Persistent Pursuit

Luke - CrossFit  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  49:46
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Persistent Pursuit Michael Morse / General CrossFit / Repentance; Joy; Salvation; Owner of Lost Sheep; Woman with Lost Coin; Prodigal Son; Father of Prodigal Son / Luke 15:1-32 Introduction Every once in a while in our series of crossfit we depart from speaking on the physical crossfitness. Today we are going to do just that as we come to the parables of the Lost and Found. In order to get us started and in I want to jump right into the first two verses. Luke 15:1-2 CSB 1 All the tax collectors and sinners were approaching to listen to him. 2 And the Pharisees and scribes were complaining, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them." All the tax collectors and sinners were coming to Jesus. Not literally all of them but of the people coming to Jesus it seemed all who approached Him were of this group. Tax collectors and sinners who desired to approach and come and listen to Him. These two groups - tax collectors and sinners include people from all walks of life, from the upper echelons of the publicans (politicians) to the lowest slums and including everyone in between. This despised class of people were all coming to Jesus - these people deemed not worthy and outcast from Jewish religious life. They desired to hear and listen to what Jesus was saying and teaching. They were the ones drawing near and coming close - they were not content to sit in the back and kind of get a gist of what was being said but they wanted to hear it all for themselves as clearly as possible. All they knew is they were the deplorables of society the shunned and outcast removed from religious life by everyone except Jesus. This Rabbi Jesus was known as the friend of sinners Luke 7:34 CSB 34 The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, 'Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!' The Pharisees and scribes - the so-called religious leaders and teachers of the Jewish faith, those seen as knowledgeable in the word of God and responsible for not only teaching it but exemplifying it were watching as these people came to Jesus. Instead of being amazed by it and the incredulity of these desiring to know and be close and have relationship with God - they complained. As they looked on this spectacle they used it as confirmation yet again that Jesus was not one of them. For look He welcomes sinners and eats with them, openly continually and habitually. Their implication is this is because Jesus is of the same character. Welcoming and eating with a sinner was an intimate thing and would denote relationship. In no way does this mean anything related to the belief or idea that Jesus ever condoned their sinfulness. It just depicts that Jesus saw them as sinners in need of a Savior - and He was the friend of sinners and He still is the friend of sinners today - this morning. Following these two verses Jesus will unfold three parables that will all tell the same fact for us to know and treasure today. God welcomes sinners and desires to dine with them. Jesus champions the lost and accepts the challenge and justifies His pursuit of the lost by these three parables. In order to be spiritually crossfit we not only need to understand that Jesus is persistent in His pursuit of the lost but that He requires us to be as well. God welcomes all to come to Him who would come to Him in fact the word welcome that the Pharisees use describes God outlook on sinners coming to Jesus perfectly. The original word in the Greek could be translated instead of welcome - looks forward to - God looks forward to sinners coming to Jesus! So should we if we are going to be crossfit! Luke 15:3-5 CSB 3 So he told them this parable: 4 "What man among you, who has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open field and go after the lost one until he finds it? 5 When he has found it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders, Luke 15:6-7 CSB 6 and coming home, he calls his friends and neighbors together, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, because I have found my lost sheep!' 7 I tell you, in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who don't need repentance. Luke 15:8-10 CSB 8 "Or what woman who has ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? 9 When she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, 'Rejoice with me, because I have found the silver coin I lost!' 10 I tell you, in the same way, there is joy in the presence of God's angels over one sinner who repents." Luke 15:11-13 CSB 11 He also said, "A man had two sons. 12 The younger of them said to his father, 'Father, give me the share of the estate I have coming to me.' So he distributed the assets to them. 13 Not many days later, the younger son gathered together all he had and traveled to a distant country, where he squandered his estate in foolish living. Luke 15:14-16 CSB 14 After he had spent everything, a severe famine struck that country, and he had nothing. 15 Then he went to work for one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed pigs. 16 He longed to eat his fill from the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one would give him anything. Luke 15:17-18 CSB 17 When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of my father's hired workers have more than enough food, and here I am dying of hunger! 