Under The Sun
I felt when I was repairing. God was a ship, some things in our hearts and he's already done most of what he said, he would do in the world. He showed up and showed his greatness towards us. Sometimes we just go to be reminded about how great he is sometimes. We're just going to be reminded but who she is, and it's under the sun and about the sun, if the Book of Ecclesiastes and we'd know it by now, everything is everything is pointless a meaningless and he says it open. I looked life and I work hard, nut oil, and it's just frustrating and everything seems to go to in the begin again and then begin to go to the goes back again. And he says, what are the prophet a person and vanity of vanities?
And one of the things that God deposit in my heart is not just about, knowing laugh about God, knowing you and knowing what he is, and what he can do. But as knowing you see, the greatest Crystal Solomon is often was not the desire of getting knowledge about God even growing growing knowledge of God and Jesus because as you probably knowledge of God and Jesus to get to learn the nature, you get to learn the characteristic, you know, the nature of someone you can trust and rely on what they're going to do, because they're always due to the nature and who they are.
Jesus chapter 3, finish created eternity in our hearts, the canopy food. What anything else Solomon says, he could not fill it with all the experiments he did with world, with money, with Tricia, with all the things that came across his father, he could not fill the void, even though he had knowledge of, who God is, even though he had knowledge of what God can do, he's still found himself with this voice. And the desire that God has, is no longer people to know about him, no longer desired people. No desire of people to know what he can do, what he does. But the greatest desire is, God has for us to know him to truly know him to completed for who he is. And you know what? He says the ocean. Eddie says this way give me a sec. He says the conclusion. How's the matter? He says that's the whole story. Just my final conclusion as opposed to 13 and a base, come on buns for this is everyone's duty. This is God, will judge us for everything, we do in keeping the secret things. All the things of the Lord has already put judgment on it. It does not change your righteousness, but he says, the Judgment comes from the commandant. This is the greatest command in every aspect is to have the fear of God, my last and many times. And just spoke about the two weeks. First, they fear of God, we don't understand it, but it's not as scared as not afraid. It's what this this cause I have to get something. If I don't do, right? Cause going to punish me singing. God Blocked It. But the design is it would have put you first above everything else. He's not just knowing about, but it's having this deep relationship. This is, this is a religion and God says, he doesn't want us to have a religion under the sun far as religion, but you have a greater feeling than any you have a relationship with God. Your father, you can have as much as you want to go out as you want, I will give you the invitation, it's who I am to trust and confidence. He's not even that the word of God is powerful. Even when you speak the word of God, and the word of God is true about the word of God.
I want to look into the heart of a father and I'll bring it to. This is not that the children know, me for what I can do to know who I am. I know my heart because I know who I am the same thing today. The sun is to have a relationship with him. I don't want to say to you, it's not a hit thing. It's a hard thing to hit. Think you might know the words from your heart. You just think, if I was you making lip service, you just singing songs but your heart is far from me. Is he one of the ways you are the one of the ways you bring reference to Russia from your heart?
Hallelujah. You have to make the decision to worship Him. You see, there may be times where you're worship from your head and from practice and that's okay. My boss is looking for people. They said, Lord, I come to Give You My Heart, Lord, I come to give you every part of my life. Come to lay it all before you because that is the beginning of wisdom is when you know who God is from revelation of relationship. You see, when you have time with God and you spend time with him, he will order your footsteps.
God is looking for a church, that knows.
I spend time with it. That honor him, that put him first and I can sit. That's not a hit thing, it's a hard thing. And that's what the Bible says guard. Your heart with all diligence flows, the issues of Life flows, the life under the sun or above the stuff. He says he says if you can guard your hearts and you do you live in worship and you live life about the sun finish of the one that has your footsteps? The one that needs the one who directs the footsteps, the one that knows you the one that has to take me to and from the beginning because my card is truly with me. Hallelujah, time with him. I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine. Hallelujah.
One of the greatest weapons such as the devil constip. He's a Heart of Worship and intimacy was called you so many times. We fall by the wayside people don't have this desire to know him. Going to church makes you at church.
Reading. The Bible makes and models of about the Bible worshipping, God in spirit and Truth makes you a worshipper Because of the heart condition and it says that the soil so soil lose interest in his wife. About the son is just throwing our cities are throwing a seat and he said the Harvest and the soil of being a hot. I just had some fun on hard ground and it could not take Route. I could not produce something about ground that was Rocky and said we could not lost any weight. When you have the heart to worship God and you seek up the him, you'll begin to see things to distract you important. What I need to do, what I have to do, what I need to spend maybe 10 more minutes with 10 minutes to the prison.
