Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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Good morning church.
You're welcome, Barb.
There's been dry all day and the auction is last night.
And let's be honest.
I walked in and saw that one.
But so whenever you come over to my house.
I'm leaving preaching over the last couple weeks, talk to me about a simple church is still with real people with real issues.
And maybe that's why this and sit with you.
Well, if you don't really understand what that means, but the purpose of it.
Is that you?
And I might be able to connect and understanding that none of us are perfect.
What's the most searches honest with itself above where we're at, and what we're going through and then what we're dealing with.
You all have problems and issues.
And we started 2 weeks ago, talking about it.
And the problem the address was the problem of Pride and the issues that will come from, that will be a fundamental block building, is that fried is the central part of all of our struggles.
Is sailfish into stems from the importance that I often play some myself, over others, to be strive to continue in this series to keep it real and to keep it simple.
We're going to Jump Right In The Deep End.
If you will on this morning, there's a number of things that I asked you to.
I asked you that your heart and mind be open to the words of God.
I asked you to think only of yourself and not of others.
They will waive just talked about being selfish.
Yeah, but I'm more talking about examining your face.
Whether you were in the faith is Paul tell the church at Foreman, at the end of the second letter.
This morning, we're going to be looking at.
Self-righteousness is a sin.
Pretty simple, isn't it?
Hebrews 4:13, the Bible read.
And no creature.
The older naked and exposed to the eyes of him.
There's something that place us church if legs Christians all across the globe and it has for a long time.
Except for some reason, when we often come to yard.
We've been in his grace and his Mercy, our whole lives.
And for Generations, we become hottie.
We become prideful.
We become self righteous.
The world can see us but we often can.
And Hebrews chapter 4 verse talking about the words of God in this morning.
I beg of you to open your mind and your heart to know and self-righteousness is something that we struggle with.
Self-righteousness is a sin and we'll talk about it and it hinders our influence for Christ.
The biggest issue that the world has with Christians is that their preaching doesn't match up with their practicing.
It's something you hear and see all the time.
Talk to our young people about why they struggle with the authorities.
Because the authorities, say, maybe things that are true, but they don't see it anywhere eel and personal.
They give you this morning.
To examine yourself and your own self-righteousness.
That we might be better for God.
Others did Jesus Christ speak.
Talk about it in Bible class this morning.
Jesus served in his sacrifice and he preached and he taught.
It was the same and house-to-house in the temple and in the synagogue and he loves Balance.
It was relatable.
There was a disconnect with some people.
The main group of people that there was a disconnect with, with Jesus was the self-righteous.
The ones that were actually looking for, Jesus missed him because of self-righteousness.
Often, the ones closest to God, God's people struggle with self-righteousness William, right?
And you were wrong.
What does that look like?
Wild salmon in this morning together again?
I ask that you only think of your own mind and your own hearts and your own struggles.
Happened to look at comes from the book of Romans enrolling there dealing with division, Jew and Gentile.
In chapter one and talk to all the ways of the world, not the Jewish background with the, the ways of the world in gentile.
People are they are far from God you and things that are ungodly with Roman chapter.
Do you know the words change?
Therefore you have?
No, excuse of a man.
Every one of you who judges passing judgment on one another, you condemn yourself because you the judge practice the very same things.
We know that the Judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things.
Do you suppose?
Oh man, he writes you who judge those, who practice such things and yet, to do them yourself, that you will escape the Judgment of God.
What do you presume on the riches of his kindness and for parents and patients not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance.
But because of your hard and impending hard, he writes Paul does to the church at Rome.
A Church of God's people.
He writes these words to
You understand.
He writes this letter to Christians, in this new testament error of his new age.
After Jesus Christ has gone back to be with his father.
He writes and talks about the self righteousness.
A real issue for God's people, not just here, but it's been since the beginning what it is real so often.
Say, but we are God's people.
What do Christians?
Often say, but I am a Christian Ergo that makes me better than you.
Maybe we don't say it like that.
But I guess the world see it often that way.
Clearly, you are snoring up for raft for yourself on the day of Wrath.
But God's righteous judgment will be revealed.
He will render to each one according to his ability, by patients enrolled doing seek for Glory and Honor and mortality.
He will give eternal life.
But for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury him, there only tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil the Jew first and also the Greek.
Throughout the Book of Romans those words, a glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good.
Did you first?
And also the Greek for God shows?
No partiality this morning, if you talk about self righteousness, realize it's the biggest hindrance for other people to come to Christ.
And if you and the people that say they are God's people.
Don't disconnected from yourselves.
Please don't think me.
I wish.
So and so was here today.
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