What's Happening to God's Seed in You?

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Action packed story of who Jesus is Son of God and Son of Man, and the Kingdom unfolding in and among those who receive His good news His gospel. And seen first half up in Galilee - establishing God-man’s authority to forgiven sins, heal diseases, elsewhere power over nature, and most recently conflict stories climax in His claim to the one who has authority to save us from Satan, demonic, to tie up the strong man - truly set us free! The Second half - as unfolds - he is the suffering servant who is a king reigning by serving and suffering and giving his life for us - model of discipleship to the disciples as go u to Jerusalem. But what is striking though in both halves, Jesu is preaching and teaching - the kingdom of God - repent and believe - whole purpose WENT OUT of heaven, to go town by town - on Sabbath Lord of Sabbath - sends his disciples out with Good Word - that goes hand in hand with actually dethroning Satan in people's live, in places you and I live. Second half has sent 12 and then 72 and now us, out to proclaim , but he is teaching, teaching teaching his disciples.
But here is the strange thing about the gospel of Mark unlike Matt, Luke and John - all action and so little of content Jesus actually taught. In fact only 2 chapters with this teaching each in the middle of the half and each with Mark’s explanation of why its important right in in the middle of the teaching. The first in here in Mark 4, teaching about the kingdom of God coming, then, now, in the future - all based on the Word being planted like a seed; two others parables about the growth of that seed we will look at that tonight! And then the other teaching chapter in the second half, Mark 13- Jesus’ teaching about the End of the Age. Jesus taught with over 60 parables, but records only a few and says this first one is the key to them all, Mark 4:13
Mark 4:13 ESV
And he said to them, “Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables?
The parable of the seeds, is the key to the whole mystery or secret of the Kingdom of God and of His Person and Work, a secret that if you get the parable it reveals your own heart too. ANd you’ll be able to get the other teaching. And so this morning, as we use Mark’s gospel as a return to in person church gospel - you and I need to ask ourselves

Key Question: What’s the seed Jesus talking about, what is it doing in my life?

A. Jesus Parables Reveal Kingdom Secrets of God & of Your Heart (Vv.10-12)

Unlike other parables, Mark gives Jesus telling of the parable to the whole crowd, largest ever, mammoth crowd, so big, has to have a boat launched for His pulpit. Like a Jewish rabbi, he teaches ex catherdra - from the seat. And we have this curious picture of Jesus “sat on the sea”. Allusion to Psalm 29:10-11 a {Psalm about the VOICE OF THE LORD. where Lord sits enthroned on the sea , “The Lord sits enthroned over the flood, the Lord sits enthroned as a King forever… his voice is over the waters, the God of glory thunders… And we have from Jesus explanation of the parable that the Sower is God Himself, and the whole parable isn’t so much about the sower, nor the soils; its about The sower sows THE WORD. Not just words or a word, but he WORD< the gospel the teaching of Jesus, the secret or the mystery of the Kingdom of God. And in that centre piece that Mark inserts between Jesus telling and , the explanation not of the parable, but of how parables work, you and I need to understand what Jesus is doing with parables, and this the key to understanding them all.
A Parable unlike we’ve been often taught is not just a pastor coming with some props, illustration to keep your attention. A parable is not just a helpful example. Its not really just a earthly story with a heavenly meaning! Its the word MASHAL - a riddle. Like Winston Churchill said of mysterious nature of the nation of Russia, — It’s an enigma wrapped in a mystery! And Jesus is saying my Gospel, My Kingdom, My very Person as One who is God and Man - every one must reckon with - one who is King yet slave of all - I am an enigma, wrapped in a mystery. Not just an earthly story with a heavenly meaning - but its a spiritual test, like a riddle - you’ve got to have receptive heart to tease out - a meaning not apparent on the surface. Its not some esoteric deep thing, but in a flash of wonder aha - truth about Go, Christ, His Kingdom and you got to place yourself in it, and it reveals something about your heart! Jesus takes common experience (para) and throws them to teach a kingdom mystery. If all you get is the common experience, but not about God, Christ and your heart, his kingdom - just left - what’s the big deal!
And here is the heart of the K of G, and Gospel and Jesus, and his teaching in parables. Mark 4:11-12
Mark 4:11–12 ESV
And he said to them, “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables, so that “ ‘they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand, lest they should turn and be forgiven.’ ”
He is speaking to those who are later alone with Jesus, not just the 12 but disciples, followers, who had gathered with Jesus in that room - only get the inner meaning - the riddle of the parable if in fellowship in Jesus. And you only get the parable if you have a heart that wants to not only get it with your head, but do the will of God with your heart. And Mark inserts this explanation only for disciples you get it. The tipping point had come in opposition, Scribes accused him of blasphemy, say He is doing miracles and casting out demons, but with the devils work, own family seeking to bind him. And these followers who had left all - wondering, we know God’s working in him, but why such different responses. Why opposition?
And Jesus says, My way of teaching - reveals unbelief and hardness of heart for those that it bounces off like water with rainex-, or oil on teflon pan. But for those are the insiders for whom parables unfold the secret of the kingdom of God, while for outsiders - the seed is sown just as freely upon them - but for them it just remains a a mystery, intriguing but no real meaning, no real change in their lives. And you hear that the goal, the result, is that if you get this seed parable, get all of them, and slowly but surely - you get the kingdom - you turn are forgiven - inside.
Jesus teaching in parables assumes there will be insiders and outsiders! Which are you? And so interesting that there insiders like Judas who don’t really get become and stay insiders. And there are outsiders, like Jesus own family, mother and brothers - who didn’t get it - but later do and become insiders. And the key is their response to the life giving seed that alone brings the kingdom and the fruit the harvest of the kingdom into your life!
So this morning, preparing for return to in person church, expecting to see God do greater work in us as follow Jesus together, fundamental question is the place of teh life giving sed in your life, and even more the condition of your heart to respond to it. So we’ve got the center part that Mark put in, Now let’s turn to Jesus telling of the parable itself. The Parable is more about the Sower’s Seed, than the soils or the sower.

