Rules of the Game(2)

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The Golden Rule


The Golden Rule

12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Plain text: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

4 Facts that set the Golden Rule apart from all other messages:

1. One sentence statement that embraces all human behavior. This is all the law and the prophets in one. If we could follow this one rule: we would have done all that Jesus requires of us.
Ex. 1: I want a man to love me for me. The golden rule says you must then love him for him.
***What ever the things about him you don’t like, you must accept.
Do you want him always complaining about what you do, then why are you complaining about what he does?
Do you want him belittling you, then why are you belittling him?
2. Demands true Law and Justice: Meaning there is true restrain. Teaching you not to lie, cheat steal or injure others.
3. It is concerned with true love and positive, active behavior.
A. It is more than not doing wrong(lying, cheating, stealing)
B. It is more than just doing good(helping, caring, giving)
********The Golden Rule is An Action*****
C. It is looking, searching, and seeking for ways to do the good that you want others to do to you. Seeking ways to treat others how you want them to treat you.
4. Teaches the whole law. “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”(Mt. 22:39-40).

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

It takes credientials to get into the gate
The two choices in life:
Two Gates: Wide vs. narrow
Wide Gate: the world.
Narrow gate: the kingdom of heaven
Two Ways: Easy or hard
Easy-spacious or roomy
EX. -spacious or roomy Less rules and more opportunity even though many are on this road.
Hard meaning it comes with restrictions.
ex. Most of the important things in life has requirements
Two Ends: Destruction
Easy desirable things can lead to destruction.
Two Travelers: The wise and unwise
unwise are many and will enter into the wide gate. Figure since many are travelling it has to be right.
A follower
wise are the few, they search look for and find the narrow gate.
Two Decisions: no effort vs. seeking to find
Some seek the narrow gate but get there and decides it’s too much work to enter into it.
Seek ye last ****Seek ye first, the kingdom of God.
Seek ye first the narrow gate.
the key word in all of this lesson is search.
It is easy to get caught up in the things of the world because they are all visible and many are chasing them.
What are you talking about Elder, I’ll tell you: Money makes the world go around. Or as the hip say, We chasing that bag. well many are chasing the bag,
Even when we find church, or we are just getting to the narrow sidewalk. We have to stay on that narrow side walk until we get to the narrow gate
In order to get threw the gate, we have to put somethings down.
Pride, Greediness, the world.
Requirements at the gate: Love, forgiveness, descipleship
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