From Death to Life
V. 1-2
Paul says that we were dead in our trespasses and sins that we used to so comfortably live in.
All people are born spiritually dead, and instead of walking with God, we live according to how the world tells us to live. We live the lie of joy that the enemy so readily throws in our face.
There is not a single person that this doesn’t apply to, because even Paul is saying that they used to live like that.
He says that people apart from God just carry out their fleshly desires, carrying out the inclinations of their flesh and whatever thoughts come to their mind.
Paul describes these people, as children under wrath?
Who’s wrath?
It is God’s wrath that we are under, because the reality is when we are still dead in our sins, its not that we just aren’t doing what is right, but the reality of the situation is that we have the wrath of God ready to be poured out on us.
God hates the sin that we so readily perform.
This is the first offensive thing about the gospel and God’s word, because it puts a mirror in front of us and shows us how messed up we really are, and the terrifying reality that is lying in wait for us.
So in reality we should first sit and wonder what hope do I have.
V. 4-7
But God… the greatest words poor sinners could hear.
God, despite how disobedient and rebellious we were and are, has shown mercy and love through Jesus.
God by His grace has made us alive in Christ, and seated with Him in heaven, meaning that God has guaranteed our place with Him, and has given us access to God through Christ.
The reason we can pray, and know that God has saved us and will not let go of us is because of the work of Jesus.
V. 8-9
We are saved by grace through faith, and this nothing that we did, or deserve, but it is completely a gift from God.
Our works can’t make us right with God, and God still shows mercy despite this.
One of the biggest things that this text should make us be is more humble, because to accept what God is saying here is to say that “ I have nothing to offer God, I’m messed up, and deserve punishment, and despite all of this He loves me anyway and has set me free.”
So how do we go on knowing this truth?
God says that we’re his workmanship, and this means that it’s God who’s working to make us more like Jesus, and that He saved us to do the works He has already prepared for us.
So when we’re saved our next step in life is to simply ask God, “what will you have me do?”