Mark Outline Week 1
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Outline 3
Preparing a wedding
Outline 2:
Outline 2:
Preparing for a wedding
Intro: The beginning of a new Age Mark 1:1-2.
the ‘beginning’ unto our own day
‘gospel’ as a good announcement (Election Night)
Jesus from Nazareth, Christ = the messiah
Messiah as rescuer — long awaited
how will you recognize him? (Mal 3:1, Isa 40:3-5, Mal 4:5)
a forerunner is coming
John will testify (prepare the way) for Christ, but who prepared the way for John?
God the father, through the OT
John the Baptizer is the Forerunner
That person is John the baptizer and the one who follows is the Lord, Messiah
John fulfills Mal 3:1, Isa 40, Mal 4:5)
John is the Elijah type
John’s Attire
Jesus’ affirmation.
c. Do we recognize Jesus as the rescuer?
John Prepares the way for the messiah
How John Prepares the way (what does that look like) / The Ministry of John the Baptizer
Preaching repentance for the forgiveness of sins
Repentance = changing allegiance from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light
forgiveness of sins —> being cleansed, washed clean, made new
Matthew: Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand
Bearing fruit in keeping with repentance
“What shall we do?”
John’s baptism was preparatory and new
It was symbolic of a deeper transformation that Jesus would being
baptism of water vs. baptism of the Holy Spirit
Baptism of the Holy Spirit = conversion experience, transformation
Magnifying the Messiah
The messiah is more powerful
The messiah is more worthy
The messiah brings radical baptism (transformation)
John’s calling is our calling
Who prepared the way for you to meet the messiah?
How can we prepare the way for others to meet the messiah?
Closing prayer
Outline 1:
Outline 1:
Winning the Election
The Identify of John
The Ministry of John
repentance — bearing fruit