Romans 12
Would people be willing to follow you to the Cross. That's the question. We need to ask ourselves today. That's the important thing of Our Lives is my life one, which people want to follow me. Now, none of us. I'm sorry to tell you this morning. None of us here are perfect. You do know that, right? And I would say I'm five at least perfect a ball here. Just so, you know, right. None of us are perfect. So it's not about being perfect. Perfection is not what Goddess. And I haven't is Jesus Christ dying on the cross and believing in him. It's not our works. It's not, our looks. It's not our finances. It's the death of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, there would be no reason for him to die if That wasn't to pay the price for your sins in mine. Philippians chapter 1. We're going to Romans chapter 12 in the flipping 1:21 says for me to live is Christ. You can send you a song that says to die is gain when we're a child of God, death should not threaten us or make us fear death is not something that we all want to look forward to. But being with God and have a child of God, is a blessing. It's better there than anything this world has to offer you or me. For me to live is Christ. Can you say that today? For you to live y'all. Go ahead.
Is it? Or what's more important? What's important to you today? Living for Christ, you're living for self and that's what we're going to look at here in Romans chapter 12. We we see in Romans chapter 12 in a Biblical pattern, that relates a Doctrine and Duty. In today's society, the 21st century Doctrine is sort of being pushed aside. Well, who is Doctrine is, right and which church has it? Correct? Because this chart says you got to work for your salvation. This church. As you got to be baptized to be saved and passed. Why do the same believe in the Lord? Jesus Christ? Well, the thief on the cross wasn't able to work for a Salvation. The thief on the cross wasn't able to be baptized. He believed in Jesus said to him today. Will be with me in Paradise. The other thief on the other side of Jesus really cool. A mockery knew where he was headed. He was just wanting things for himself. What you believe, determines how you behave? What you believe, determines how you behave in these closing chapters that we seeing and chapter 12. Through the end of chapter 15. There are some things that we talked about pause, this discussing our relationship with the Lord. We see that here in this part, but we see in a Chapter 13, He talks about our relationship with the government and I'm 14 and 15. He talks about believers who disagrees her relationship with those who disagree with us. We're just going to look at this first part today. In chapter 12 about our relationship. With the Lord verses 1 and verse two portion of scripture, which many people have memorized and put to the memories. I beseech, you, therefore brother by the mercies of God, that you present, your bodies, a Living Sacrifice, isn't it? Funny, how many times we like to present other bodies as sacrifice? It's easier to sacrifice someone else than myself, but that's not what he says, you present, your bodies, a Living Sacrifice. Holy and acceptable unto God. Which is your reasonable service and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That you may present your bodies a living two or that by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
The Old Testament tells us that God is looking for people to stand in the gap. Nehemiah's day that there were holes in the walls. And they were, he was repairing the walls. He needed people to stand in the Gap to keep the enemy from entering in. I mention that only because in that last portion of chapter 2, it says that good except one perfect will of God. You doing a little alliteration there Gap. What do you have Gap? In order for us to stand in the Gap, the way God wants us to. We need to present our bodies, good, acceptable, and perfect. And we can't do it by ourselves. We can only do that through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
God is wanting to work in your life. He's wanting to work in my life. The transformation of the spirit, the transformation of God that he takes to transform your life and Mike by the renewing of our minds. We've been taught a lot of things over the years. We've changed our views over a lot of things over the years. Why? Because it's what we've been taught and then that change comes in. It's like, okay what in the world's going on? Hitler made a statement. Pastor Clyde, you're going to quote Hitler and church. He said, give me a child to the age of seven. He's Mine For Life. There's truth to that what we teach our children when they're young, what we put into their bodies and into their minds when they're young. Comes out when they're older. Unless there's somebody else. Teaching them the truth. God's word is what? Truth scripture tells us. There's no other way. There's things in this world that we can learn. There's knowledge out there that we can gain. But first and foremost comes the truth of God's word, then comes a knowledge of the world. Here's the deal. We get paid for the worldly knowledge, you go to college, you get a degree, you get paid hopefully in that degree that you went after and you get paid very well. Hopefully that's the idea. That's the thought of a man. That's a decision. We make there's not a lot of Financial pay in the biblical stuff.
