The Advent of Messiah brings many blessings
Portraits of Faithfulness at Christmas • Sermon • Submitted
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Believers can have inner peace by reflecting on the Nature of Messiah (Luke 1:31-33, 35)
Believers can have inner peace by reflecting on the Nature of Messiah (Luke 1:31-33, 35)
Explanation: Gabriel shows up at Mary’s house unannounced and informs her that she is going to be the mother of the Messiah. He also tells her that this child will not have an earthly father. Gabriel declares that she is going to supernaturally conceive this child through a miraculous moving of the Holy Spirit.
Let’s remember that while Mary is betrothed to Joseph, she is probably still in her teens and has not known a man. It may have taken some time to sink in, but at some point she realizes that no one is going to believe her story. This becomes evident when she tells Joseph and he doesn’t believe her. He thinks she is lying and is planning on divorcing her until the Angel straightens him out (Matt 1:18-21)
Argument: Mary most likely thought long and hard on what the Angel told her. It did not sink in at that moment because her response to Gabriel indicates that she is confused. But just as she later treasured the words and events of His birth in her heart and reflected at length upon them (Luke 2:19), it is very likely she thought much on what Gabriel had said concerning the nature of her son. We would do well to reflect and consider them as well:
Jesus is Savior (v. 31)
Jesus is Savior (v. 31)
Gabriel tells Mary that she is going to have a Son. Modern people think we are really something with our technology, and it has grown much in the area of natal care. Ultrasounds are now available in 3D/4D and the results are rarely wrong. Being as God is the Creator of all life, it is not difficult for Him to tell if a baby is going to be a boy or a girl. This is the Ultimate Gender Reveal and it must have been exciting.
Not only does Gabriel tell Mary her firstborn will be a boy, he provides the name. One less thing Joseph and Mary have to decide before they leave the barn! The Name of Jesus is no small matter. As Danny Akin points out in one of his commentaries, “ ‘Jesus’ is the Greek form of the Hebrew name ‘Joshua’ which means ‘the Lord is Salvation.’ It is his human name he was given at birth and which identifies him as totally human.” (NAC, Vol. 38, 1,2,3 John, Daniel Akin, p. 167) [Jesus is His personal name; Lord is his title; and Christ is His Office. ]
Mary is informed that her human son will also be the long-awaited Savior. She is going to be the Mother of the Messiah!
Jesus is King of an Eternal Kingdom (v. 32)
Jesus is King of an Eternal Kingdom (v. 32)
Not only was Mary going to have a son who would be a Savior for His people, this child was a king of a Kingdom that would have no end. In the Jewish history, Joshua was a type of Savior - he was used of God to deliver the people into the promised land. Mary could have been thinking in those terms, but Gabriel told her Jesus would be more - Jesus was the King of the Eternal Kingdom.
Mary was living as a subject of the Roman Empire. At the time of Jesus’ birth, Rome had been the world power for hundreds of years. Gabriel lets her know that Rome’s power won’t last, but that Jesus will be King forever.
NOTE: We live in uncertain times. The global situation is in political turmoil and there is war and rumor of war. No one living can predict what we will face in the next 5 years in terms of war, famine, or pestilence. The believer, however, can find peace by looking up at the Eternal King who is in control of the Cosmos.
Jesus is God Incarnate (v. 35)
Jesus is God Incarnate (v. 35)
Not only does Gabriel tell her she will have a Son who will save His people and rule as King, he tells her that her fully human son will also be fully God. Her son Jesus will be the God-Man, the Creator who enters His own creation. This was always God’s plan from the beginning, but this is earth-shaking news of the greatest magnitude. Yes, the Jews were looking for Messiah, but they were thinking in terms of another man like Moses, or Joshua, or King David. No one understood that God Himself was taking on human flesh in order to bring Glory to the Father by serving as the Ultimate Deliverer - the ONLY One who could save from the power of sin!
Application: Like Mary, we can reflect on the nature and reality of Jesus. We have the tendency to look around us at the circumstances of life in a fallen world and we get fearful and discouraged. Instead, we CAN reflect on who Jesus is and what He has done, and what He continues to do.
Believers can obey God without achieving understanding (Luke 1:34, 38)
Believers can obey God without achieving understanding (Luke 1:34, 38)
Explanation: Mary was confused and probably overwhelmed by the news that Gabriel gave her. Her first response was a question that revealed she did not comprehend what she was hearing. “How will this be? (v. 34). It is important to see the distinction between her honest question of trying to understand and the response of unbelief from Zacharias. Mary is not rejecting the Angel’s message, she simply doesn’t understand and is seeking wisdom
Gabriel answers her question and gives her an incredible insight into the nature of Jesus. Theologians refer to this as the Hypostatic Union, a unique situation of two distinct natures in the same person - fully God and fully Man. With the complete revelation of God contained in both testaments this teaching still remains beyond full comprehension of mortal men.
Argument: Mary does not fully understand yet she is obedient. Her response is “i am the servant of the Lord, let it be as you say.” Mary’s response remains a model for modern believers in that she chooses to follow the revealed will of God even without full comprehension.
Application: The believer’s path to peace is to trust and obey. You don’t have to have all the pieces to the puzzles, you don’t require the finished blueprint to obey God. Put yourself in the role of a day-laborer on a big construction job. He or she simply works to fulfill the assignment.
Believers are to respond to the Advent of the Messiah with Praise (Luke 1:46-55)
Believers are to respond to the Advent of the Messiah with Praise (Luke 1:46-55)
Explanation: Following the encounter with Gabriel Mary leaves Nazareth for three months to spend time with her relative Elizabeth. Gabriel had just informed her that Elizabeth was also experiencing a miraculous pregnancy - not to the degree of her’s, but it was still amazing for an older, barren woman to have a child. Mary decides to go spend some time with her.
When she arrives, Mary encounters another miracle. Mary knew that Elizabeth was pregnant because Gabriel told her, but Elizabeth would have no way of knowing that Mary was pregnant. When Mary greeted her, however, Elizabeth’s baby in the womb leaped at the sound of Mary’s voice.
[That statement also has much to say about life in the womb!]
God supernaturally revealed to Elizabeth that Mary was pregnant with the Messiah. Notice that Elizabeth understands that Mary’s baby is already blessed, and further, she understands that that baby is her, Elizabeth’s Lord! What a miracle of revelation!
Mary responds to this with a wonderful song of praise to the Lord God. With her heart and with her mouth she magnifies and praises the Lord. She recognizes His holiness, His mercy, His ability to control events on the earth, and His faithfulness to His promises.
Application: The response of a grateful heart is praise. We CAN praise Jesus for what He is doing. We CAN praise God for the blessings He has given. We CAN worship Him regardless of disappointment, heart-ache, or physical illness. God is worthy of our praise because He is Awesome and Magnificent.
What a privilege for us to tell others about Jesus!