18 I'll get up, go to my father, and say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. Luke 15:19-20 CSB 19 I'm no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired workers." ' 20 So he got up and went to his father. But while the son was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him. Luke 15:21-23 CSB 21 The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. I'm no longer worthy to be called your son.' 22 "But the father told his servants, 'Quick! Bring out the best robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Then bring the fattened calf and slaughter it, and let's celebrate with a feast, Luke 15:24-26 CSB 24 because this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!' So they began to celebrate. 25 "Now his older son was in the field; as he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 So he summoned one of the servants, questioning what these things meant. Luke 15:27-29 CSB 27 'Your brother is here,' he told him, 'and your father has slaughtered the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.' 28 "Then he became angry and didn't want to go in. So his father came out and pleaded with him. 29 But he replied to his father, 'Look, I have been slaving many years for you, and I have never disobeyed your orders, yet you never gave me a goat so that I could celebrate with my friends. Luke 15:30-32 CSB 30 But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your assets with prostitutes, you slaughtered the fattened calf for him.' 31 " 'Son,' he said to him, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32 But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' " Lost Sheep Luke 15:3-5 CSB 3 So he told them this parable: 4 "What man among you, who has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open field and go after the lost one until he finds it? 5 When he has found it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders, Luke 15:6-7 CSB 6 and coming home, he calls his friends and neighbors together, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, because I have found my lost sheep!' 7 I tell you, in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who don't need repentance. Due to the complaints of the Pharisees Jesus gives the first parable to illustrate the error of them complaining at sinners and tax collectors coming to Him. What man among you who has 100 sheep and loses one of them doesn't leave the 99 to find the lost one? Jesus is saying who has sheep who if they lose one wouldnt go after it? He uses 100 as hyperbole (although some shepherds has large flocks) but its a number where to lose one wouldnt seem so bad right? I mean they still have 99% of the sheep, but true shepherds (not hirelings) love their sheep and value each and every one of them. Perhaps the wandering sheep picture would remind them all of their scriptures they know so well. Psalm 119:176 CSB 176 I wander like a lost sheep; seek your servant, for I do not forget your commands. Jeremiah 50:6 CSB 6 My people were lost sheep; their shepherds led them astray, guiding them the wrong way in the mountains. They wandered from mountain to hill; they forgot their resting place. Zechariah 11:16 CSB 16 I am about to raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those who are perishing, and he will not seek the lost or heal the broken. He will not sustain the healthy, but he will devour the flesh of the fat sheep and tear off their hooves. Then Jesus says that the shepherd having gone out and searched for the lost sheep finds it and returns with it joyfully carrying it on his shoulders and having come home calls his friends and neighbors to come and celebrate and rejoice for I found my lost sheep. The sheep was glad to be found - because the shepherd did not abuse him for wandering but instead with compassion brought him home again and returned him to the rest of the flock. The shepherd would be celebrating and rejoicing for he found HIS sheep - notice the shepherd saying I found MY lost sheep. Jesus likens this celebration to the celebration in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people who dont need repentance. HEAR THIS - Heaven is filled with rejoicing for each and every sinner who repents. Jesus is not saying that the Pharisees and the scribes do not need to repent or are in any way righteous or perfect. For the sake of argument He is accepting their claim about themselves while condemning them for their criticism for Him welcoming those lost sheep. There is nothing more helpless than a lost sheep except a lost sinner - LOST AUSSIE SHEEP Jesus is in persistent pursuit of the lost sheep - dont fail to see yourself as the lost sheep or having been the lost sheep and you will remember that we all like sheep have gone astray! Isaiah 53:6 CSB 6 We all went astray like sheep; we all have turned to our own way; and the LORD has punished him for the iniquity of us all. Lost Coin Luke 15:8-10 CSB 8 "Or what woman who has ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? 