Why should it be all there is minute ministers after making a lot of money off of the Bible. That's true. But when you think about what the world has to offer and what God has to offer right now, there's an imbalance, not too many people are going into the ministry. These days. I'm not complaining. I just I'm just saying this is the truth of the matter. I sat down with a mentor of mine. If you will, this week had a discussion over some things, some I need some wisdom, some guy in some direction and the question was asked me, will pass look like, when are you planning on retiring? So, I don't know. I don't have a plan on retiring. I really don't. How do you retire from the ministry? How do you do this? Thirty years, in this church, almost 40 years for my wife and I and Ministry soon. How do you do this for 40 years and just retire and quit.
How do you do that? it's not like, I'm Changing tires at Souza Tire, where I used to work when I first moved into the area, changing oil in, okay, I've had enough of this, I can quit doing that. My hands were, we're black for the oil in the tires. All the time. I couldn't get my hands. Clean enough. How to say that if your hands are that means you work that's a good thing, but that wasn't my desire. My desire was not to work for Susa Tire retire from service and tire. My desire was to work for the Lord minister to him for him to God's people. But I don't know. I don't see retirement. Anytime soon, can't afford to and if things keep going the way they are, I can't afford to retire. 80 bucks to fill my truck up, half a tank the other day. Right. I got to decide this morning where that's going to drive to church and I wasn't worth it.
We laughed but that's that day is coming. That day is coming. The things of the world that everybody say, yeah, we need this, we got to have that. We got to do this, had they been better for us or worse or some things have been better for us. A lot of things have been worse for us. Why? Because it gets her mind off for the things of God. And on the things of those around, is what is he saying? In chapter 12 verse one of her too. I beseech, you, therefore, brothers and sisters by the mercies of God that you that you present your bodies. A Living Sacrifice. Holy and acceptable unto God, that is your reasonable. Service. Paul say, hey, we're not saying to do anything. That's unreasonable. That's your reasonable service. You resent your body. A Living Sacrifice. But it's so much easier to sacrifice other people, doesn't it? It's so much easier to inflict pain and suffering on those around. And then he goes on again. A verse to be not conformed, to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. What I see in that word transform is changing our ways and our patterns that the world has given us following God and in doing that, there's a transformation in a Transformer that gives us power. Have you ever seen a Transformer explode? Quite a show. There's a lot of power in that Transformer. Jesus is our Transformer. There's a lot of power in Jesus when we allow him to transform us. The way he wants, not the way we want. It's not about me getting on my way. If all that's, that's the human aspect. That's what the world says. Go. After get whatever you want. Just do whatever you want to do. There's no more winners. There's no more losers. We're all just going to be participants.
I like being a participant. I really do. But let me add to that. I like more being a winning participant. Hey, man. When I first started playing football, young kid. I knew nothing about it, and didn't have a TV. I didn't even know. You know, what? Somebody asked me. Who's your favorite player, Gale Sayers. I have no idea who gets theirs is my teacher, little, you don't know what else it. I don't know. I was a pretty good football player this if I'm speaking for myself, I enjoyed it. I rode my bicycle. Every morning on a paper route. I could outrun anybody.
Then I got a motorcycle and anybody could outrun me. There was a different one.
but when we stop exercising, we began to lose that power. We can't do the things. We used to do. 2nd Corinthians 3:18 says this, but we all with unveil face beholding. As in the mirror. The glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just hit by the spirit of the Lord. Now listen, God can do whatever he wants to do a man, these God if he's got, he can do whatever you want, but he is not really willing to transform us. If we do not give him our body. That's why you say Hey listen present, your bodies, a Living Sacrifice. Not a dead sacrifice live to serve the Lord, don't die to serve Lord. Sometimes we may have to die because we're serving the lord that might happen. Persecution is coming. Read the end of the book tells us about that. When you give yourself to God, spiritual and spiritual worship, you become a Living Sacrifice to the glory of God, not to your glory of you. It's not about me. It's not about you everything we say and do I have to be glorifying? God, putting him first. And when that happens, you know what happens, you know, what comes, freedom, freedom, because I'm serving God. And yes, things might not be happening the way I want them to happen. The God's blessing in spite of what's going on out here.