She goes to sign up for the church. He should live above the son. He says the conclusion of everything, final stamp the lost world. I want to say fun of him saying he's feel the Lord has him. It's not a religious thing.
And the more you get to know him, I said last week, the more I know him, some people say the phrase all the time, he's right all the time. But the more I know him was not that he was why he was not a case but he had a heart of worship and he's sick card when other people would do the things under the sun that he was living a life songs. All right, I will worship him and said you are smart. Because it came from the Heart of Worship, Solomons became the wealthiest, man, and most wisest man, that ever lived, not because of his own wisdom. So big, you can't figure it out. It's whatever you want, I will give you You see of worship and he says this one of the ways of worshiping God, he says he says I want to say this to you. You don't have to fear loving God but you can stand in all of his goodness.
You don't have to fear a God, that loves you. You know what makes you feel full? When you see his goodness and it brings life to who you are and where you want to be, that's what you love me. So much, so much that I don't have to even try and pretend to be something else but I'm in Philly, right? This is beyond love someone. Like fix that. You can see who he is put into place high regard, you know, when you love someone and you honor someone You know what they say, makes a difference. What day do you feel me?
I saw closing with this is his Commandments. The conclusion of everything spillguard for this is everyone's Duty and Wednesdays at the other translation advanced advanced
Man. Oh man, Saul says it becomes is off and you see, that's what I love about serving. God is not a duty. I don't have to serve God, I don't have to worship God. Let me tell you something. Does not need a service. He does not need a worship. God does not need a words that he desires. Longford's. We don't do it out of a sense of ascribe to him and say, Lord, I worship him, I wish him praise him. But when you look at that,
I'm going to tell you the truth and every man will say, I feel my wife,
that's why I put on that to my wife. I'm not scared of her. Most of the time.
I have a tactic when the girls don't listen to me. So you better do good to your mom's mom's coming, you don't have to let the disciples in my name is Diane the house of Exchange.
I give her a Steve. I give you praise. I give her first place in my heart under gosh. You should let me tell you something. It's got all blacks rugby.
My wife, my kids, then my Ministry that for RC when you worship God you shut your priorities and when he's first it was supposed to mean supposed and you'll find you don't have to find a way to put things we structure it because destruction things for you and you find a desire to put things, you see when I say what you say is, I would listen to her voice above. Everyone else is worse. That's when you honor and fear the lord. When he says, do something, you do next for Sullivan says, this is the conclusion of the matter is to feel the Lord and obey his Commandments. You conscious and work in love and rivers and unwrap and not do with the person Sage to do. See, that's what the Bible says. Beware of the worst that works is dead. Because why laugh about the Sun Bowl that put you? First up with the value of 2 billion upon you and Laura will only receive from you but I need to receive from you. But having done that road, you tell me what to do. And when I do it's I will get what you told me in half. You see the fear of the Lord is knowing who he is and seeking him and when you know him you know, he's hot, you know, he's desire and you begin to read everything that you said. Yes. And then he begins to tell you now that, you know, me now that you have a Reliance on me, I'm going to shift into your life around and I'm going to do it. But telling you what to do, because sometimes God of Gomery covid-19, in a time, he will tell you what to do to change Where You Are. Because he is God wants you to walk in Victory. Hallelujah. And that's why he tells you what to do to get what you need a p. Hallelujah, World, your face. Will you do what I told you to do when you worship God, but the true test of how much you surrender yourself and how much you do what God tells you to do cuz 90% of the time when God tells you to do is painful. No worship you sacrifice. Marriage is sacrifice being. A father is a sacrifice. To be a mother's heaven.
Get away with it today. But what I'm saying to you sacrifice and God, always works as if you want to be what I told you to be, you have to give away what I want you to give away.
Did you want to be what I said? You can be good if you willing to give away what I said. You must give away is the old hymn. I know the one force trust and Obey there's no other way. That's all I know of a trust and Obey. There's no other way and that's what I'm not scores in it. And it goes and stays because God will lead you to a Victoria's Secret. That's my version of it but trust and Obey, trust comes from knowing him a wedding, rings result of knowing you. Sullivan says laugh about the Sun. That I may know him a church. I want to ask you a question today as we close