The Wheels of Change
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Jeremiah 18: 1-12
Jeremiah 18: 1-12
The Lord was in conversation with Jeremiah. It wasn't just an occassional chat.
The Lord gave explicit instructions, "Go down to the Potters shop, and I will speak to you there."
Sometimes the Lord asks us to go to a certain location to speak to us there because he wants to use a certain visual or a certain conversation to speak to us. Share about being down by the river -
Give the peice of clay.
Show a picture of a potters wheel with a person sitting with the clay in their hands. Paint the picture of the shop.
talk about the creation that happens when God was creating us... God knew our lives and didn't decide to start over again. Instead in his kindness he provided what we needed.
Look at the different wheels of the bible,
The Threshing wheel- Keeps us clean. Keeps the image of God shiny in us. Keeps us growing. As the chaf and the wheat are separated the seed is able to be planted againg to produce more wheat.
The Chariot Wheel - the sound announces the approaching enemy. There is a protection there. What does it mean to listen for the sounds of our enemies today? Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit says pay attention we need to pay attention. Why is this important for us to know? It seems like an odd thing the Lord would bring up for me to preach. I like to teach how to listen to the voice of God because it is much sweeter but to discern the voice of our enemies will keep us safe and at the same time allows us to go out as sheep in the world of wolves. Listen to the red flags as well as the green flags. Put up the pic of the green flags courtesy of a post from Suzanne.
Go back to the potters wheel
Finish with the story of the day God created you.