B. The Parable of the Seed is about how you heed the teaching of Jesus. (Vv. 3-9)

Jesus begins and ends, he frames the parable in the command to Listen to hear to heed. Its the word that God used when he set up that special covenant relationship with Israel, - gave Him His Torah - covenant way - And does anyone know what a Jew recites every morning. Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Deuteronomy 6:4–5 ESV
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
Deut 6:6-7
Deuteronomy 6:6–7 ESV
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Hear - Listen heed me and my words. And this is exactly what Israel didn’t do it, oh they heard the Word, and they tried to respond with some religion back to God - but they didn’t heed the word - didn’t do the justice and mercy - didn't love God and do his word. Isaiah was sent tot hem , Turn and be Forgiven. Isaiah was sent to sow the seed, in a nation of people in rebellion against God - and promised that many would be outsiders and not receive that word , but many would. Jesus quotes Isaiah 6, but Jesus comes teaching not the Torah not rules of religion, but He comes teaching the Word of God, the gospel of the kingdom itself - and calls us not just to see, but to really get it, perceive it; he calls us not just to hear but to really understand the gospel !
That is how the parable begins with the command for all people to Hear the Word of Jesus. It is also at the heart of his instruction at the end: Mark 4:24
Mark 4:24 ESV
And he said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear: with the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and still more will be added to you.
So Jesus tells the story like Jer 29 of God sowing seed. Like Isaiah his goal - is a harvest. But that's not how it happens in every case is it? Let’s see if you get the inner meaning as I re-tell the parable. Jesus takes common everyday 1st century Palestinian farming picture. But if all you hear is a nice story about farming but not he heart of the gospel - we got a problem. Jesus says, to disciples: Receive from God as a gift this ability to tease out of the story the secret of the kingdom.
So Jesus has come going out sowing that seed. But look what happens, though he scatters it everywhere, the way small farmer in Israel - looking for best crop -broadcast: sow vigorously challenging even in Galilee got mountains and rain, thin soil with shallow limestone below. Jesus describes , not four types of soil, but seed that falls on two types: 1. soil that doesn’t produce a harvest at all - three examples of that; and then 2. soil that receives the word and produces a harvest, with three examples. Let’s understand the unproductive soil first. They are described in a devastating progression.
i. The first seed falls and the Gk is clear on soil that is beside the path, the way, the road v.4 . That has been a key word in the gospel. Following Jesus means not only becoming part of the Jesus-circle, but following in the Jesus-way. And this soil is outside of beside the way. Like Isaiah’s listeners - they hear the word but they have no intention of following it, turning. Well what kind of soil is this. Practice in Palestine, that our plowing is for such a different purpose than their plowing. Why and when do we plow? We plow out the field, loosen the dirt, prepare it to receive the seed. We plow then sow, because we’ve got good deep uniform rich soil, and deep plows. But they planted first on the surface, then with shallower plow, kind of like with a stick pocking the seeds into the ground, they plowed after. And this seed along the beside the road, it didn’t get plowed under to grow. So what happens to that seed? Birds of the field, OT picture of Satan feasting on unbelievers, the birds swoop down and pick off that seed before can even begin to take root. We’ll apply that later.
