The calling of Diaspora
Dear brothers and sisters, friend. It was a very long time ago, since I first came back to Australia, to start a new life. For me, it was when I was in year 11. There were two main reasons when I remember, first for me to explore the world, to do something different from what I’ve done so far. Second, I thought my family would be moving here, though it didn’t turn out. And so I guess my life has been greatly impacted by that decision. New friends, new church, new trajactory of life. And a lot of you here has kind of a similar story. You kind of took a big step of faith to come to this place, to start a new chapter of life. It might be push factors, or pull factors. And still there are those who are recently done that, just want to see those who have immigrated, or coming back to Australia for good for the past three years? Can I see a show of hands? If I haven’t, just want to say welcome again.
But no matter what reason we came here for, a lot I heard for bigger space, for kids, for weather, for more freedom, it might know there is a deeper meaning after you settle down. You might think there is another reason why you have settle down here, or for Christians why God put you here. For some, an encounter with God, to be able to know Jesus and believe in Him. For otherse, a new hobby, a new career, a new family.
We see migration as well in Acts, since Stephen was killed back in chapter 7. The main push factor of a migration is persecution. They life was threatened, their beliefs have been opposed by the Jews, their core values in Christ is not recognized. But as they moved on, as they migrated to these new places, they found a new purpose. They need to bring the gospel to these areas that they now reside. Acts was saying that was the calling of Diaspora.
Maybe you haven’t heard of this word Diaspora, it was a social science vocab that was used in the 1800 and was actually originatted in Bible where the Isarel needs to scatted after the exile of Babylon. It meant a scatted population whhose origin lies in a separate geographic locale, With the globalization of the world, nearly 4% of the total population are dispora, and the largest group includes Indian, Mexican and Chinese, with CHinese more than 10 mil.
While there may be negative connotation to those who are Diaspora, some being not welcomed in the new place, being second class citizen, conflict from the rest of the population, as times move on to 21st century we see a lot of positives amongst the Diaspora. Some being that they are adapative people as they need to adjust quickly, they are more flexible culturally as they need to live in two cultures, they are more open as they need to adjust to the new location they are in. In some way, these qualities helped built maybe the most famous church in the New Statement time. Of course, it was God’s word and the Holy Spirit working which is unstoppable, but it is also these diaspora who are faithful that are slowly fulfilling the Great Commission of gospel to the ends of the world.
In a lot of ways, CABC is similar to Antioch. We are both a diaspora group, moving from an origina place to a new place. We both reside in a large, multicultrual, commercial hub city. We are the largest city in Australia, while Anitoch is the third largest city in Rome Empire, with around 600000 inhabitants. Only Alexandria and Rome were larger, with Greeks, Syrians, Jews, Arbs, Egyptians, Indians making up the population. Many different religions reside. In some way, both places need the gospel desperately, the Antioch who doesn’t know Christ, us Australian here who know Christ but probably have forgot about Him. And so, may God today use this passage to teach us, the calling of Diaspora. Let’s pray.
Faithful to Preach
Faithful to Preach
There are four things that this dispora did, in a way that distiniguish Antioch and gave it such a promiment place in New Testament. And while God’s spirit work in mysterious, we in responsd are to be faithful. First, faithful in preaching.
Acts 11:19-21 “Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to no one except Jews. But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who on coming to Antioch spoke to the Hellenists also, preaching the Lord Jesus. And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed turned to the Lord.”
It’s interesting that one of the events that look like bad, God actually uses for his purpose. The first matryon has happened when Stephen was killed be throwing rocks. And so Christians were scared, scared for thier life, they flee Jerusalem, and as they go, they might unintently fulfill the great commision, to the ends of the world. Let’s look at the map.
See how the movement is upwards. Phoencia and Cyprus is up here and in this little island. And then Antioch. But this passage highlight two interesting points is the spread of gospel. First, it was that none of these people are apostles or leaders. They are anoyomous , they are if you could use the term lay person. The preaching of the gospel is not a professional movement, but a movement of the whole people of God. Some of the most significant work for the kingdom, especially this has been done by unknown witness who are just obedient and faithful to Christ right where they are and where they do not attract any attention. Every brother and sisters, for our task is to be faithful to what calls us to do.If that does not put our name forward on earth, that should not bother us, because we are to please only one Master, to say “well done”.
Second, speical thing is some of these who follow Christ and not from Jerusalem, did not only preach to Jews but also spoken to Hellenist also. What does it mean by Hellenist, in contrast to Jews before, it most likely Greek-speaking Gentiles. In the context of the whole narrative, it is first Philip, then Peter starting to understand that salvation is for all, but here, this is the first place where church and lay people are starting to really follow God’s great commisson, to preach the gospel to non-Jewish speaking, not Jews. Gentiles, people of the Greek world. And when that happens, we see God’s sovereinigthy, human response in perfect hamroy. The hand of God with them, many turned to believe in Jesus.
