THE BRIDGE ACADEMY LEVEL 1 • Sermon • Submitted
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THE BRIDGE ACADEMY - How to Study the Bible
THE BRIDGE ACADEMY - How to Study the Bible
A. It is commanded for our Good and Joy
A. It is commanded for our Good and Joy
1. It continually guards our morality (Psalm 1:1-2)
1. It continually guards our morality (Psalm 1:1-2)
Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
2. It continually creates within us Christ shaped affections (John 17:17)
2. It continually creates within us Christ shaped affections (John 17:17)
Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.
3. It continually strengthens our allegiance to Christ
3. It continually strengthens our allegiance to Christ
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
4. It continually corrects and instructs us in whole -life godliness
4. It continually corrects and instructs us in whole -life godliness
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
B. It is God’s Love to Us In Word About
B. It is God’s Love to Us In Word About
1. His faithfulness
1. His faithfulness
2. Our sin and hope
2. Our sin and hope
Know ourselves only truly as we know Him
Know ourselves only truly as we know Him
3. His purposes
3. His purposes
C. God wants to speak to your unique self for your unique purpose
C. God wants to speak to your unique self for your unique purpose
D. It Is How We Grow
D. It Is How We Grow
So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation—
A. We Cleanse and Nurture Our Soul With S.O.A.P Daily
A. We Cleanse and Nurture Our Soul With S.O.A.P Daily
1. Scripture: (Read One book at a time)
1. Scripture: (Read One book at a time)
a. Why should you read this way and not with a
Bible Plan?
a. Why should you read this way and not with a
Bible Plan?
i. Read the books of the Bible like you would read a novel
i. Read the books of the Bible like you would read a novel
The Bible is a book comprised of of books
Books are not written to be read in scattered ways but from beginning to the end. And each book is to be understood itself.
b. Strategy for reading one book at a time?
b. Strategy for reading one book at a time?
i. Read an introduction to the book you are studying
i. Read an introduction to the book you are studying
ii. Use the outline for the book found in your Bible or in other resources
ii. Use the outline for the book found in your Bible or in other resources
iii. Read the specific book using a reading plan
iii. Read the specific book using a reading plan
EXAMPLE - Discipleship Journal reading Plan for April
EXAMPLE - Discipleship Journal reading Plan for April
Mark 1st Corinthians Psalms Joshua
1:1-8 1:1-17 72 1-2
2. Observation: (Learn One section at a time)
2. Observation: (Learn One section at a time)
a. What Is observation?
a. What Is observation?
Learning how to make sense of the Bible by
Learning how to make sense of the Bible by
b. What are the basics to look for when observing a text?
b. What are the basics to look for when observing a text?
Key words
Repetition (words or ideas)
c. Pen and paper: the non-negotiables of
transformational observation
c. Pen and paper: the non-negotiables of
transformational observation
3. Application: (Execute One action at a time)
3. Application: (Execute One action at a time)
a. We effectively apply scripture by asking and answering key Questions
a. We effectively apply scripture by asking and answering key Questions
i. What is this passage teaching me about God, Jesus and or Holy Spirit?
i. What is this passage teaching me about God, Jesus and or Holy Spirit?
ii. What is this passage teaching me about Sin?
ii. What is this passage teaching me about Sin?
iii. What do I need to confess and/or repent of?
iii. What do I need to confess and/or repent of?
iv. What is this passage teaching me about me? (desires, motives, etc)?
iv. What is this passage teaching me about me? (desires, motives, etc)?
v. How is this passage calling me to work (live out) the Word today?
v. How is this passage calling me to work (live out) the Word today?
vi. How is my learning connected with yesterday’s readings?
vi. How is my learning connected with yesterday’s readings?
4. Prayer
4. Prayer
While prayer is last on this list it is actually the air in which you breathe as you read and study the Bible
A. Beginning (Lord, open my eyes) - Psalm 119:18-
A. Beginning (Lord, open my eyes) - Psalm 119:18-
Open my eyes, that I may behold
wondrous things out of your law.
B. End (Holy Spirit help me to obey- James 1:22-
B. End (Holy Spirit help me to obey- James 1:22-
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.