ii. But what is the second example of seed that's unproductive. The ones that fall on rocky ground - and you need to understand this would get plowed in. And you say how - if big rocks in the field. But no thin layer of soil, but here in this part of the field, the limestone shelf - hidden shallow beneath so it has only a little depth of soil. Seed isn’t pushed down too far, and immediately see lots of growth up top, but the contrast is that below the surface hit the limestone and its shallow rooted, and there is growth of the plant in a explosive spurt - on outside looks great, but never going to last - the heat of the sun comes up -this is an outside influence ... and the whole thing withers. Seed at least embeds for awhile this time, that’s a little better, but no growth, no harvest in the end.
iii. And the third set of seeds fall on what kind of soil. What kind of soil is this? Deep enough, seeds gets pushed in very rich soil, but wrapped up with in the plant after a time of growth, really prickly leave shooting up. This isn’t outside influence. It’s trouble from within, not without like the sun. Now though the pant is growing - and though the weed is choking, maybe strangles it maybe not, the key thing is Jesus says when you’re soil reviving the seed like that the critical thing is with that choking from weeds within their is no fruit! The result is though the word is received there is no fruit!
Now those three soils what they do with the seed, it shows they are outsiders and the secret of the kingdom of God not revealed yet to them, and they have no fruit. But though that’s the result of receiving the Word with a hard heart that’s not the goal.
So Jesus concludes his parables with the productive soil. With those who hear & receive and are WITH JESUS, They are part of Jesus Circle walk in the gospel way - gives three examples of soil like that too: Typical good year a farmer counting grains could expect ten hold increase. The Jews said in the Golden Age on earth 10,000, but that’s end of time fruitfulness. But Jesus says seed that fell on good soil produced grain, each way more fruitful , but realistic - 30, 60, and 100 fold. This is the focus of Jesus telling - He is sower of the good seed. And when your heart is the good soil given to you by God together, Imagine the power of that seed in good - all its potentiality exploding in fruit - secret of the kingdom of Heaven produces this harvest in you!
Well now we’v e got the central part of Mark recording the purpose of parables. And we’ve got the key parable, now we must conclude with Jesus application of the parable. Can’t just say I kind of get it, nice story Jesus, sure nice spiritual lesson from earthly picture, but I don’t really get the significance of it in my life, now July 2021 with pandemic winding down. . Like those Proverbs, those riddles, like peppermint turn it over rand over - try it on for size. Like bought a piece of furniture but got to assemble - hundred piece, unusual connectors, - look at the instructions - german, french, Lithuanian - but where’s the English. have the pictures - but can’t really get it with just that. That’s outsiders see don’t perceive, hear but don’t understand. And so Mark records that the way parables work is that when you choose to be part of the Jesus-circle, when you are those who are Jesus bro & mother and sisters - because with him and wanting to do the Will of God revealed in Jesus way. Then by these kingdom truths in parables - Jesus and you assemble the kingdom , produce a harvest by these word!
And that brings us to Jesus explanation of the parable. Now the focus does shift from Jesus as the sower of the seed, to you and I as the soil receiving it. It shifts from Jesus as the bringer of the kingdom of God to you and I, now walking in the way of discipleship