Illustrate: In a way, CABC is also in past faithful to preach. Not only do we sepak to those who are Cantonese, the Lord in the past 10 years, through many prayers, set apart one group of people who are anoyomous, to speak to those who speak in Mandrian. Still remember this conversation with Rev Su, they prayed for four-five couple to be involved in this work of Mandrian ministry. And God provided. And in the past, we do not only have those who turned to Christ, but those who are sent out to be missionaries and pastors in Mandrian congregation. I was blessed to be worked there one year, as a student obersever. Still remember this old brother, his sharing, trying to use very bad Mandrian to speak to those coming from Mainland CHina, so a lot of night, he is watching Mandrian TV, scraficing a lot of time, so that they are able to reach these people
CABC now we have not change, our mission statement is following JEsus, building community, brining hope. We have an even bolder vision from God, to bring hope to all those in the community around here, to people speak many languages but have came to Australian to call them home. To cross cultural barreirs to reach all those who need Jesus Christ as he is the only Saviour of the world. Will you join us, Will you follow the footsteps of Antioch and past CABC.
Is there that one person, today let’s pray for him/her.
Will you join one of the outreach activities, one prayer meeting, one training activities?
But not only Antioch is faithful to preach, it is faithful to embrace.
Faithful to Embrace
Faithful to Embrace
Acts 11:22-24 “The report of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. When he came and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose, for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people were added to the Lord.”
We now then turn from Anoyomous believers to Baranabas, from Antioch back to Jerusalem. So all these news came to the mother church. Jerusalem like what Peter did in 8:14, would like to investigate what is happening and discerning if all this is God’s view. And When Barnabas arrivedand saw wha the grace of God had done, he was glad.
Let’s look at what Barnabas. He is here called here a good man, full of Holy Spirit and faith. Yes only Stephen is described as good man in the whole New Testament, together with Stephen. Good man in general he is of high moral qualities, always doing the right thing with a pure motivation in the eyes of th e Lord. Full of Holy Spirit, to be caught in the joy that flow among the Holy Trinity, and in turn show maturity and is embolden in God’s service. Lastly, faith in God means believing the promises of God and the possibilities of grace in people. This is further expalined in Acts 4:36-37 “Thus Joseph, who was also called by the apostles Barnabas (which means son of encouragement), a Levite, a native of Cyprus, sold a field that belonged to him and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet.” He is the son of encouragement.
Here we see first because of his faith and goodness was able to be sensitive of God’s work. So what did he do he was easily gladded. Some people see a new work and easily compare it with their own work. and so they often see shortcomings, and maybe unintentionally critize new things. Such criticism may be valid, but it might done in the wrong spirit. Such people might in turn alienate young, enthusiastic, immature leaders. But here Barnanbas were able to see the hands of God in them. And enocourage them. How such encouragement will be for the Christians in Antioch, that they got this encouargement from singificant leader from Jerusalem.
But not only that, he urgen persevrance. These young Christians in Antioch might face disappointments and discouragement once the thrills of new life wears off. Mature leaders are needed. They have weathered storms and are not surprised by problems. Because they have faith to handle crisis, they can give stability to less experienced leaders. This is one reason why we need old leaders to involve in new work, to help people perseverene. And when these two groups work together, we see a great many people were added to the Lord.
Illustrate: CABC also would like to be faithful to embrace, Christians and non Christians. We have core value embracing all people. I still remember this beautiful story by one of the brotherse. It was during the 90s I guess. Where there was this whole new migrants from HK. And they staeyd in CABC because they felt welcomed, they felt they were friends here. Nearly each new comers are welcomed to somebody’s home. They shared their time, money, lives with these new comers. And this new comer became a leader now, to welcome otherse. Isn’t that a beautiful story.
Apply: Sometimes embracing all is now easy. Recently I went to a forum about new migrants. It was not always easy to take criticism and to accept others different from us. This couple go on critizing churches like us, maybe really the leaders like me, being slow, being outdated, being off the ground. I was a bit discouraged at that time, and think even I try to embrace them, will they embrace me? But then I can see their perspective, and maybe I can be a bit faster, I could at least try to listen. CABC will see new migrants might be different from us, might even see cultures different to us, will we embrace them, will we listen to them? will we encourage them.
Maybe one person you will need to embrace, listen and encourage?
Antioch church faithful to preach, faithful to embrace, but more faithful to edify
Faithful to Edify
Faithful to Edify
Acts 11:25-26 “So Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.”
Barnabaes not only was easily gladdened, urge perservance, he brought in Paul, the big guns. The goodness and generiosity of Barnabas were expressed with further pastoral wisdom: he went to Tarus to look for Saul. Barnabaes apprently recognized his own inadequccy to cope with the deamnds of a growing church and the need to bring another gifted apologist, evanglist and teachier into the situation. They teamed up for a whole year in Antioch, where they met with the church and taught great number of people. This teaching in a communal setting recalls chapter 2 and the growth of the church in Jersusalem. Luke reguarly shows the importance of teaching as an essential aspect of evangelism and as a vital means of growing a church to maturity and keeping believers faithful to the Lord. So significant that the church in size and maturity that the disciples were finally given a name, “Christians”. Today we are called Christian due to the rapid growth and teaching in Antioch. TThe name suggest “belonging to Christ”They were known as Christ people because they often spoke of Christ and were followers of his way. They were probably called to distinguish from jews and Gentiles, but Christians.
