How can we trust the Bible?
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We all trust/believe something
Friends, family, religion, something we base truth off of
Everyone builds their life on something
How can we know that the Bible is something we can build a foundation on
From a historical perspective the Bible has more evidence than a lot of other ancient history (Critiques)
More manuscripts and copies of than any other ancient text
Manuscript = Any copy of the original
People would write out copies of copies
More than the works of Aristotle, Plato, Homer, etc.
We have manuscripts dated much closer to the originals than other works
Other ancient historians validate biblical stories
How can we trust that the Bible wasn’t changed
There are more variants in manuscripts than words in the NT
99.8% of differences are spelling errors or things that have no impact on the message
The Bible is Inerrant and inspired
Inerrant- The Bible is true
2 Peter 1:16-21
Why is the Bible something I should trust?
The Bible gives us an accurate picture of all things, it is true
It gives us answers that the world doesn’t give us, it points out problems in us that the world won’t,
Romans 7
If the Bible is true and trustworthy, what does that mean for your life?
If the Bible is true and trustworthy, what does that mean for your life?