Spirit Enabled Leadership
Saul is enabled by the Holy Spirit to lead the Tribes in a decisive victory.
What kind of person is best able to involve others and himself in good decision making? J. Keith Louden lists seven qualities:
1. The ability to look ahead and see what’s coming—foresight.
2. Steadiness, with patience and persistence and courage.
3. A buoyant spirit that in spite of cares generates confidence.
4. Ingeniousness, the ability to solve problems soundly yet creatively.
5. The ability to help others.
6. Righteousness, the willingness to do the right thing and speak the truth.
7. Personal morality of a quality that commands the respect of others.
The New Testament speaks of Christians being both indwelt and filled by the Holy Spirit. There is a difference between the two.
Through its wiring system a building may be indwelt by electricity. It is filled with its power only as it is allowed to work through electrical appliances: light bulbs, motors, and the like.
At the moment of regeneration the Christian is indwelt by the Holy Spirit (see John 14:17). But the individual is filled by the Spirit when he yields his life to the Spirit’s direction and power. If you wish to be filled with the Holy spirit, you must yield your body, your total self, to Him that He might work in and through you.