteousness of Christ.  You see when you trust in Christ as Savior you are right then brought back into a right relationship with Christ.


Transition:  As we study this truth we need to understand that we didn’t do anything to increase in our level of reconciliation.  When we trusted in Christ as savior we are immediately changed.  This should be the reason we voice our praise and this then should cause to have a response to Christ’s work.


III.  Our response to Christ’s work (23)


            A.  We started out hostile toward God (21)

1.  Remember what we were like we were aliens, we didn’t belong we fought and were hostile toward anything that had to do with God.

2.  This is not a pretty picture,


a.  we were revealed by our actions and they were evil, we were thrilled to act out evil in our actions and in our mindset.

b.  We refused to be changed by God and had no desire to serve him.

            B.  Now we can be holy and blameless (22)

1.  Paul’s encouragement to us and to those in Colossae is that we are no longer condemned to life alienated from God.

2.  Christ provided a way, through His death on the cross that we can be presented to God not as aliens in a foreign land but saints and fellow heirs with Christ.

3.  This is reconciliation, that we can be presented before God changed people, holy and blameless in His sight.

a.  This doesn’t necessarily mean that we will live holy and blameless, as we are still sinners, now we are saved by Grace and are not held under bondage to sin.

b.  Now we live in a manner in which no one can bring a charge against us when we stand before the Lord.

Illustration:  After Paul’s bleak picture leading into this text what a wonderful promise is given to us know.  One day you will stand before God in judgment what will your defense be?  Many of you remember the struggle that had on our property line at the old house.  It was a long expensive ordeal that the Lord used in our lives, for many reasons, some I would still like to know.  But one of them was the feeling of being accused.  I remember when the judge first heard the case and the accusations that were made, I felt fear, anger, and venerable.  I felt like we were going to be bruised and battered.  Then our attorney stood up and laid out why each of the accusations were not true and detailed our case.  After talking with the attorney I felt such a relief and confidence even though the case was delayed for many more months.  Can you imagine the court room where Christ is the judge?  You have to account for your life and in your nervous fidgeting Christ says, I paid the price, I reconciled them to myself and you are now receiving rewards for your faithfulness. 

C.     We must continue in the faith with steadfastness (23)

1.      All of these doctrines and their results are for a very specific purpose, that you as a believer be equipped to be firmly established in what you believe, not like the fools that are washed from one idea to the next.

2.      As we look back over everything that we have understood so far in this chapter isn’t it wonderful to know that we worship as Savior that has done everything needed to reconcile us to Himself?

3.      Paul tells the Colossians, in light of the terrible heresy affecting your community, stand firm in Christ, stand firm on the gospel and do not let their ideas influence your faith.  That same challenge is then presented to us today.

Illustration:  If you spend any time watching the News or reading the Newspaper you understand that our world is desperately wicked.  Satan influences even moral people into corners of humiliation and continued degradation.  As a believer, you are not under his control, you do not have to obey His whims, stand firm in our world of sin and darkness on the truth of the Gospel and the faith that is rooted in Christ.


Conclusion:  This morning you have to answer a very piercing question, “Are you alienated from God?”  If so, Christ offer is to change you, wholly and completely.  If you have never trusted in Christ as Savior, come talk to me, pull me aside and let me show you how to be reconciled to Christ.  If you are a believer already, how are you living out your faith?  Are you steadfast, holding firm to the Word of God.  We have an opportunity to reveal the assurance of Christ to a world of uncertainty.  After having spend some time on the doctrine of Christ and now the reason why that doctrine is so important, I trust that we will live like we are changed people.  Reconciliation is a vital doctrine of Christ that cannot and must not be overlooked or undermined.  For us as believers, it should never be undervalued.  The truth of reconciliation is this you were a lost hostile, evil, dying, and  alienated individual.  But your creator loved you enough to pay the debt that you owed to remove it completely from your account.  He caused you to be holy, blameless, beyond reproach, to stand in the presence of God as one who is righteous.  That truly is the change required for you to enter eternity in heaven.

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