I read through the book of Matthew.
Then i read through the book of Mark, to prepare for this word today.
But for this Palm Sunday word, none of them told it like John.
I remember back in the day, we use to say things like this is how it went down.
Or we would say, Hey brother, What went down.
We might even ask a question, What went, or whats going down.
Today, with a little help from John, and a lot of help from the Holy Ghost.
We are going to see how it went down The week before the cross.
This was to be Jesus’ last trip to Jerusalem.
And the bible says, much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem.
so, here i had to ask myself, why were so many people coming to see Jesus on this day?
Then it hit me.
If we go up to verse #9, the bible tells us, Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there: and they came not for Jesus’ sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the dead.
What i’m saying here is that, Lazarus had become famous in that area.
So a lot of people just came to see Lazarus, the man that came back from the dead.
Even though they came to see Lazarus, they got caught up in the hype and wound up following Jesus.
Have you ever, or do you know anyone, who went to church for one reason, and messed around and found Jesus.
i mean went to church because of their boo, or just to shut someone up, and messed around a got Saved?
Let’s break down, and find out what’s going down in verse #13.
Took branches of the palm tree.
The people made a path with palm branches for Jesus to enter the city as royalty.
And cried Hosanna.
Hosanna is a Hebrew term which means, Help us or Save us.
Name of the Lord.
Jesus comes as a representation of the divine name - As “I am” or Yahweh.
This is how things went down before the cross.
READ VERSE #14&15. also READ VERSE #16.
You know, we sometimes don’t understand things until we take a look back.
These men of God.
These followers of Jesus Christ himself.
These men that God would inspire to put his words to paper.
The bible says, These things understood not his disciples at the first.
We want to talk about these guys, and say, how could they not understand.
Well just take a look at yourself.
Did you, or do you now understand everything about Christ.
How long did, or will you have to work at it, to get an understanding.
Did you get a full understanding at the first?
Yes, that’s right, it’s going down today.
Here in verse #17, the bible says, The people therefore that was with him when he called Lazarus out of his grave, and raised him from the dead, bare record.
The crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus back to life, continued to spread the word.
This is a powerful scripture.
In this scripture, it says, When he called Lazarus out of his grave.
There is power in every word that came out of Jesus’ mouth.
Just like When he called Lazarus out of his grave.
Jesus called you out of your grave.
That’s right you were dead, dead, dead, in sin.
You were called out of that grave of sin.
And just like Jesus called you out of your grave, to salvation.
He can do it for your wife or husband.
He can do it for your children.
He can do it for your Mother, he can do it for your Father.
He can do it for your friends, and yes , he can do it for your enemies.
Let’s look here at verse #18, where the bible says, For this cause the people also met him, for that they heard that he had done this miracle.
Do you understand that there are people in this world that will come to Jesus because of the miracle Jesus has done with you.
When you felt like you needed that drink every day, Jesus changed you.
When you felt like you wanted to call your dealer, so you could make it through the night, Jesus changed you.
At 2 o’clock in the morning, when you were ready to make that call and say, baby i’m on my way over.
Jesus stepped right on in and changed you.
Because of the miracle, or change, that Jesus made in your life, someone will hear about the miracle Jesus did in your life, and want to know more about Jesus.
Now reading verse number 19, we see that the Pharisees were starting to worry a little.
In their minds, they knew the plan that they had for Jesus, and things were not working in their favor.
We know this because they said to each other, Behold, the world is gone after him.
Verses 20 through 22, shows us that it wasn't just the Jews following Jesus, the gentiles wanted to get in on the act.
Here in verse #23, the bible says, And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.
Jesus knew that the time had come for him to make the ultimate sacrifice.
A sacrifice that would stand until the end of days.
A sacrifice that no other person could make.
A sacrifice that would not be undone.
And after this sacrifice, he knew it would be the hour that he would be glorified.
In the next verse, verse #24, Jesus, says, Verily, verily, i say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
Seed never produces grain until first it falls into the ground and die.
Jesus referred to himself as a grain of wheat.
If he did not die, he would abide alone.
He would enjoy the glory of heaven by himself.
But if, he died, he would provide a way of salvation by which many might be saved.
That’s a reason to say thank you Jesus, is i ever heard one.
Then in verse #25, Jesus really breaks it down, and tells us how to get down.
Jesus says, He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
Many people think that important things in life are food, clothing, and pleasure.
They live for these things.
But in loving their lives.
They fail to realize that the soul is more important than the body.
By neglecting their soul’s welfare, they lose their lives.
On the other hand, there are those who count all things loss for Christ.
To serve him.
They forego things highly prized among men.
These are the people who will keep their lives for eternal life.
Now what i would like to do is drop down to verse #32,and CLOSE.
The Bible says:
And i, if i be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
When the Lord Jesus spoke of being lifted up.
The first part of this verse refers to Christ’s death on the cross.
He was nailed to a cross of wood and lifted up from the earth.
The Lord said that if he were thus crucified.
He would draw all people to himself.
He will bring you to salvation.
Or he will bring you to judgement.
If Jesus is lifted up in our preaching, he will bring people.
If Jesus is lifted up in our teaching, he will bring people.
If Jesus is lifted up in the way we walk, he will bring people.
If he is lifted up in the way we talk, he will bring people.
If he is lifted up in our family, he will bring people.
If he is lifted up in our church, he will bring people.
Lift him up saints......