Changing the norm
Changing the Norm
Changing the Norm
Sometimes we can become so used to our condition that we make it our norm and close the door into believing that God can change the situation.
This man had become so settled into his condition that he sufficed himself with temporary fixes.
During this time it was a custom for disabled people to line the roads leading to a temple or shrine in hope of receiving money.
We saw this before with the blind beggars on the side of the road, the difference was the bible said that when they heard the Jesus was walking by they hollered for his attention to be healed. They understood that they power of God was powerful enough to change their situation. When we show God that we have the faith he is then able to move supernaturally.
His friends placed him there daily, not to help fix his condition, but they pacified it as well. Everyone in his circle was hopeless for his situation to change.
Peep this, If they had been sitting him there for a year, then Jesus must have seen him on more than one occasion.
Imagine, having Jesus in your presence and your still not healed. Could it be that Jesus let this one slide because he knew this would be paramount for the church after his ascension?
He position himself there because he knew that these people cared about how things looked. They liked the appearance that they were being charitable.
Focus on me
Focus on me
This man was so used to being told no or people moving so quickly, that he’s begging but he’s not focused on what’s in front of him.
Sometimes we’re pleading with God and he’s standing right in front of us with the solution.
He asking but he’s looking around for other opportunities. God needs to be our plan A.
Peter had to get his undivided attention.
He’s got the real solution!
He’s got the real solution!
After he gives Peter his undivided attention, he’s looking forward for another temporary fix.
Peter on the other hand, was looking for the solution for his deeper problem.
Peter is showing us a deeper lesson in his text, we may not have what someone wants but we have what they need (the gospel)
Peter pulls out his hand but it was God’s power that lifted the man.
What happened!
What happened!
We learn later on in the 22nd verse that he was forty years old.
This was life changing.
As a child, he could only watch his friends run, leap, and play.
As a Jew, he would have been stigmatized as a recipient of divine punishment for his wrongdoing in the womb or as retribution for his parents’ sin (cf. Ps. 51:5; Luke 13:2; John 9:2).
As a crippled man, he was shunned from the inner courts where other Jewish men found a warm welcome, and he did not have the opportunity to work,[31] a key factor of identity for men.
So it should not surprise us that when he suddenly found himself standing on his own two feet, he did first what he could never do before. He walked, leaped, and undoubtedly ran!
The church is lame!
The church is lame!
We’ve become comfortable with norms.
complacent with how things look.
have no expectation for any real change.
What it will take is for us to focus on him only.
be lifted by his power and bring it into the temple.
Closing prayer/Pray for Cede and John Massey/altar call/ offering
Closing prayer/Pray for Cede and John Massey/altar call/ offering