Commit To Life: Sanctity of Life Sunday
Sanctity of Life • Sermon • Submitted
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Passage- Psalm 127
Passage- Psalm 127
Introduction- How do large scale movements within a society begin?
-The civil right movement
-Black lives matter
-The revivals of England and United States
-Even the atrocities like the Nazi’s
The begin with the depersonalization of the individual.
The Civil Rights and BLM movement were and are concerned with the treatment of people of color and that they as a group are being wrongly treated.
As of 9:00 last night there have been 62.5 million abortions since Roe vs. Wade
1.6 billion worldwide since 1980
And these numbers do not include chemically induced abortions…The Morning After Pill
According to Pharmacists for life we can add approximately 250 million more babies to that total since 1973
Problem- One of the problems with these issues is that numbers wise it is a massive issue…and when we see issues like this where the statistics are mind blowing we tend to depersonalize it and see it as either someone else issue or to big to be corrected
Friends, 1,800 babies have been aborted in the US so far this year that are 16 weeks gestation or after
Why is that important?
Because this is what the scientific community has said regarding a fetus that progress to 16 weeks and beyond:
- The body is fully formed, the fingers and toes have fingerprints & nails.
- Is about 5 inches long and weighs about 3 ounces, about the size of a large avacado.
- The baby is moving about: may grasp for the umbilical cord , suck it's thumb, and is capable of making facial expressions and kicking at the amniotic sac.
- The heart & circulatory system and the urinary tract are fully functioning. and the blood is pumping through these tiny veins
- The baby is inhaling and exhaling the amniotic fluid through the lungs.
-The eyes are in the proper position, and the baby can see straight ahead & blink his/her eyelids.
- The genitals have formed. In the case of a girl, the uterus has already developed and the ovaries are in the proper place.
- Umberto Castiello, University of Padova, Italy reported unborn babies have the ability to interact as early as 14 weeks into the pregnancy: "We conclude that performance of movements towards the co-twin is not accidental: already starting from the 14th week of gestation twin fetuses execute movements specifically aimed at the co-twin."
Context- But what really is the goal when it comes to end of life matters?
-Is it just to lessen the number of abortions?
-Is it to end of assisted suicide?
The goal in each end of life issue ought to be deeper than statistics and numbers
I would propose that one of the struggles we face in these areas is that we don’t often see “real people”. We talk statistically about the huge numbers and the many years this has been going on but we don’t see it as happening to individuals.
The goal in each situation needs to be the heart of the individual
On January 13, 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation designating January 22 as the first National Sanctity of Human Life Day. (January 22, 1973, was the day the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion-on-demand in all 50 states.) Churches around the United States use the day to celebrate God's gift of life, commemorate the many lives lost to abortion, and commit themselves to protecting human life at every stage.
This morning is our time to commemorate the many lives lost to abortion
But, more importantly today can be a day that we as a believers and we as a church can commit ourselves to protecting human life at every stage!
CPS- If we are to get to the heart of abortion we need to get to the hearts of people
Interrogative (CPS in a question)- For me this brings up two questions I want to attempt to answer this morning
1) How did this happen
2) What can we do
I. First, how did this happen?
Explain- How does a nation like ours end up not only accepting but embracing abortion.
-A nation that once saw the freedom of black men and women as something to go to war and die for…how do we now embrace taking the lives of unborn children
The easy quick answer is sin…the fall of man…Adam and Eve
But if this is the answer we come to I think we haven’t looked deep enough
If we look a little further into humanity we find the root issue
What ails mankind has not changed since the fall of man
-The biggest issue is a lack of reverence toward God
When we leave God out of our daily lives…out of our daily decisions
Look at the history of Israel…when they left out God they had nothing but problems and made horrible decisions
In Genesis 12 God promises to Abraham and Sarah are going to Egypt
-Abraham knows that Sarah is a good looking woman
-So…he tells her to lie to Pharaoh and say she is his sister
-The result is that Pharaoh gets upset and kicks them out of Egypt
Genesis 15 God promises Abrahams and Sarah a son
-Genesis 16 the promise isn’t fulfilled in their time-frame so the set aside God and do things their way…Abraham has a son by Sarah’s servant
Genesis 20…In Abrahams journey he crosses paths with Abimelech…apparently Sarah is still a good looking woman because Abraham tries the same trip of telling him she is his sister
Now if we move on to Abrahams son Isaac…Genesis 26 he is in a land and has a beautiful wife….what is the natural response? She is my sister
Then there is the deceit of Jacob and Esau
Genesis 30…Rachel, the wife of Jacob, cannot give him a son…so what’s the natural response? Here is my servant…
Then we come to Jacobs sons….in their account we see a dysfunctional family
-Joseph is the favored
-He has a couple dreams that say his family will bow to him
-Great way to keep the peace when dad loves you more
-What would be a reasonable solution?
-Throw him into a pit and let him die…better yet, sell him into slavery and lie to dad and say he’s dead
And this is Genesis…the the first 50 chapters of the Bible
Illustrate- What do we see even in this first book?
When we set God aside, when we do not reverence Him…
Life gets difficult for us and the lives of others become unimportant
How does the account of Genesis apply to Sanctity of Life Sunday?
