
Unity In Purpose  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  40:20
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History here at Eastwood - the chicken coop.
When I came in January of 1999, we’d run around 50 - 60. Easter in ‘99 we had around 75 people and we were so excited! The first major remodel of this sanctuary and we were in the Fellowship Hall (pre-walls). And it felt so full!
Through my 22 years here, I’ve seen a lot of incredible things! There have also been challenges, probably the past year and a half have held the most difficulties. But, even in the midst of that, God has shown Himself faithful to us.
There is value in looking back.
To remember is to find strength.
Especially when you look back and you see how God has moved. In your life, the life of your family, the life of this church.
For the Israelites, Joshua was going to take them on a walk down memory land and remind them of God’s presence and faithfulness to them.

Remember how far you have come.

vv. 1-5
Joshua begins with what we might call “redemptive history.” Their story of how God chose them and has consistently rescued them.
He starts this at Shechem. Where Abram purchased property the first time he was in the Promised Land. Beginning of the possession of this special land. He brings them here to remind them where they started and how they arrived where they are.
“Long ago...” Terah. Why? God’s goodness on Terah’s line.
“Then...” Abraham. A plan for him and his family!
“Isaac…Jacob...” Went to Egypt and would experience one of God’s greatest acts of redemption culminating in the fact that God “brought you out.”
Do you ever look back and think about where you came from? Some of you, your journey to Jesus began before you were born. Maybe godly parents who were praying for you before you were born and they raised you in church. Maybe your parents never attended a church and it was another way that God drew you to Jesus. Either way...
God had a plan for you before you were even born.
When children are “surprises” or “accidents.” Really? Regardless of the status, you were neither to God. He loved you before you were born. He had a plan and He is with you today. And as you look back at your journey to Jesus, He was with you every step of the way!

Remember what hardships you’ve endured.

vv. 6-7
Just because God had a plan for Israel, it doesn’t mean that every stop along the way would be easy. Their time in Egypt as slaves. Even as they left in the Exodus and they were pursued by the Egyptian army. Then they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years until they were ready to begin the conquest of the Promised Land “a long time.”
You’re either in a storm right now, you’ve just come out of one, or you are about to enter one.
The beauty of their story is that God was with them in every instance giving them guidance and deliverance.
Oswald Chambers - July 29 MUFHH
Revelation 1:7 ESV
Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.
Read the first paragraph.
Even in darkness God is with you.
Sixth grade field trip in the Alabaster Caverns. Assigned us fourth grader to take care of. Really? Took us down into one part of the cave and they shut off the lights. Flashlight in my pocket. No idea! Until all other sources of light were shut off. Suddenly that dim light in a pocket of a denim jacket was shining like a beacon and caught everyone’s attention! Against the darkness, light was even more apparent.
In our darkest moments, God’s presence is even more apparent. So, when things do get dark, that’s when we need to start looking for the light!

Remember when God gave you victories.

v. 8
The plains of Moab, on the east side of the Jordan River. This is where they would set up to begin their conquest of the Land and move from there across the Jordan to Shiloh. This lead to their most dramatic victory - the city of Jericho. It was a chain of God providing victory to His covenant people! Over and over, as we have talked about, it wasn’t the military might of Israel that brought about these wins but the supernatural work of God.
This is when God doesn’t make you victorious but makes you a victor!
God fights the battles for you that you could never win.
The biggest battle that we fight is against our own sin. We are born with a sin nature! Nobody has to train you how to sin. We come by it quite naturally. We cannot win against our sinful nature.
But, Jesus died to provide that victory. Only by His sacrifice on the cross can we be victors.
Stop fighting the battle and accept the victory.

Remember who God listens to.

vv. 9-12
As the Israelites were moving into the plains of Moab, the king of Moab, Balak, hired a prophet for hire, Balaam, to come and curse the people of Israel. But, instead God placed a blessing in his mouth!
This blessing was not only true for their conquest against these nations on the east of the Jordan, but their victories continued through the Promised Land. All the nations that were named there. He gave them all into the hand of the Israelites. So the false prophet listened to God’s voice, and nature listened as well as the detail of the “hornet” comes up here!
Many of these in Joshua’s audience would remember these battles. And they would be reminded of how closely they came to defeat if it weren’t for the intervention of God.
Yet, it was Joshua God would listen to as He with him on the plains outside of Jericho.
God listens to His children.
What an amazing gift that we have in prayer!
He wants to listen to not just our requests, but our concerns. He wants to listen to our praise and our frustrations. If it’s important to you, it’s important to God.
How we get invested in the things are kids are interested in. Some of you parents are watching Paw Patrol after your kids go to bed. Don’t deny it.
What we care about, God wants you to talk to Him about.

Remember why God is with you.

v. 13
All for the purpose of giving them the land. The fulfillment of the Covenant He made with Abram!
Significance of the Land! They were in a right relationship with God!
He brought them there for the sake of the relationship with them.
Isaiah 7:14 ESV
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
“God with us.”
Jesus came to earth so that we could have our relationship with God restored.
Jesus didn’t come primarily to be a great teacher or to set an example on how to live, although He was.
Mark 10:45 ESV
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Jesus came to restore your relationship with God.


Social media trend of “how it started” and “How it’s going.” Lots of positive things! Started working out or going back to school or new job! And, lots of things of struggle like starting to work out or going back to school or taking a new job.
For us, the marks on the wall as we measure the boys growth and just to see those jumps and leaps every so often. When someone wonders if they’ve grown, they can go back and compare where they currently are with where they were.
As we move forward in our own spiritual growth, it is healthy to look back and to realize how far you’ve come.
Don’t ignore your sanctification!
Celebrate how far you have grown! What you’ve learned! How your character has been conformed to that of Jesus! A desire to serve and confidence in sharing your faith!
God has a plan for you. A plan that started long before you were born. And He will continue to grow you and strengthen you.
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