Yesterday. I did a burial, a family of three. Remember the Morgan basic girl who was murdered over in Cambridge area, in Petersburg her burial. Her mother died, two weeks prior to her, grandmother died, two weeks, prior to that somewhere in that vicinity. So there's three of Grandmother mother. Grandmother her daughter, and then her daughter. 3 of a family gathered around to bury three. Loved ones. At one time. Could you imagine stopping up when you lose one? Love one? But to lose to, and then to lose 3. And in the some of the ways that some of these Lose their lives. The tragic aspect of that. So I'm going yesterday. Okay, Lord. What do I say? I've never done a three-person burial before. How do you negate between all of that and make it? A cross for all. No, sorry, I can't do anything for them. They're already set. Their Destiny is set. We can't pray. Amen. Around of anything. Is for the people left behind that need to hope for the people left behind that. Need some guys and need some Direction. Lord. What do I say to these people to bring them? Hope to say, listen? There is a lack of Hope in this world. Have you noticed that? We look at the world around us. Oh Lord, and we're in big big trouble. There's all kinds of Hope in Jesus Christ. When I look at what's going in the world. As a okay, got you have put each and every one of us here in this Society at this time for such a time as this.
Think about that for a second if God is The Giver? And the taker of life. If he knew exactly, when you were going to be born and I believe he did, if he knows exactly the day you're going to die and I believe he does. Sometimes we can help that along in our own lives by what we do, and that wasn't my plan. But here it is, that happened in Garden of Eden, in God's, Not God. This means that we can mess things up. God's perfect plan. We can mess it up. If we're not careful. Did you know that? Don't be, that person. Don't be a snow bees. Don't be the one messing up, God's plan, but we are put here on this world for such a time as this. What are you doing with? What God has given you? Are we being? Transformed by the world, conforming to the ways of the world. Or are we being transformed by the word of God? Scripture says I word that I hid in my heart for what purpose that I might not sin against God when we put the world's knowledge above God's knowledge. We're sending and we do that quite often and I want to do. Here's what I was taught. Here's what I was shared. I don't care what the Bible says. We had those attitudes. Will you need to be aware of that? Look what he says, look down the verse 3, chapter 12 Romans you bring some evaluation into this. He says, for I say, through the grace given to me to everyone who is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think. But do you think soberly as God has dealt to each one? A Measure of Faith? A Measure of Faith. God is giving you a Measure of Faith. He's giving me a Measure of Faith. He has given us a Measure of Faith, and that doesn't mean that it's the same measure. I might need more measurement of faith in you. Maybe you've got greater Faith than I had. We all could have more. But if you've ever watched people do some baking. You know, there are those who do a picture of this and a little bit of that and a dab of that, put it all together and they make something quite delicious. Right. No, believe it. I bake the cake. A few weeks back. I did. I saw it online. I said that looks pretty good. I think I'll surprise the wife and bake a cake. You know what I did? I didn't do a little dab of this. I didn't do a little pinch of that and some of that, I followed the directions. I never baked a cake before. May never baked a cake again. It was pretty good, though. I followed the directions, whatever it said for me to do with, that's what I did. I said, put it in the oven at such a degree for so many minutes. That's what I did. And I'm there. I'm watching the clock. Okay, two more minutes. One more minute, 30 seconds and then alarm goes off BB, but, you know how? The cake. I took the cake and I looked at it. It looks like a cake. But the middle of it to me, didn't look like it was done. But you know what I did. I follow the direction. I took a nap put up on top of the stove. I'm done. I followed the directions to the T. I warmed up the oven the way I'm supposed to warm up the oven, I told everything. Nice, it back in and I just told her. Waited for it to cool down and be ready to eat. How to turn out Patrick light as my wife? I ate it. She ate it, it's gone. It was good. Had I not follow the directions. Back in the oven.
For another 10-15 minutes. Who knows? We do the same thing with God. Do we not? God? This doesn't look done. This is not the way I would have picked you that. So I guess I need to add to it. I need to do more this person needs more faith. This person needs more grace. This person needs more of this and that no, he says don't look at others that way. Look at yourself. Evaluate your own life. And what we need to do is see ourselves, honestly, honestly. We Know Who We Are. Who we truly are is who we are when we're all alone and nobody's watching. Or we think, nobody's what that's who we truly are. Does God is watching all the time? God knows us relationship for 6. Verse 33, verse 52 this year. If anyone thinks of himself to be something when he has nothing, he deceives himself, but let each one examine his own work and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another. But let each one examine his own work. He says, for each one should bear his own load.
