The Healing Work of Jesus
The Suffering Servant • Sermon • Submitted
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We have been studying in the Gospel of Mark over the past couple of weeks, and we’ve said Mark is presenting Jesus as the Suffering Servant. Last week we saw Jesus begin His earthly ministry. He picked four disciples—all fishermen from the area of Capernaum. You may remember that Jesus called Simon and his brother Andrew. Then He called James and his brother John the sons of Zebedee.
We also saw that Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and began to teach. We saw that the people were amazed! First by His teaching, and secondly by the first miracle that Mark records for us—the healing of a man possessed by an evil spirit.
Last week we ended with verse 28.
News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee.
Mark tells us that the news about Jesus spread like a wildfire! When we come to verse 29, Mark wants to help us understand exactly how fast the word spread.
Today, we want to continue our study of the Gospel of Mark. And I’ve titled this sermon The Healing Works of Jesus. So, if you have your Bibles, I want to encourage you to turn with me to Mark 1, and we’ll begin reading with verse 29.
As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they told Jesus about her. So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them.
Jesus Heals Simon’s Mother-in-Law
Jesus Heals Simon’s Mother-in-Law
Jesus with what appears to be a small band of followers—at least for the moment—leave the synagogue, and they go to the home of Simon.
Mother-in-law Sick
Mother-in-law Sick
Jesus comes into the house and discovers Simon’s mother-in-law is sick. We’re told that she is in bed with a fever.
Now keep in mind, Mark introduced Jesus with a miracle in the synagogue, so now we read, “and they told Jesus about her.” I can’t help but wonder what the actual conversation was like. Mark doesn’t tell us. All we learn is that Jesus was told about Simon’s mother-in-law, and we see Jesus response.
Look at verse 31!
So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them.
Jesus goes to her, takes her by the hand and helps her get up. We’re not told He said anything, we’re not told about any conversation! He simply goes in and takes her by the hand and helps her up. And the fever left—she was healed! And Simon’s mother-in-law began to wait on the group!
When Evening Came
When Evening Came
Look at the next verse.
That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed.
That evening
That evening
Mark wants us to understand that these things all happened together! Jesus cast out the evil spirit, then healed Simon’s mother-in-law. Now it is evening—that evening. . .
After sunset
After sunset
This phrase lets us know that the news spread Galilee all day long, and now, after sunset—as soon as the Sabbath is over, they brought all the sick and demon-possessed to Jesus.
Now look at verse 33.
The whole town gathered at the door,
The Whole Town
The Whole Town
We’re told that the whole town came out to see what Jesus was going to do next! Everyone from Capernaum came and gathered around the door of Simon’s house trying to see what was going to happen—and what happened? Mark tells us in verse 34
and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.
Jesus Healed Many
Jesus Healed Many
Jesus Drove out Many demons
Jesus Drove out Many demons
But Jesus would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.
So here in the first chapter, Jesus’ ministry is off and running! People throughout the area now know about Him! You would think this would be what Jesus wanted. You would think that he would stay right there and keep preforming miracles and teaching. But look at verse 35.
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Time Alone Praying
Time Alone Praying
I can’t help but think that the miracle party lasted late into the night! After all it didn’t even start until after dark!
Off to the Desert
Off to the Desert
Yet, while everyone else was still a sleep, Jesus got up and went off into a solitary place. This is the same Greek word used back in verses 4 and 12. Jesus is back out in a desolate place where no one else is!
Notice what He is doing, He’s praying! The tenths in the Greek suggests He was out there praying for some time—it almost has the idea that Jesus was so wrapped up in communing with God the Father that He lost track of time while he was praying.
When we come to verse 36, we see the response of Simon and the others.
Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!”
They Search for Him
They Search for Him
When is says here they went to look for him—it means they went and hunted Him down—this is not just a casual search! It is a turn the city upside down search for Jesus!
EVERYONE is Looking for You
EVERYONE is Looking for You
That may be true, but these men had just witnessed something that blew them away, and they didn’t want to miss out on being with Him.
Now, you might think this is exactly what Jesus would want! Everyone looking for Him. He had the attention of everyone in the area! But look at Jesus’ response—it is not what we might have expected!
Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.”
To the Rural Areas
To the Rural Areas
Instead of going back to the bigger town of Capernaum, Jesus says he wants to go to the villages—the rural, small, nothing areas so He can preacher there too!
Jesus’ Purpose
Jesus’ Purpose
Jesus tells us that His purpose was to reach out to everyone—not just those in the more populated areas! Mark tells us that Jesus fulfilled this purpose, look at verse 39
So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.
Another Miracle
Another Miracle
Mark introduces us to a man who has a skin disease that made him “unclean.” That meant he could not worship God in the synagogues. It meant he could not be around his family or friends. It meant that No One could touch him, hug him, or have ANY contact with him—he was unclean. Let’s pick up the story in verse 40.
A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.”
Man with Leprosy
Man with Leprosy
This may or may not have been what we know as the medical condition of “leprosy.” This Greek word is used of a number of skin diseases/disorders. However, they would have all made this man, as we’ve said—unclean!
If You are Willing
If You are Willing
This man comes to Jesus without presumption—he doesn’t demand anything of Jesus, but instead humbly approaches Him, saying “If you are willing you can make me clean.”
This conditional phrase suggests the man thought he might have received a “No” answer.
