Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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Would people be willing to follow you to the Cross.
That's the question.
We need to ask ourselves today.
That's the important thing of Our Lives is my life one, which people want to follow me.
Now, none of us.
I'm sorry to tell you this morning.
None of us here are perfect.
You do know that, right?
And I would say I'm five at least perfect a ball here.
Just so, you know, right.
None of us are perfect.
So it's not about being perfect.
Perfection is not what Goddess.
And I haven't is Jesus Christ dying on the cross and believing in him.
It's not our works.
It's not, our looks.
It's not our finances.
It's the death of Jesus Christ.
Otherwise, there would be no reason for him to die if That wasn't to pay the price for your sins in mine.
Philippians chapter 1.
We're going to Romans chapter 12 in the flipping 1:21 says for me to live is Christ.
You can send you a song that says to die is gain when we're a child of God, death should not threaten us or make us fear death is not something that we all want to look forward to.
But being with God and have a child of God, is a blessing.
It's better there than anything this world has to offer you or me.
For me to live is Christ.
Can you say that today?
For you to live y'all.
Go ahead.
Is it?
Or what's more important?
What's important to you today?
Living for Christ, you're living for self and that's what we're going to look at here in Romans chapter 12.
We we see in Romans chapter 12 in a Biblical pattern, that relates a Doctrine and Duty.
In today's society, the 21st century Doctrine is sort of being pushed aside.
Well, who is Doctrine is, right and which church has it?
Because this chart says you got to work for your salvation.
This church.
As you got to be baptized to be saved and passed.
Why do the same believe in the Lord?
Jesus Christ?
Well, the thief on the cross wasn't able to work for a Salvation.
The thief on the cross wasn't able to be baptized.
He believed in Jesus said to him today.
Will be with me in Paradise.
The other thief on the other side of Jesus really cool.
A mockery knew where he was headed.
He was just wanting things for himself.
What you believe, determines how you behave?
What you believe, determines how you behave in these closing chapters that we seeing and chapter 12. Through the end of chapter 15.
There are some things that we talked about pause, this discussing our relationship with the Lord.
We see that here in this part, but we see in a Chapter 13, He talks about our relationship with the government and I'm 14 and 15.
He talks about believers who disagrees her relationship with those who disagree with us.
We're just going to look at this first part today.
In chapter 12 about our relationship.
With the Lord verses 1 and verse two portion of scripture, which many people have memorized and put to the memories.
I beseech, you, therefore brother by the mercies of God, that you present, your bodies, a Living Sacrifice, isn't it?
Funny, how many times we like to present other bodies as sacrifice?
It's easier to sacrifice someone else than myself, but that's not what he says, you present, your bodies, a Living Sacrifice.
Holy and acceptable unto God.
Which is your reasonable service and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
That you may present your bodies a living two or that by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
The Old Testament tells us that God is looking for people to stand in the gap.
Nehemiah's day that there were holes in the walls.
And they were, he was repairing the walls.
He needed people to stand in the Gap to keep the enemy from entering in.
I mention that only because in that last portion of chapter 2, it says that good except one perfect will of God.
You doing a little alliteration there Gap.
What do you have Gap?
In order for us to stand in the Gap, the way God wants us to.
We need to present our bodies, good, acceptable, and perfect.
And we can't do it by ourselves.
We can only do that through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
God is wanting to work in your life.
He's wanting to work in my life.
The transformation of the spirit, the transformation of God that he takes to transform your life and Mike by the renewing of our minds.
We've been taught a lot of things over the years.
We've changed our views over a lot of things over the years.
Because it's what we've been taught and then that change comes in.
It's like, okay what in the world's going on?
Hitler made a statement.
Pastor Clyde, you're going to quote Hitler and church.
He said, give me a child to the age of seven.
He's Mine For Life.
There's truth to that what we teach our children when they're young, what we put into their bodies and into their minds when they're young.
Comes out when they're older.
Unless there's somebody else.
Teaching them the truth.
God's word is what?
Truth scripture tells us.
There's no other way.
There's things in this world that we can learn.
There's knowledge out there that we can gain.
But first and foremost comes the truth of God's word, then comes a knowledge of the world.
Here's the deal.
We get paid for the worldly knowledge, you go to college, you get a degree, you get paid hopefully in that degree that you went after and you get paid very well.
Hopefully that's the idea.
That's the thought of a man.
That's a decision.
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