All were very easy, telling everybody what their problem is telling them how how much they're overloaded with, this isn't overloaded with that. I'm in all my, all my life. Everybody said last week when I shared about my mom. What night it was too much just wanted tear-jerking kind of thing. It was just the truth, and I'm going to see her again. Can I share something else? Not about my mom? About Ministry. About being raised in Ministry. Being a preacher's kid, a PK, all my life. All my life. I've had to do what other people thought I should do.
As a PK, we lived in the parsonage. If our toys were outside in the front lawn, like most people let their kids leave the toilet. I guess, if you don't, okay, well, good for you. But you do you leave your toys here. We lived in Parsons. We had how many ever people were in that church? We had that many landlords. Toughen up having one landlord, you know what I mean? Cuz you don't do it their way. You don't do it there where you don't do it their way. All my life. Going to the ministry. I knew that was going to happen. All my life. I've been doing what other people expect me to do. Sometimes. More than what God expects me to do.
You know why? Cuz I hate offending people believe it or not. If you're ugly, I'm not going to tell you you're ugly. You're beautiful in God's eyes. Mabank. How are you? Right. I'm not going to say. I'm not going to tell you, your breath stinks. I'm at the back door passing if you don't want one, that's your fault. Your breasts are going to snake or you can have an orange. Tic Tac are Spearman, whatever. I've been living all my life trying to please other people.
Not a bad thing in that.
Until you realize that you're not always. Pleasing God.
I don't care to please you. I'm not here to displease you. But I don't care to please you. I want to please God. If that offends you, I'm sorry, but that's biblical. Can I get a lease on a man from one person? You know I'm saying. Why Let each one carries almost ripe and carry my own load and that's what I'm supposed to do. I'm not going to dump on you. I'm not going to throw it out at you. I'm carrying my own loan. And some days, some days you need help with that load, but you don't want to do it cuz I don't want people to know what load I'm carrying. Well, Patrick live. Shame on you. Shame on me. I'm carrying my own loads because God is my helper. God is my strength and if I can't carry the load, I'm done.
Guess what? I'm not done. This old body is getting old shoulders, don't work like they used to. I just carry a half a load of time now. Hold on. You know, I'm saying. So what are you saying? There's evaluation. We need to look at our own life. I cannot do the things I used to do. Somebody asked me the other day. Pass plaid you still playing softball techno. Can I say hi. I used to not say that because I worried about what other people thought. I don't care anymore. Narnia. God bless your heart. Michael Biddle. You're going to get more of that.
I don't play softball anymore. You know, I can't even throw the ball to first base. I tried it the other day with a football and barely we get to Chris Aldi so you don't lose it. What do you do? You lose it, and that's not just with straight, that's with spirituality as well. The things of God. I'm not saying I don't care about you. I don't say I'm not going to be night. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying my desire is to, please God. And if my pleasing God, this pleases those around me. This is my responsibility. And when this is right, guess what else is right? Say it with me church. This is going to be right. I can't help what comes back. That's your responsibility.
Look what he says in versus 14. Reverse for two verse 16, and talks about cooperation, Romans 12:1 through verse 16.
Breach4, as we have many members, he says and one body, but all the members do not have the same function. So we being many are one body in Christ and individual members of one another having then gift differing. According to the grace that is given to us. Let us use them. If prophecy you, let his problems are in proportion to our faith or in Ministry. Let us use it in our ministry, he who teaches. And teaching he who exhorts an exhortation, he who gives with liberality. He leaves with diligent, who shows Mercy with cheerfulness. Let love be without hypocrisy. Cling to what is good because I only affection to one another with brotherly love and honor giving preference to one another, not lagging. And diligence in the spirit serving the lord rejoicing in Hope, patient. In Tribulation continuing, steadfastly in prayer, Distributing to the needs of the Saints given to hospitality bless those who persecute you and bless and do not curse Rejoice with those who Rejoice weep with those who weep be in the same mine towards one. Another do not set your mind on higher things, but associated with the humble, Do not be wise in your own opinion.
