1 John 18-29

1 John   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Be aware of Antichrist. They can cause great damage. Don't leave the foundation truth of your salvation. Allow the Holy Spirit to minister the truth to you.

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Review of 1 John ..... Two Traps 1. The World (Be careful what you value) 2. False Teachers (Be careful who you listen to)

Be Aware of Antichrists

In the World, Not of Us (vv. 18-19)
Without the Holy Spirit (v. 20)
Liars, Denying the Father and Son. (vv. 22-23)
The Bible Knowledge Commentary (B. In Light of the World’s Allurements (2:15–17))
The writer was not dissatisfied with the spiritual state of his readers. Much less did he question or doubt their salvation,... On the contrary, his readers may even be viewed as having matured in the faith. John wrote precisely because their present state was so good. But he wished to warn them about dangers which always exist, no matter how far one has advanced in his Christian walk.
Review verses 15-17
Moves from the dangers of loving the world to following false worldly teachers who were of the world.
Gnosticism: a second-century heretical Christian movement that taught that the material world was created and maintained by a lesser divine being, that matter and the physical body are inherently evil, and that salvation can be obtained only through an esoteric knowledge of divine reality and the self-denial of physical pleasures.
Myers, Jeff. Understanding the Faith: A Survey of Christian Apologetics (Understanding the Times) (p. 107). David C Cook. Kindle Edition.
Gnosticism taught that the world was made by a lesser divine being and that the material world and body were intrinsically evil. Because Jesus’s appearing in a body would have corrupted his ministry, gnostics believed that Jesus was merely a spirit who appeared to be human. Gnostics taught that our main problem is ignorance, not sin, and that it is possible to gain “special knowledge” leading to salvation for those clever enough to decode it.
Myers, Jeff. Understanding the Faith: A Survey of Christian Apologetics (Understanding the Times) (p. 108). David C Cook. Kindle Edition.

Be Aware of Antichrists

Read verse 18 - 19
These verse indicates they are In the World, but not of us.
v. 18 The antichrist comes during the last hour. - (From the time of Jesus death to the return of Christ.)

The readers knew about the predicted advent of the Antichrist and needed to be alerted to the appearance of many who would display his traits of hostility toward God’s Christ. This is a clear indication that history has entered a climactic era: the last hour.

Hebrews 1:2 “but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.”
2 peter 3:3 “knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires.”
Jude 1:18 “They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.””
v. 18 There are many of them.
v. 18 They are here now.
Read verse 19
The evidence of their not being “of us” is that they did not remain but went out. What does is mean they went out?
v. 19 “They went out from us” and “Not really of us”-
“Us” contrasts with the “you” in 2:20–21, which referred to the readers. It does not make sense that the false teachers had left the churches to which the readers belonged. If they had, how were they still a problem? On the other hand if, like the legalists of Acts 15, they had seceded from the apostolic churches of Jerusalem and Judea, then they were a particular threat to the readers because they came to them claiming roots in the soil out of which Christianity arose. Thus John was eager to deny any connection with them. Walvoord, J. F., & Zuck, R. B., Dallas Theological Seminary. (1985). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 891). Victor Books.
v. 19 “for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us. ” -
This leaving demonstrated their disharmony within the apostolic circles. People don’t tend to separate from churches or groups they are in agreement with. John language here seems to be indicating that this is not a separation a difference of personal preferences, but rather a doctrinal separation.

The writer’s point was that these men did not really share the spirit and perspective of the apostolic circle, for if they had their secession would not have taken place.

Christian’s hope of protection against the antichrist/false teachers.
Read v. 20
v. 20 They don’t have the anointing from the Holy One. They are Without the Holy Spirit
It would seem that the anointing the believers have from the Holy One is the Holy Spirit. (Refer to verse 27) Here in this verse the “anointing” is seen as a person given to us by Christ....[Pause] Prior to Christ death, Jesus promised his disciples said he would send the helper. This we understand to be the Holy Spirit. We today still have this same hope. Once we have received Jesus Christ is our personal savior, we have the Holy Spirit.
They are In the world, but not of us, They are without the Holy Spirit. Beyond these things, there is something that even further defines these antichrist.
Read vv. 21-22
They are are Liars who Deny the Father and the Son
vv. 21-22 They do not speak the truth concerning Jesus Christ.
This then really become that which defines the antichrist. They deny the Son.
They lie concerning the Son. They deny that Jesus is the Christ. (Messiah, the chosen one of God.)
Read vv. 22-23
vv. 22-23 They do not have the Father nor the Son.
They deny the Father and the Son. It is impossible to say that they have the Father while denying the son. If you deny the son you deny the Father.
Don’t live in willful ignorance of their existence (Illustration: Among Us) and the danger they cause. Teach others of their existence and let them know they potential danger they can cause.
Illustration: Beware of Dog

