Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
I hope you understand that the Gospel of Jesus Christ and change everything in your life.
Have you been saying?
Jesus and everything in your life.
You see that song in the messaging that song says this? Jesus is enough.
The gospel is enough.
We can try to find Salvation in other realm.
We can try to be some satisfaction in the thing of life.
But it's only Jesus that can do it all and I hope and pray this morning that Jesus Christ is the Lord and savior of your life in the keeper of your.
So what advice you this morning during the 2nd.
Timothy chapter 3 will read the first 5 versus but I really want us to deliver adverse 5 this morning.
I want to speak to you on religion vs relationship, religion vs relationship and 2nd, Timothy chapter 3 outline.
What the last days are going to look like?
And I think he can be a checklist for if we look at this package in previous messages in passing, but I really want us to look at verse 5 in, what things are going to look like in the last decade, 2nd Timothy 3:1, this snow also.
That in the last days, perilous times shall come of their own selves?
It boasters proud, blasphemer is disobedient to parents, unthankful on hopefully without natural affection trucebreakers, false accusers, and chocolate.
Fierce despisers of those that are good trainer, headache, lovers of pleasure, more than lovers of God.
Now then we come to verse five and he says this having a form of godliness.
But denying the power thereof from such turn away.
And so we see that the Bible makes us aware that.
In the last days, there will be those who are living under a false sense of hope concerning their salvation.
There are those who will have the form of godliness, but not have the power of God in their life.
And we see that in the first Universe there.
We can see the check will if we can make about our world today, we got one by one and we can say, yeah, that that's up me today.
You have today.
Yeah, that's happening today.
All of this is setting the stage obviously for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
And when that time comes, we need to understand if not going to be a form of godliness is the religion of a man that's going to make us right before God.
It's going to be a relationship that we have in Jesus Christ.
Did anybody answer the Visas crisis going to fall short of that reconciliation that we need?
You see the sequel?
People will turn others away from the true yet.
Convinced them that they are safe in Jesus Christ, the goal of this message, this morning is to make sure that you know that you're safe by grace in a relationship with Jesus Christ and not because of some religious.
Or that we text.
I want you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt.
When you leave here this morning, but my soul rest in peace, that the gospel has changed everything in your life.
Jesus has changed everything in your life.
You please, Satan desires.
This to give people a false.
Hope of the leaving that you're secure and cry because of their faith, in the religion of man, rather than in the relationship with run.
Wake me up a lot of religion throughout the world today.
We see a lot of religious rituals being carried out today.
The ladies and gentlemen, we don't know Jesus.
That doesn't mean Those religious at praying Church, attendance.
Those are all good thing.
But if we don't have a personal relationship Christ, the son of God, the Redeemer of man, the one that came to save the people from their sins, if we don't know him.
Personally, you and I are not made, right?
Play Satan desires that there would be this form of godliness.
But no one would really know the power of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
You see you this morning is are we just being religious and that's what we based our Salvation on it or are we actually engage in a personal relationship with Tron?
I believe there's three important questions that every one of us must ask to determine whether or not.
We're truly saved by the grace of God and to resolve the issue.
Am I walking with Christ or am I just simply going through the motions?
Am I just being religious?
You see my prayer.
Is that our Salvation rest in that walk with Christ?
And so the first question is, this is our faith in service to God, out of obligation or out of gratitude.
You see all the gation is man's away and trying to seek approval from God, through religion.
But God's way of pursuing, man, is through that of the Cross of Calvary and what Christ did for us, man throughout the world lyrics thousand.
A world religion that we could go through and we can read about it.
We could study.
And most of those religion is man's way of trying to reach the pursuit of trying to gain his favor, and gain his approval.
And I think if we can just do this or we can do that or we can pull this sandal or push that button that will please God.
But ladies and gentlemen, only thing that pleases God if what Christ did it for cross and when we acknowledge that in our repentance in Mooresville Christine You and I can only be saved because God pursued, you God for Sue me all world religion.
Or man's way of getting to God.
God came to us and made himself accessible through the cost of town.
You see what just simply for taking a ritual, doesn't equate for the intimacy with God.
Let me give you an example of religion, over relationship.
Religion is a guy who is thinking about honey, while he's sitting in church, but a relationship is a guy hunting on Saturday thinking about Job, do we just come to church to fill the few, to feel the obligation?
Where are the live or so, we got to go to church?
No, he ain't got to go to church, ladies and gentlemen, you want to want to go to church.
You are the one being his house.
You Oughta, think about him not just on Sunday, but we ought to think about them every single day, and it's in a relationship with God.
For the Christ, have got on his mind and got on his heart.
He goes, where it is.
It is my prayer that we serve from a place of Thanksgiving at a heartfelt devotion for what Christ has done and what Christ is doing in our life and we all need to be thankful of what is to come.
Jesus Christ.
We knowing.
If we loving and if we've accepted him, then we stand before he one day, he's not going to look at how many perfect Sunday, School attendance.
Then we have he's not going to look at how many boxes we have on the Shelf.
He's not going to look at all these other things that we call religious, what?
He's going to look.
It says the blood of Christ cupboard arsene.
That is the difference between religion and a relationship with God.
The second question.
Is this Chan religion satisfy the need for reconciliation in order for us to be reconciled to God.
We got to understand the need for reconciliation.
We got to understand that God created Man In His Image, but Adam and Eve fell in that Garden in, from that moment of Disobedience.
There was a separation from God and the guy didn't leave us that way.
I provided a way, they can be reconciled that we can be justified that what you think later, right?
And it wasn't true religion.
It was through his son, Jesus Christ.
It's the one we look at 10 religion satisfy.
The need for reconciliation answer is 600.
Religion cannot satisfy the need.
Only the blood of Jesus Christ can satisfy that need a man.
This week with his family, with his wife and his kids.
He began to enjoy the services.
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