1 Genesis 11: Preaching/Teaching
EOT-Man willingly tried to become great apart from and while disobeying God. EOS-Wrong success- How man defines success How God defines success To know him and make him known DDS-Each person will evaluate their success by: How am I doing by knowing God and making him known.
Succeeding at wrong things!
“Know God and make God known.“
How do we so easily get caught up in succeeding in the wrong things?
Is success to you the American dream?
Or is success to you loving and knowing God?
1. Pride (1-4).
Pride Usually, excessive self-esteem, together with a looking down on others. On occasion the term may refer to a proper sense of self-esteem and satisfaction in one’s well-being and accomplishments.
We see a prideful action!
They wanted to make their name great instead of God’s.
11:4 a city, and a tower was built in order to prevent people from scattering through the earth, in direct defiance of God’s command (9:1). This tower, unlike ziggurats, which were built for the purpose of worshiping a deity, served these people as a rallying point and symbol of their fame.
Both motive and object were ungodly. God had instructed man to fill the earth (1:28), to spread over the whole planet.