Beware of Antichrist

(Damage they cause)
vv. 21-22 They do not know the truth, yet they promote their teachings as truth.
They use lies/deception to promote a false truth. Possibly they do it in ignorance and/or they may do it for personal gain.
What they say may sound very good. It may fit into our cultural understanding of the the world around us. It may even be a positive message. But, if is is not rooted in God’s world and in the person of Jesus Christ, it is empty and without depth. I does not promote the eternal.
Such teaching may get us to put our hopes in the world things. It may get us to focus on the things of this world, rather than the things eternal. While we are in this world we ought to be good stewards of how we live. This includes our family, friends, job, politics, But this is not where we put our ultimate hope. For John reminds us in v. 17, “the world are passing away, and also it’s lust; But the one who does the will of God lives forever.”
Certainly there is much more that can be said about these false teachers, however, the point here is that John wanted his readers to be aware and beware of them. He wanted them to know they are out there and the have the potential for great harm. And most importantly, that his readers needed to be firm in the truth, that is, they need to be abiding in the truth. Only then can they be able to sort out the lies and deceptions in the world.

Be Abiding in the Truth

You know the truth
Let the Truth Abide in you
Receive the Teachings of the Holy Spirit
vv. 21-22 You do know the truth
It is possible that John was writing this to reassure his readers that indeed they do know the truth. What they had previously received was truth not to be confused with the lies that the Antichrist or promoting.
Prov. 28:5 “Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it completely.”
John 14:25-26 ““These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”
1 Cor. 2:15 “The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one.”
What they had heard concerning the Son was true. Their faith is not build on lies and deception but truth. I was right that they confessed of the Son as Savior.
Your fellowship is with the Father and the Son. (see 1:1-4 specifically v.3)
You know the Truth now… let the truth abide in you.
Let the truth “abide” in you.
Read vv. 24-25
let the truth abide/remain in you. In doing so you will have fellowship with the Father and Son.

John’s point was that if the readers would resist the lies of the antichrists and let the truth they had heard from the beginning “abide” (or “be at home”) in them, they would continue to “abide” in the fellowship of God the Father and God the Son.

The great news for the original readers as well as us is that if we have have accepted the truth, if we have accepted the Son as our savior, we have an abiding fellowship with the Father and Son.
John brings this point home even more so in v. 25
Read v. 25
John wants them to know they their eternity was secure if they have accepted the truth. It is not something that could be lost. Since they know the truth, because they have received the Holy Spirit they could rest in this divine promise.
Read v. 26
It is seems clear from this verse that either these false teachers had brought confusion, or John fear that they might bring confusion into the lives of his readers. One of the areas they might bring confusion was in the area of one’s eternal destiny. John wants to put bring clarity to this possible confusion, and put this matter to rest. In fact, he reminds them once again that they have recieved the Holy Spirit.
You know the Truth now… let the truth abide in you.... and now Receive the Teachings of the Holy Spirit
vv. 20, 27 Receive the Teachings of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit then becomes the protection that we have against false teachers. One of the ministries that we see that the Holy Spirit has in the life of the believer is that he continues to teach the believers truth. We know that the Holy Spirit aids the believer in his understanding of truth when they spend time studying and meditating on the word of God, which is truth.
They don’t need to listen to any teaching that would be contrary to the teaching they had already received. It may be that in John say these these that his is addressing a spiritually mature audience. Therefore, because they are spiritually mature they could rely on work of the Holy Spirit in their lives to lead them into truth rather than looking to some so call spiritual elite to show them the way.
What does this mean for us today?
God wants us to know truth
He has given us a warning against those who would lead us away from truth
We should not get caught up listening to voices that cause us to put our focus and hope on the things of this world. These voices have the potential of drawing us away from God and His truth. When we put our primary focus on anything other than God, who He is, and the hope He offers, we will hurt our joy and fellowship with Him.
God wants to abide with us. He wants fellowship with us.
He has revealed truth to us through his Son, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
He has revealed his truth to us through his word
We can have confidence in our eternal destination.
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