Illustrate: IN a way from the start of CABC, teaching has been a core ministry of our church. Following Jesus means knowing his teaching and growing in maturity in Christ. Right from the children up to adult. At one point of the life of church, we have more than 100 children, each class has their children, all learning about Jesus. And I think a lot of children teacher would know, some of these children now becomes leaders of new child, and in this all we see God’s hand in it as well.
CABC: While Paul taught Antioch one whole year in a very intense way, we also have teaching cirriculum for you to be quiped and grown maturity in Christ. This was done a few years back and we would like to see brothers and sisters grow in maturity of Christ. Like what Paul he do. If you haven’t know JEsus yet, we encourage you to join our seekers group. To know more about him. It usually runs 9:15am on Sunday. And once you have believed, we would have personal new-believer course, please if you haven’t done one let us know, and Jimmy and Philip is also running a course for new believers or Christians who want to revise the basics. This phase also usually see b/s get baptized and become members of the church. We are going to held our next Baptism in November. We then have life groups and Sunday School so that you could keep growing in Christ. Life group gives you a group of fellow brothers and sisters to walk with you in your faith journey and understand and apply scripture into life, while Sunday School in three-years gives us an overview systemtic way of knowing the Bible. Lastly, we have confrence, lifegroup leader training , evangelism training to equip you to serve in mission.
So the question would be, what stage are you? would we be taking the next step in our spiritual growth, or will we stay stagnated? Antioch church knows it needs to be growunded in God’s word, receiving instruction and teaching from the Bible, so that mission could happen. And it did happen. We see an example in the last few verses, where Antioch is faithful to impart.
Faithful to Impart
Faithful to Impart
Acts 11:28-30 “And one of them named Agabus stood up and foretold by the Spirit that there would be a great famine over all the world (this took place in the days of Claudius). So the disciples determined, every one according to his ability, to send relief to the brothers living in Judea. And they did so, sending it to the elders by the hand of Barnabas and Saul.”
Last we see that all this teaching and formation is not to only grow themselves, but to freely give. An important sign of maturation is generiosity in giving to believers in need. Here Luke shows an extension of the principle of practical care from a purely congregational context to an interchurch one. Partnership between churches involves different levels of giving and receiving in ministry and to one another. So what happend? This prophet Agabus, through the Spirit and a gift of foresight. We not sure today we have this particularly gift, but he predicted a severe famine, especially Judea. You see then the willingless of Antioch, they gathrered to their own ability, and send finicial gifts by leaders Barnabas and Saul to Jerusalem. What a beautiful picture, the new church now supporting the to the more established church. It was an important expression of solidarity across scoail and culture bourndaries. Although they did not phsyciall sit down to eat together, the sharing of food symbolically betokens an experience of table fellowship like in the house of COrnelius.
And so Anitoch becomes this famous church, for its faithfulness in imparting, The church shares finifical, the church shares that faith, the church shares their understanding of scripture. In a way, how to we think about mission partnership these days? We must have this body of Christ mentality and Kinigdom of God mentality. When say one congregation hurts, another congregation would say it hurts. Because of this mentality, the church in Jerusalem become the responsiblity of the church in Antioch. And probably the main sharing Antioch is the apostle Paul. As we have earlier said, Acts is seperated into three session, that gospel would spread from Jersualem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. It is this Antioch church that launch God’s mission into the third stage, and we would take a break before we get back into it. Let’s look at Acts 13:1-3 “Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen a lifelong friend of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.” It was this church that is faithful to impart, sent their best people on this unknown journe - Paul’s three missionary trips, that would bring the gospel right to Romans at the end.
And as I reflect on CABC, and its core value generous lives, we didn’t send Paul, but we did send many pastors and missionaries from our church, from all congregations, Dan, Nathan, mary, Joey, Carisa, Sunny, Kelvin, Osmund, Kelvin, VIvian, Clement, Samuel, and now probably Daniel. Not only do we send pastors and missionary ours, we very focus on missional partnership. Right from the start of our church, probably a few years in, we have a missionary budget every year to support more than 10-20 missionaries in the world to spread the gospel. Every month we pray for them as they are in the frontline. Recently we also have an adpotion program so we share friendship with them. We also have great partnership with two networks, namely the Baptist association and CHinese church in Sydney. We would like to continue partner with them in the
God has given us so much grace, so much through the resurrection of Jesus. He loved us so much he gave his only Son to die for us and raise in three days. As Easter went by, while everything is in God’s hands, will us respond by being faithful to preach, faithful to embrace, faithful to edify and faithful to impart. Let’s pray.