If Jesus was indeed willing, the man might receive a “Yes” answer.
Wants to be Clean
Wants to be Clean
The man’s desire is to be made clean! To be restored!
Jesus’ Response
Jesus’ Response
Look at verse 41!
Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!”
Filled with Compassion
Filled with Compassion
Mark wants us to see Jesus’ compassion—His love! You see, Mark wants us to understand what we—you and I—ought to model! Compassion for those who are hurting!
The Unthinkable
The Unthinkable
Jesus does the unthinkable—he reaches down and touches the man. Remember, anyone who touched this man was unclean. The person would have to go to the priests and make a sacrifice for cleansing. But that is NOT the case here. How could that be?
It’s simple! The goodness of Jesus was passed onto the man, rather than the corruption of the man going to Jesus.
Since you and I are to be imitators of Jesus we can learn a lot from this verse! You see, you and I need to be willing to reach out and touch those around us. Those who are “unclean” today. Yet at the same time, we need to be so strong in our faith that we are far stronger than the corruption in those around us that are hurting.
Jesus is Willing!
Jesus is Willing!
Because of Jesus compassion, and His willingness this man's life was forever changed. This man who could not interact with his family and friends was now clean and could once again be with those he loved. Even more than that, this man was able to once again worship God!
Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured.
Another Miracle!
Another Miracle!
I love that the healing happened immediately! In an instant Jesus radically changes this man’s life! All because of compassion—Jesus’ compassion!
The Warning
The Warning
Jesus sends the man off with a warning. Look at verse 43.
Jesus sent him away at once with a strong warning: “See that you don’t tell this to anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”
Jesus told the man to do two simple things!
1. Don’t tell anyone!
1. Don’t tell anyone!
Jesus tells the man not to tell anyone about his encounter with Jesus!
2. Follow the Law of Moses
2. Follow the Law of Moses
The Law of Moses had prescribed actions that needed to be done for this man to once again be considered “clean.” Jesus tells the man to do follow the prescribed rules!
The Man’s Response
The Man’s Response
Look at what happened! Verse 45:
Instead he went out and began to talk freely, spreading the news. As a result, Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places. Yet the people still came to him from everywhere.
The Man’s Response
The Man’s Response
He talked freely, spreading the news.This man's encounter with Jesus left him so excited that there was no way he could be silent. He HAD TO TELL SOMEONE!
In fact, despite the fact that Jesus told him to keep quiet about the miracle, this man goes out and tells EVERYONE he meets. He's not trying to hurt Jesus, he's simply excited about what Jesus did in his life.
Let me ask you a question: Are you excited about what Jesus has done in your life? Are you so excited that you HAVE TO TELL SOMEONE?
Back to the Desert!
Back to the Desert!
Because of the testimony of Jesus we’re told that Jesus couldn’t enter any town because it would bring so many people into the town.
So Jesus is relegated to lonely places. This is the same Greek word that means desert! Yet, what is amazing is even staying out in the wilderness or desert, the people still came to him from everywhere.
Let’s get practical for a minute! We just looked at a passage in God’s Word that shows the compassion and love that Jesus showed people.
He showed compassion to the man possessed by an evil spirit.
He showed compassion to Simon’s mother-in-law by healing her.
He showed compassion to the multitude of people He healed the night after the Sabbath.
And Jesus showed compassion to a man with leprosy.
Jesus touched lives!
He cared about people, and He cared for people!
He had compassion
—and we are to follow His example!
That means we are to be people of compassion—people who care!
How is your compassion? What do you feel inside when you see someone who is hurting? What do you feel when you see the images of people suffering persecution? What do you feel when you see someone in need? Is it compassion?
As we close this morning, I want to tell you about some needs. We have been talking about the compassion that Jesus showed. I want you to know that there are people who are showing that compassion.
I know many of you are like me. You’ve seen the pictures on TV of the crisis that is going on right now in Afghanistan. And maybe you’re like be, and you’ve said a little prayer here and there, or you have thought how tragic the situation is. Well, I’m there with you. But yesterday, the crisis in Afghanistan became real because I heard a few stories about the evacuation effort that is going on as we speak. I heard about people who need:
These people are fleeing their country—a country that they love. They are fleeing it because to stay would mean death—their death and the death of their entire family.
These are real people. People need our compassion. But some of them need more.
Physical Needs
Physical Needs
Some are wounded physically. They are tired, hungry, and homeless. They have left everything and their physical needs are great!
They Need the Gospel!
They Need the Gospel!
And many of them need to have an encounter with Jesus—they need the Gospel message!
Now you may be like me, and be wondering what can I do? They are so far away. I don’t know any of them. Well, let me begin asking you to pray. Pray for their protection as they come to a new land and begin all over again. Pray for them to come to know Jesus as their Savior.
Pray for the Afghan people that are left behind. Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Christ that if left there will face torture and almost certain death. And pray for the Taliban that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will open their eyes to Jesus!
And finally, pray and ask the Lord this simple question. “Lord, what about me?” “How can you use me to show compassion, to meet their physical needs, and to share the love of Jesus?” With the Afghan people, and with our neighbors! Jesus is bringing the world to our doorstep! He is bring us opportunities to care for others and to share the good news of Jesus with so many people who have never heard His message. Truly the harvest is ready, but the workers are few—so we need to pray to the Lord of the Harvest!