Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Behind every
You know
You’d like to change your husband
Universal principles that are applicable to many areas of life are contained in this passage
These work in changing relationships
The Scriptures never said your husband is Christ - he is finite
He is not Christ
Sinful, imperfect, finite and so are you
It’s not that he must be Christ incarnate to obey and respect him.
Usually in the minds of men and women alike there is an imperfect balance of responsibilities and expectations.
Unconditional love
and Unconditional respect are both necessary in a marriage
Every wife here knows there are things about your husband that are imperfect
There are aspects of his leadership that have imperfections
Your husband is not perfect like Christ
Your husband’s headship is not like the leadership you find in Christ - it will always be flawed.
Your own (imperfect) husbands
AS unto the Lord
Children your dad is flawed
Wives your husband is flawed
In everything - that’s disturbing is it not - that’s what God says not me.
Your allegiance is to Christ first, then to your husband
This only works if a wife submits supremely to Christ.
Our spouse is never to come before Christ
Because my wife submits to Christ first, she is able to submit to me and to the lifestyle that God has placed us in.
These things are impossible without God’s help.
Must be done in God’s Spirit
Must be accomplished in the fulness of the Spirit
The church is the bride of Christ
Marriage is a picture of a spiritual truth God is trying to communicate to people.
When you put your husband before the Lord, you will have no patience for any flaws in his character.
This is where irritation comes from
If you put your husband before the Lord, you will have no patience for his inconsistencies.
Your husband was never created to meet all your needs.
- You have needs that only the Lord can fulfill
If you make your husband a source of all your needs, you have made him an idol
When you make Jesus
When a wife puts her husband before the Lord, the husband’s failures will look worse to her than her bitterness towards him.
Bitterness is still sin, isn’t it?
Bitterness is
His past failures will be magnified above your failure to forgive and forbear him, if you have placed your husband before the Lord.
Men and women think differently
Men have a different language than women
Women speak a different language than men
You must be submitted to the Lord first in order to be equipped to help your husband develop into God’s purpose for his life.
You do have a role in helping your husband be conformed into the image of Christ.
You will not be able to fulfill that purpose if Christ isn’t first in your life, ladies.
You are not the chisel or hammer as God forms your husband into the image of Christ, you are the tender hand and kind voice that God can use to help your husband be all he can be for God.
If you see flaws in your husband, it is wonderful to pray God would work to form Christ’s Character in him.
If you desire to help your husband with character flaws or imperfections, it’s important to seek that with respect and helping him as your head.
A wife that is Holy Spirit led and grace filled can transform a marriage.
Eph 1 - 5 teaches that transformation comes from the Holy Spirit of God
The answer to every conflict in life is the Holy Spirit of God
Walking in the flesh makes every relationship worse including marriage.
Spirit filled life produce grace
Humility and meekness produces
anger, bitterness, pride
I believe not only wives can but should make appeals to their husband in meekness
Just like a church appeals to The Lord Jesus through prayer - the wife through meekness makes an appeal to a husband
Areas of betterment in the marriage
Before you take things to your husband to change, you need to take those things to the Lord and receive His power and guidance and grace to take appeals to your husband.
We must trust God and make appeals to God first
Regardless of who it is, we shouldn't approach anyone with a problem unless we’ve first taken our questions to the Lord and asked for His wisdom, leadership, power
We all need to grow and change, right
Your goal as a wife is to help your husband reach his potential
As you help your husband reach his potential, you reach your potential
Wives - you want to see your husbands change, grow, reach his potential
Areas of conflict
Private prayer closet, you bring it to the Lord
Watch God preform the miracle - there will be change
your voice will be in harmony with God’s Spirit
We cannot operate in attacking, condescension, anger, stonewalling
How can I help my husband the wife says?
Sins, temperament, attitude, problem
We look in God’s word
These scriptures have to do with all relationships
Spiritual - you must be spiritual; that is a prerequisite
Spirit of meekness - Sprit of humility absence of anger
Consider yourself - think about your sins, inconsistencies,
Write down all your flaws - we are all
You must have humility
God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble
Can husband and wife talk about setbacks, discouragements, problems without it turning into a huge fight - the answer is yes but it must be done
Spiritual - you must be spiritual; that is a prerequisite
Spirit of meekness - Sprit of humility absence of anger
Consider yourself - think about your sins, inconsistencies,
You must have humility
God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble
You must be spiritual
This concept applies
Don’t talk bad about your spouse
Don’t talk bad about your wife
Don’t talk bad about your Husband
I have a lot of flaws - I deal with my flesh just like you have to deal with your flesh
Read Bible
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9