9 When she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, 'Rejoice with me, because I have found the silver coin I lost!' 10 I tell you, in the same way, there is joy in the presence of God's angels over one sinner who repents." Jesus then moves on to another illustration to make the same point of seeking but with careful pursuit. What woman has ten silver coins and if she loses one does not light a lamp and sweep the house searching carefully until she finds it? When a Jewish girl would marry she would receive or make a headband of ten silver coins that she would wear as a sign of her status as married and was a wife. The Jewish version of the wedding ring. To lose a coin would be a calamity The desperation of the search to find that which to make the headpiece whole again. Houses in those times didnt always have windows and so the only light would come from the door. So she would have to light a light in order to find it and then in the dim light would have to search carefully around the dirt floor. Ever lost a quarter in the sand? At the moment of finding it her heart would leap with jubilant joy and victory. Having found it she would gather her friends and neighbors together to celebrate finding that which she lost! Again the parable ending with the main point the joy of finding the coin is the same joy found among the presence of God's angels over one sinner who repents. Heaven rejoices of the repentance of one sinner! Has heaven rejoiced yet for your repentance? Jesus is welcoming you - no matter what category of sinner you are He is welcoming you to come and dine with Him. He is persistently pursuing you because He wants you to be no longer lost but found Revelation 3:20 CSB 20 See! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. Lost Son Luke 15:11-13 CSB 11 He also said, "A man had two sons. 12 The younger of them said to his father, 'Father, give me the share of the estate I have coming to me.' So he distributed the assets to them. 13 Not many days later, the younger son gathered together all he had and traveled to a distant country, where he squandered his estate in foolish living. Luke 15:14-16 CSB 14 After he had spent everything, a severe famine struck that country, and he had nothing. 15 Then he went to work for one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed pigs. 16 He longed to eat his fill from the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one would give him anything. Luke 15:17-19 CSB 17 When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of my father's hired workers have more than enough food, and here I am dying of hunger! 18 I'll get up, go to my father, and say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. 19 I'm no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired workers." ' Luke 15:20-21 CSB 20 So he got up and went to his father. But while the son was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him. 21 The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. I'm no longer worthy to be called your son.' Luke 15:22-24 CSB 22 "But the father told his servants, 'Quick! Bring out the best robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Then bring the fattened calf and slaughter it, and let's celebrate with a feast, 24 because this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!' So they began to celebrate. Luke 15:25-27 CSB 25 "Now his older son was in the field; as he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 So he summoned one of the servants, questioning what these things meant. 27 'Your brother is here,' he told him, 'and your father has slaughtered the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.' Luke 15:28-30 CSB 28 "Then he became angry and didn't want to go in. So his father came out and pleaded with him. 29 But he replied to his father, 'Look, I have been slaving many years for you, and I have never disobeyed your orders, yet you never gave me a goat so that I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your assets with prostitutes, you slaughtered the fattened calf for him.' Luke 15:31-32 CSB 31 " 'Son,' he said to him, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32 But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' " The final parable that Jesus uses is probably the most well known parable and we may find ourselves having to contend with familiarity this morning. Please do you best to see this parable with fresh eyes as if for the first time. This parable is the longest in the series and is focused around a family, a man and his two sons one older and one younger. The younger brother comes to the father and asks for his share of the estate or in other words his inheritance. Now inheritance is something that is well inherited when the family member passes away but here the son is asking while his father still lives and breathes. The inheritance is usually split with the older receiving twice what the younger receives. So in this case 2/3 for the older and 1/3 for the younger Despite being alive still the father gives the son his inheritance as he requests and not long after - several days the son gathers all his belongings and heads out to a far away country • Didnt want to wait to inherit • Didnt want to live at home • Didnt want to live near home or around his people or near his roots of faith In what can only be described as squandering away on foolish living - he spent his entire estate - wasted it. We dont know what he wasted it on but Jesus only describes it as foolish living. Having spent everything going to the limit of sinful excesses a famine comes to the land and the son has nothing. • He went to work for someone else feeding the pigs of the field • Still unable to nourish himself - he longed to have what the pigs ate but no one had compassion on him or gave him anything to eat Jesus says it was here that this man came to his senses and thats usually what it takes for us to realize we are headed the wrong way - we have to hit rock bottom. When you hit rock bottom there is only one way to look and that is up The son says what am I doing here, arent the servants at my fathers house kept better than this - I am not worthy to be a son but maybe I can be a servant Here we