That's a lot of stuff right there. A man. Here's where we need to work for cooperation. Not just what I choose to work on. It's following the directions that God has given us. But the problem is we, sometimes think we know better than God. You if you hear this morning, you know, Christ as your lord and savior, you are part of the body of Christ. You are part with a Ministry that needs to be fulfilled and taken care of. Do your part lovingly? And do your part joyfully. The day, I can't do my job lovingly and joyfully, that's the day. I need to step away. Hey, I love you.
But not always in my Droid. That doesn't mean that doesn't mean there's not bad, things happened in my life. Something sometimes God sees me doing this.
Really. I need that. Yeah, really Clyde. You're here for such a time as this. Such a time as this. Another part of that is, I'm not a quitter.
If I were, if I wanted to quit I quit a long time ago. If I wanted to quit, I'd have given up before I had to worry about how we're going to pay off this building. I guarantee you one thing. My plan is not to go into another building program for another 15 years cuz I don't know if I'm going to last another 15 years.
But that's not my plan. If God plans to do something. There's a war zone building now or not. Don't go there. I'm just saying, I'm 62 years of age. I'm not young, like I used to be. Neither, are you? I guess what doesn't change our responsibilities are responsibilities are the same if you have gifts and abilities and talents use them for God's honor. And for God's glory. Not the build and he Praises upon yourself. But he Praises Bond, God into blessed the body of Christ. Some of you have talents, you need to start using them. Hey, man. Hey, I need you. The church needs you a couple weeks ago. I told you I hurt my knee.
My knee is fine. It's my ankle now. Which is a problem because of the knee. It is working its way down. I can't wait till it gets to my pinky toe. Cuz that you know how that feels when that hurts. No, it's working its way down. It's fine until I move it a certain way, and then all that hurt. But that's the body of Christ. We all have a job. We all have a duty. The eye is not the same as a Year's. A year is not the same as the mouth. Sometimes. We need to use our ears more, then we use her mouth and her eyes. Listen to watch being said, listen to what God is say not to what the world tells us. Do you watch the news? What is truth anymore? In fact, you can make a statement one day and the next day somebody call him on that statement. Well, we never said that. What we got proof right here while I go. That's photoshopped. And that's what happened. How? Come on. We can speak one thing, one day and lie about it. The next day, say we never said that, but the thing is, it's already out there, isn't it? Whatever we said, whether still hurt somebody's character or feelings or what it said. It's there. You can't take it back. It's out there.
The knee bones connected to what? The ankle bone.
The world on a hurry eventually, just wait. The older, I get the easier it is to hurt looking for a 17th U-verse 2100, wrap this up this morning. The last few verses we see Vindication. If yours is a Godly life, you're bound to have enemies 17. Romans chapter 12. Repay, no one evil for evil but we all want our pound of Flesh. Do we not repay? No one evil for evil have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, if it is possible, as much as depends on, you, not the others as much. As depends on you live peaceably with all men. Beloved do not avenge yourselves. But rather give Place unto wrath for it is written. Vengeance is mine. I will repay says the Lord. Therefore, if your enemy is hungry. Turn around and walk away. If your enemy is Thursday, get me muddy water to drink. Parental doing your HEAP, coals of fire on his head. Now. That's not what it says. If your enemy is hungry. Do I feed them? If your enemy is Thursday, new what get from water? Why don't just get in the leftovers. That's what many times will we give God the leftovers? Why would a society we live and we give God the leftovers. We got to give me of your first fruits, not have your leftovers. We give God the leftover. So we think it was good enough for God is good enough or whoever else. If that's all you got. That's all you got, but I guarantee you, some of you folks have steak. And you're too stingy to share it with somebody. But I guarantee you that you have some nice cold, cool water. But hey, here's a garden. Yes. That's a plus. But why not go? The extra mile? So, to being cheap.
