58 Hebrews 4: Preaching/Teaching
ETS-Spiritual rest became available through Jesus. ESS-You can have spiritual rest because of Jesus. Application: People to leave reflecting on the rest that they have in Jesus (Gospel Tract)
Spiritual Rest Available!
1. It must be recieved by faith (1-3, 6-7).
The writer used the term “rest” as Moses did, as an equivalent to entering into all the inheritance that God promised His people (Deut. 3:18–20; 12:9–11; cf. Heb. 1:14; 3:11, 18; 4:3–5, 10–11; 6:12, 17).
4:3 A better translation of “we who have believed” would be “we who believe” (Gr. pisteusantes, aorist active participle). The
2. God’s rest cannot be added to (4-5, 8-11).
Christians will enter into our rest when we receive our inheritance from Jesus Christ at His judgment seat (2 Cor. 5:10).
We must examine our lives in light of God Word (12-13)
The Word of God can express and distinguish what is “soulish” (natural) and what is spiritual in our motivation and actions. It can do so even when those elements are as close to each other as our joints and marrow. It is even able to expose our thoughts and attitudes (cf. 1 Cor. 4:5).