see a picture of repentance - admission of rightful condition and seeing yourself accurately only then can you admit sin and rise up to turn the other way The son says - I will get up and go to my father (verse 18) this determination is the act of the will after coming to himself and seeing his situation accurately. Repentance begins with saying the hard word and admitting the hard things - I did sin - the son knows because of sin he is not worthy - from there he got up to go to his father On his way to the father to confess his sin and beg for a low position the father sees his son far off but coming and was filled with compassion. He ran to him and threw his arms around and began to continually kiss him The son barely got to his confession of sinfulness before the father accepted him in calling the servants to • Bring out the best robe - the son still smelling of pigs - received the robe of a king • Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet - the marks of a freeman no longer a slave for slaves were barefoot • Bring THE fattened calf and slaughter it for the celebration - for my son who was dead is alive again - he was lost and is found Fattened calves were kept around for means of celebration and feasting - perhaps this was one kept waiting for the return of his son? The son came home to repent and the father celebrated because the son was home - this is the same in heaven One was not celebrating though - the older brother was in the field and came near the house and heard the music and dancing and called for the servant to know what was going on. The servant tells him your brother is here and your father has slaughtered THE fattened calf because he is back and is safe and sound. The brother however was filled with anger and bitterness and refused to go in to celebrate - even when his father pleaded with him to come in also. The brother spews angrily I have been slaving for you many years never disobeying yet I never got a goat to celebrate with my friends This son of yours (no longer his brother) came (not returned and not is back) you celebrate with him This brother was so consumed with bitterness because he followed the rules and did what he was supposed - the younger brother didnt but is being celebrated. If it were up to the older brother the younger would not be allowed back. The father says son - the original language is "child" a tender word you remained with me and all I have has been yours - but we have to celebrate this brother of yours was dead and is alive again and was lost and is found So the Father in heaven celebrates and rejoices for the lost to repent and be saved Conclusion We become lost in many ways. Through foolishness like the sheep, or by the carelessness of others like the coin or through outright rebellion like the son. These parables remind us of the persistent pursuit of God for our salvation and restoration. These parables were spoken mainly to address the attitude of the Pharisees and leaders of the Jewish faith - but can very well be applicable for the church today. God seeks sinners and call them to repentance The pharisees and some in the church today push away those whom God is seeking and searching for - those whom God treasures and desires to restore and save. The parables of Jesus continued in an escalating manner culminating in the story of the prodigal son where most of the time the focus is on the son or the father and rarely considering the older son. The older son is the focus of Jesus with the Pharisees. In those days the older sons were responsible for bringing back and bringing in the younger sons and searching for them when they were lost. The older son didnt do it and neither did the Pharisees - what are we doing? There is a sense that the older son was obedient to the father but very far from his heart. We must beware of living in the fathers house and failing to understand his heart. God's love for the lost justifies forever the coming of Christ to the world to seek and save the lost. We are to follow Jesus if we want to be crossfit in the persistent pursuit of the lost - in city, country, and in every land and every people. Perhaps you believe God is waiting to bring the hammer down when you attempt to come back but Jesus is saying God rejoices over the ones who repent and come home to Him. Maybe you have never pictured God rejoicing over you but He does along with the rest of heaven. Isaiah 62:5 CSB 5 For as a young man marries a young woman, so your sons will marry you; and as a groom rejoices over his bride, so your God will rejoice over you. Zephaniah 3:17 CSB 17 The LORD your God is among you, a warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will be quiet in his love. He will delight in you with singing." Communion Communion is a time of remembrance - pictured by a coming to the table for the Lord's supper. The table is ready come and dine again with your father and with your brothers and sisters in Christ. You wont be turned away from the table. 1 Corinthians 11:23-24 CSB 23 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: On the night when he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, broke it, and said, "This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me." 1 Corinthians 11:25-26 CSB 25 In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, and said, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me." 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Page . Exported from Logos Bible Software, 11:27 AM December 5, 2020.
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