The root of abortion goes back to mankind not reverencing God and us setting Him aside
First we decide that God’s plan for sex is too restricting
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
-Then we make up our own rules
-It destroys lives and families
-Then there is the consequences of pregnancy
-What is the logical solution…
-Depends who you ask
-The world would suggest that that pregnancy is just some tissue to be discarded
-The Bible teaches that there is a life in the womb
So we go from what God says in His word about sex being to restricting to marriage being too restricting and either doing away with marriage or redefining it by our desires
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
And several other passages
Then because of those choices there are unintended and unwanted pregnancies
And if God doesn’t matter anymore in sex or marriage He also will no longer matter in issues pertaining to life
This extends beyond abortion…the elderly, the handicapped, birth defects and I’m sure a whole list we wouldn’t imagine are a part of this issue
II. So, what is the solution
Explain- The solution has some obvious answers
1- Pray….
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving;
Pray without ceasing.
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
-Prayer does more than communication with God…it can have a more impactful result
-It realigns us to God…
-It reminds us who God is which isn’t always the bigger issue
-It reminds us who we are not…this often is the bigger issue
2- Be a voice for the unborn
-God has a heart for children
-Matthew 19:14…Jesus rebukes his disciples and tells them to bring the children to him!
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
-Matthew 18:3… Jesus says that we are to become like children
-Being like a child (trusting wise) is a prerequisite for entering the kingdom
-Luke 8 Jesus takes the time to heal Jarius’ daughter
-Psalm 127 tells us that children are a reward…not an inconvenience
-Proverbs 17:6 “Children’s children are the crown of old men”
-James 1:27…Pure religion…religion as God intends and not man is taking care of those that are vulnerable in our society…that includes children
Now…We hear a lot about separation of church and state…that Christians shouldn’t get involved in politics
-I’m not going to defuse that issue this morning
3-What I will say is that our government…like it or not…is set up in a way that our politicians respond when they hear from us
Call them…don’t be afraid, it’s their job
-It would be like being afraid to order an extra side of fries at McD’s
-It’s their job!!
-Along with that…vote for life at the polls
-We also have the opportunity in this state to show our support with Choose Life license plates
Enough about politics
4- We can educate ourselves and others
Maybe like me, you feel inadequate…what can I do?!?!
-Our feeling of inadequacy do not justify our inactivity
-In his opposition to the Nazi’s Dietrich Bonhoeffer said “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”
God will give you the words to speak, the wisdom you need.
-Understand by trying to put yourself in their shoes
-What put them in their situation
-Why is abortion an option
-Is there a way to influence them otherwise
You could influence them to consider the fifth suggestion
5- Adoption
Often it is not even in their mind
-Sometimes the suggestion could be enough
-There is even the opportunity in our country to meet the needs of children through foster care…This is again…James 1:27
6- Support a local pregnancy center
Financially…that is the obvious one
By praying for them
-They are dealing with difficult situations every day
-They need wisdom…James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”
-We can pray that God gives us wisdom but also that He give wisdom to others
7- Love
Perfect love casteth out fear
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
Hate and judgmental attitudes will do nothing
They need truth, spoken in love.
I think if we strive to implement these principles into our daily lives and relationships there can be changes made
We cannot trust in our politicians…they are a part of the process toward change but the change…like revival in our churches starts with us
We need to see the importance of this issue and see it as important enough to act.
If we want to have legislation passed that will protect the unborn it will begin with us getting our hearts right with God first…
-When that happens and we get a picture of God’s heart on this matter we will act in our relationships…our communities…our culture to prepare peoples hearts for change.
This is not simply a political issue
-It is a political issue but it didn’t start out as one and it will not be stopped by politics
This is a spiritual issue…this issue, at its core is based on what you believe about the God of the Bible
-This is a church issue in that far too often the church has abdicated its role in society
-Today we look to our political representatives and blamed them for the abortions
-It is just as much your fault and mine
-It is our responsibility as believers in Jesus Christ to be a light in this dark world
What does that mean? We, as individuals, have a Christlike impact in our relationships
-A look at the work of William Wilberforce shows us how impacting society and changing the hearts of individuals prepares a society then for political change.
-Wilberforece used whatever was at his disposal to change society
-Posters to hang showing the cruelty of the slave trade
-I believe if he was alive today in this country he would be on:
-Using television and movies
-Using the means at our disposal for sharing truth to the masses
-But also on the individual level
But pastor, that was how many years ago in a totally different society
Ok, it wasn’t all that long ago that smoking was a social norm
-How did political change come about?
-Exactly the means that Wilberforce used
-Education about the issue
-And yes a huge tax that makes it difficult financially
But before the tax smoking started getting a stigma
-It wasn’t as accepted in society
-Then when politicians introduced legislation it was welcomed
-Many people said “FINALLY”
Now there is an age limit
Now you can go to any public place including restaurants and enjoy it smoke-free
We don’t want to put a stigma on those who are in favor of abortion
We don’t want to put them down
We do need to be in our society and be a voice for the unborn
Be such a light in our society that when politicians begin to pass legislation that the people respond by saying “FINALLY”
Lets take this issue personally…let’s make it as important to us as it is to God…
Closing Hymn-
127- Jesus Loves Even Me