In With the New part 4: A New Definition of Success
Big Idea
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1. Called to FAITH
When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into the deep water and let down you nets for a catch’ (5:1–4, NASB). If there is ever a time when Simon Peter, the rock of the church, exhibits impatience or annoyance at his Master, it is here. He says to him, ‘Master, we worked hard and caught nothing!’ It is almost as if Simon Peter is looking at Jesus and saying, ‘Jesus, when you speak to us about the things of God we hang on your every word. But give us a little bit of credit! Maybe we are not great rabbis, but we know about fishing. We’ve let down those nets a hundred times and we can’t even catch a minnow!’ But Peter reluctantly acquiesced to the command of Jesus, ‘But, at your bidding I will let down the nets.’ It is as though Simon Peter is humouring Jesus.