C. The Application of the Parable of the Seed is about Your Reception of the Word & It’s Fruit in your Life (Vv.13-20)

And Jesus does this with a warning and a promise in his explanation. Here are the instructions with the pictures, his is the application to our lives. Instead of just hearing a story about seeds - do you see what God & Satan, and you and Jesus words are doing?
1. Look at the warnings first. Some hear God’s Word sown beside the path! - and its like Windsshield Wiper fluid - rainex - chemical rain dro comes and it just wicks away. Its like Teflon. If you really get this parable see the inner reality of the situation. Jesus is saying, then when you sit down to read your Bible, to hear it at your dinner tables, when the Spirit of Jesus is speaking to the Church in the preaching of holy worship - Some will not let let it penetrate , accomplish the purpose for which it is sent. Hebrews says Word sown like double edged sword penetrates joint and marrow, right to the core of your being atitudes and affections. If you “get” what Jesus is saying to you - understand that Satan and His kingdom of darkness, wants nothing more than to stop God’s word - our catechism says he works consipiracy against it inn our lives, in the church! So when you are sitting there about to hear or read - Satan seeks to influence your thought and affections . That’s soil of your heart beside the way - no time , mind and heart 100 miles away. Don't think that’s just about your interest, every time the Living Word ofGod is opened up - you can bet in the unseen world their is a battle of influence the Spirit of God the work of Satan and the demonic to snatch away, to distract, …
2. But the warning progress, Maybe your heart is like the Rocky soil as the Living Jesus speaks his word into our lives. And you hear the word immediately, experience a time when for a while really turned on, actually taste the things of the Spirit, in a sense awakened, maybe even asked Jesus into your heart, made a commitment, but guess what outwardly and immediately there was response, but inwardly and over the long haul - when life gets busy, and the heat of trials come and its inconvenient, or like Mark’s readers it is going to cost - or there is trouble in the church - shows no root in themselves! This is a symbol of an enthusiastic but unstable heart = one that fails to survive, and endure. False conversion - apostasy! How about in these pandemic - Jesus says not so much sin is messing up there lives, but that they fall away, trip on outward struggles , under pressure they apostatize and they leave Jesus. Warning to those stepped back from Jesus in the middle of this pandemic. Soem realized that and are looking to join you a a Jesus follower!
3. But maybe those two dangers don’t strike you. You must also hear the third warning: Thorny soil. Oh how many of you know the weeds of living with an orientation & affection to things of this world that crowd out the affection the desires for the things of Jesus Kingdom? This isn’t trouble from without that keeps you from receiving God’s word (pandemic, sickness, persecution), but distractions and desires and preoccupation from within. How does Jesus describe it? You come to sit down at Jesus Word, but the care of this world - deceitful tricky desires for riches, and for all other manner of things - they enter in - and though you still rush around doing religious things and being part of the church some way - the word of Jesus is choked out of your day to day life! A weird thing that the WORRIES OF THIS AGE, replace our allegiance & confidence with God - we are seduced away from God. Emoitionally and even money wise - what consumers your life? The result here is that before the LORD proves unfruitful. Jesus Word not changing you its not healing you, its not forgiving and turning you .
I wonder if you can put your finger on the snatching influences of Satan and Word choking habits of your life? What are the the outside troubles, heat of the sun, how about those wandering thoughts distractions preoccupation - on the level not so much of what you think, but what you desire - NA Christians level of debt, preoccupation with health , with nicest homes, run into busyness of work like obsession . You need to hear God saying to you in Jer 4:3
Jeremiah 4:3 ESV
For thus says the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem: “Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns.
Well Jesus is showing seed and there is no indication that these represent proportion . And He leaves with the impression that 3 others types of soil - treats them all together as one - listen to it and let me ask Is this an enigma wrapped still a mystery to you?. What are you doing with Jesus, His Word, Gospel, His teaching? Mark 4:20
Mark 4:20 ESV
But those that were sown on the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.”
DO you get it? parables are not obscure hard to understand little illustrations, not designed to conceal the truth to God’s people, If you really puzzle them out - they are simple to understand, though takes time to figure out and apply to your life. Oh Jesus your kingdom is upside down, runs against my grain, but I see what you are working, and I want that,. But maybe those don’t describe your heart with Jesus Word and Person and Works. Yes in this time of COVID and stay at home orders - different restrictions, felt Stan snatching, maybe let weeds grow up - and maybe content that you are surviving but not producing any fruit, 30, 60 or 100 fold! Maybe as a church pat ourselves in the pack - we’ve maintain, survived got through. But Jesus isn’t content with just surviving. His goal and the purpose He came, He sows is that you and I would bear fruit. Some more than others. None of us perfectly, but supernaturally God's Word at work in us. Disciples are fruitful. Not 10,000 grains of wheat , but beyond what reasonable expect in good year. Jesus says, his disciples receive the secret of the kingdom of God - not immediate and total enlightenment - the disciples still had to puzzle out the parables, trouble applying them. But Enlightenment coming slowly steadily and growing way as Jesus patiently teaches all in living way in his Jesus circle. His Spirit as a gift given to you, grant a capacity to see and perceive and to hear but to really understand - the kingdom of God - this comprehensive program of re-education in the upside down kingdom - let go of living by norms of this world living concsumed by the worries and preoccupation s of this world - and grow like a seed to a strong fruitful - not just plant of grain but a tree , like amountain of the Lord - like a kingdom - blesses others!
Conclusion: H Pera Giants in the Earth
400 Prayers for Preachers May the Seed of Your Word Take Deep Root