I'm Scottish. I'm cheap. I'll admit it. Okay. I mean, I, I grew up being cheap. I grew up getting the cheapest shoes on the Shelf to wear to school and the cheapest cleats to play football. And I grew up with all of that kind of a wife to please Mom and Dad. So they didn't have a lot of money and I knew if I was going to do this, this is where I had to go. Then my kids started playing sports and started buying them shoes. And man, their, their shoes were 50-60 $70. I know that was back then. To imagine what they are. Now. If you can find them. Hey, man. You can even find them half the time need please. This tour doesn't have on this dork. Where do we not going to get any better. Think about it? It's not going to get better. It's going to get worse. The Bible tells us that I'm not saying that Doom and Gloom. I'm just saying be prepared. That we are going to have to make a choice of who we serve. Self. Our God. I almost didn't come to church today. Because I didn't want to spend the gas to get here. Just kidding. Only live 3 miles up the road. That was only three bucks to get here. Get a better vehicle. That's going to cost me more money. God is really the best I can for me, but I know God understands. Yes, he does. Because he knows our hearts. He understands our hearts and he knows what's truly important. For me to live is Christ. I did a funeral 33 person Barrel yesterday. My desire was to give hope to those breathing standing around the burial sites. I hope I did that. I shared with them. The word of God, I shared with him, the love of Jesus.
Matthew chapter 5 verse 10. Through verse 12, says, blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake? For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven bless her to you. When they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly, glad for great is your reward. In heaven. We're so they persecuted the prophets who were before you, there's nothing new going to be happening. It's happened before. It'll happen again. But until then be faithful until then serve the Lord. Second Timothy, 3:12 his all who desire to live Godly in Jesus Christ will suffer persecution. So we have a choice. Do I want to live Godly? Maybe suffer persecution, or do. I just ordered hide in the shadows and just let people pass by? For me to live is Christ. Today's game. If you let the Lord have his way, he will use your enemies to Build You Up. And make you more like Christ. Think about that. Last verse Philippians, 2:1 through verse for therefore, if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort and love, if any Fellowship of the spirit, if any affection in Mercy, fulfill my Joy by being like minded having the same love being of one. Accord of one mind, let nothing be done to a selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of Mind, Let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out, not only for your own interests but also for the interest of others, My responsibility.
Your responsibility is to build others up. My responsibility is to build you up to encourage. You say, go get them. Go after him and all. By the way, your breath stinks. Text there, so they might listen to you if you're not talking right in her face.
To build one another up, your responsibilities to build one another up. Why? Because we are apart of one body. Not just hoosic Valley Community Church. There's other believers out there. Did you know that there's others who are out there and maybe this morning? There's someone here, they who has never believed. Never said, yes to Jesus. Yes. I believe that you died on the cross. I accepted, I confess my sins, save me. And when we do that and believe that he will save us, scripture says It's just me saying you're just like the thief on the cross Lord. Remember me that they hate it. The day that will be with me in Paradise. We have that choice and we had the choice of ridicule him and say, hey, if you are crazy, get yourself to me, too, so I can go about my way, living my life, the way I want.
The world tells us. To go after the gustul grab all you can get it for yourself before somebody else does.
Remember those midnight runs Thanksgiving night. Black Friday.
One time we sent ran out to get us a TV. I don't think he'll ever do that again. TVs on sale over here, but I don't think he's been out to Black Friday ever again. Have you Trent not at all? You know why? Cuz there's people there that are concerned only about themselves.
My mother-in-law. God. Rest, her soul. There were some lamps for sale. Those, those touch land first came out. They were on sale at some aims or something up in Bangor, Maine. And I remember her talking about going and getting that left. There was one left. On the shelf and her and this other lady went right after it and my mother-in-law one. Just so, you know. Right. She's in heaven. She she going to laugh about this, but she wants, he came home with that touch lamp. And she told us how she got that. Let the other lady had her know. She got it. The thing with those touch lamps that they didn't last very long.
But you got one. How are we when it comes to the things of God? What's important? What's important to you? Are you willing to be more concerned about others than yourself, the world tells and they'll take care of yourself. God says worry about others and in doing so you lift them up and you get lifted up as well. Father. We thank you. We. Thank you that we can say for me to live is Christ. We thank you that on the other end of that. It says to die is gain. When we know you was Lord in their Saviour. When our life on this Earth is over. We have life Everlasting in heaven forever and ever everything the game. All of our family. All of her loved ones who believe and have gone on before us will be there in what a great reunions that will be around the Throne of Jesus. As we see Jesus face-to-face. Until then help us to be steadfast until then help us to do the work that you called us to do individually. So that we can do it collectively as well. God bless you. Thank you. Give us a good day serving you. In Jesus name we pray.