Inside Out
The “tradition of the elders” is simply the oral, scribal interpretation of the written, Mosaic law. This tradition was later (ca. A.D. 220) collected and reduced to writing in the Mishna. The “elders” were scribes, Pharisees, leaders of synagogues, and revered persons in general.
They were “hypocrites” because they made an outward profession of worshiping God but gave Him no genuine worship from their hearts, the hidden centers of their thoughts and decisive choices
“Corban” is the Greek (and Eng.) transliteration of a Hebrew term used to refer to a gift devoted to God. It was a dedicatory formula pronounced over money and property donated to the temple and its service by an inviolable vow. Such gifts could only be used for religious purposes.
Jesus spoke in a moral not a medical sense. A person is not defiled morally by what he eats even if his hands are not ceremonially washed.
A Jew who ate “unclean” food was defiled not by the food, but by His disobeying God’s command.
The catalog of evil Jesus gave has a strong Old Testament flavor and consists of 12 items.