Almighty God and most merciful Father, we humbly submit ourselves, and fall down before your majesty, asking you from the bottom of our hearts, that this seed of your Word, now sown among us, may take such deep root, that neither the burning heat of persecution cause it to wither, neither the thorny cares of this life choke it, but that as seed sown in good ground, it may bring forth thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold, as your heavenly wisdom has appointed.

Acoustically: Ever heard of Redrock - or in Auditorium - amazing grace - well - auditorium’s made by the hand of God: Archeologist and Sound Engineer in 1970s...
30’ rock, like boat … Think of a thin slice of pie with its point at the rock and the rim on the shore.) The signal was clear all the way to a road about three hundred feet (one hundred meters) distant that runs east-west between Tabgha and Capernaum. The second experiment involved Crisler’s standing on the rock and breaking balloons while Miles stood at various distances from the shore. Miles clearly detected the bursting balloons—as did everyone else passing along the road during the experiment.
Crisler and Miles initially embarked on investigating whether the natural terrain served as an auditorium with Jesus at the “stage” (the boat) and the crowd in the “seats” (the slopes). But Crisler and Miles unexpectedly found that the reverse also occurred: speech from the “seats” was clearly heard at the “stage.” Crisler explains: For example, two cases, involving U.N. cars, are worthy of particular mention. The first car was on its way to Capernaum. The passenger’s window was down. Suddenly and quite visibly to me on the rock, the car slowed. I couldn’t make out the faces from one hundred meters, but the voices were unmistakable. One said, ‘What’s he doing down there?’ The other answered, ‘I don’t know! He’s just standing there holding some balloons.’
The second car was on its way from Capernaum. The car did not slow perceptibly and it looked to me like there was only a driver. But there must have been a passenger as well or the outburst I heard would have been even more remarkable. It was in German, a language I do not speak. But, what I heard sounded completely comprehensible. It was “Ist ein Baloonist!”
Their experiments demonstrated that natural terrain can act as an outdoor auditorium. No doubt Jesus was aware of this and took advantage of natural features around the Sea of Galilee to speak to large crowds. For example, the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand took place somewhere around the city of Bethsaida (Luke 9:10). The feeding of the four thousand occurred in the Decapolis (Mark 8:1–9; see 7:31). Both locations have excellent acoustical topography. In short, natural amphitheaters exist all along the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and Jesus used them as “public address systems” to teach the crowds.
Perry G. Phillips, “Natural Amphitheaters along the Sea of Galilee,” in Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Gospels, ed. Barry J. Beitzel and Kristopher A. Lyle, Lexham Geographic Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016), 267–268.
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