Romans: Session 22

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The Epistle to the Romans   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  45:09
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This lesson on Romans 11:10-32 was taught on Sunday, May 15, 2022 by elder Dick Bickings at New Life Bible Fellowship Church, MIllsboro, DE.

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Praise the Lord. Really awesome.

Wow. Well, welcome. We're glad you're here. We are.

I do.

We're at, we're just upon loving people, great Eddie way in all seriousness, all seriousness, aside.

Yes, I do. Hold on just a second. Let me try not to trip over my wires, okay? And of course, they dip down here. We are actually on chapter 11 of Romans and we've got about three weeks of this to go. And then we're going to be starting chapter 12, sometimes in the winter months again, and then beginning the first week in June, when we study, what we call hermeneutics. I know if you ever heard of it, but the scripture teaching that class. Do you all the back ones, too? And I can show you where to find. These. Are all recorded. So if you need to go back and Andre lesson, that's great. So with that said, and since we've been recorded for about 5 minutes and have all this stuff on record, let's begin in prayer. Thank you so much for the privilege. I'm here this morning with your people, the people that you have called out from the world. What makes us this thing from the world. Not from anything that we have done. There's no merits that we have accomplished to bring our self into your present for this because you have called us, you have brought us your mercy and Grace was showered upon us and we thank you and praise you for that. We pray now, as we look at this passage of scripture chapter 11, the Bromans and your Holy Spirit would be in the midst of us. This morning, that he would be our teacher. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen. Okay, so we are again, remind everybody where we are. We are in the section called God's sovereignty over salvation, previous to that. We saw how God indicted the entire human race and said, they were all sinful and hopeless. And then he showed where Christ was given as the atoning sacrifice for Sinners and whoever puts their trust in G. Does Christ will be saved, but this process of Salvation doesn't just happen. People aren't smart enough to come to Christ. There's not this. As some have thought has not this spark of righteousness that each of us has. We have no right to dismiss, according to Romans 3:10. So what has to happen for people to come to Christ? God's Sovereign, power has to be at work in in that he has to be the one that initiates salvation. And he also like, when did he call? When did he decide that? Scripture says in eternity past? Close our minds, right? We can't figure that out. Yes, sir.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, this is

for example.

You came to the conclusion, wrongly. So that man had totally falling except for his intellect and couldn't reason his way to God called of plagiarism plagiarism. And that we found out that our minion. ISM arminius, was Calvin's, you know, so, thank you. See. That's me. I just have to start the words and you guys can finish them. That's right. That's okay. You from last week. We were here last week, and this is kind of an interesting question, but I think you'll know what I mean. What Vice has God chosen to bring Israel to repentance and faith.

Is it strange? But that's what God has chosen. He's chosen to bring Israel to himself jealousy and and so he knows what would bring us to Salvation would not. So yes.

tried to get Israel to

Make the gentle jealous also back and forth. Yeah, I know that this idea of jealousy is is is not always a bad thing. All right. It's right. That we be jealous about our wives and somebody flirts with our wives. We have a right to be jealous because that is they belong to us and we belong to them in a sew-in in respect the reality that the children of Israel knew themselves to be the children of God and to see that dog was saving Gentiles spurred them to jealousy, but that was used by God, right? So hit this is where we are. I'm just going to recap a little bit of what we did last week. We did get not starting this song all over again, but we're talkin about the this whole section from 11 to 32. Is that the Hardy of his real to benefit Israel? Okay. So we saw that the Jewish stumbling and the Gentile connection that took place as a result of their stumbling. We saw that salvation to the Gentiles. An incentive for the Jews to repent because of their trespass, salvation had come to the Gentiles. Remember what the, what, the Apostle Paul said that also in Ephesians chapter 2? It makes us very clear. You know, there was no, it's not plan, B plan Z Plan D because you and beings didn't like God's plan. So he had to keep coming up with a new one. This was all a part of God's plan from the beginning to what was God going to do? He eat with making one man. You remember this passage in Ephesians chapter 4, chapter 2 verses 14 50. I mentioned this last week for himself is our peace who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh. The dividing wall Facility by abolishing the law because I was expressing ordinances that he may create in himself, what one new man in play some too. So making peace. So this is this is nothing new. We mentioned that in 70 AD, the temple was destroyed. So the Jews were scattered abroad. They no longer had a temple to go to do in their mind. What happened to God?

It is so you can just imagine the Jews. Okay, so the reality of the Jews and what they were going through is that the temple had always been the place that they go to meet. God always been the place, right? So the reality and it's a beautiful reality. You read the book of Exodus and how God with gave detailed instructions for the building of the Tabernacle, which was the mobile version of the temple. And that was where God with it, with his people, with meet, with his people. So there was a good reason why the Jews thought that without the temple. There is no God, I don't have god with me anymore, you know, but the reality is this that was always meant to be. The temple and the Tabernacle was always a precursor to a God was going to do, he was going to dwell with his people in Christ. Came. He died in a toning sacrifice for his people, and he was Buried. And Me, rose again, the third day and ascended into heaven. He sent the Holy Spirit and now he's people became the Tabernacle for the holy spirit in this point. You know, Paul is making very clear that the Jews have been scattered abroad.

So, what was God in in? This idea is not a new testament idea. Cuz when you, when you think about

This this idea you find this back in the fusions chapter. I mean, Toronto me 32:21. This is what Moses was saying. This is before Moses died. Before the profits came. This is before the apostles said, they had made me jealous with what is no. God. They have provoked me to anger with their Idols. Now, this is God telling Israel what they had done to him. So I will make them jealous with those who are no people. I will provoke them to anger with a foolish Nation. The idea was that not had always How did mind? That he would say book to magenta. The abrahamic, Covenant, right? God says in you Abraham, all the nations of the world will be blessed when he when the scripture talks about Nations. What are you talkin about? Penthouse, story about your toes. So, it was always, always always, this is not plan B plan. See, plenty of gods as was always God's idea of what he would do. So he's talking about if there is fullness in verse 12 means Rich's for the Gentiles how much more their full inclusion. We talked about the idea of a full inclusion mean the completeness this word in the Greek and means complete when God is done. The right amount of people will be saved, Jews Gentiles full inclusion of that. Okay, so poor it with that. In mind. He, he's writing to whom User Jen tops. For the most part was a gentile Church. So Paul is helping us. Understand these magnifying verse 13. Where were you going to wear doxology or so mostly sing glory to God. Praising God for what his his ministry to the Gentiles. Paul always began, but think about it, when Paul went into the city. Where did he go? First every city, dog. Remember, there's no temple in Jerusalem, you know, so when he went in, the Jews were dispersed about think they went to the synagogue. And he reason with the Jews from the scriptures. So at that one on and on, and on throughout his missionary Journeys, any comes to chapter 18 of Acts and he's in Corinth and he does the same thing. 18:6 says, Paul said, I wipe my pink. I wipe my ass off my feet. These Jews are rejecting Christ. So I go from now on to the Gentiles, so he's magnifying his office. Do in verse 14, you see that he did? So though, in verse 14 says, that didn't make my fellow Jews jealous to awaken zeal. Now, he asked this question first, 15. Look at, look at verse 15. He says this for if their rejection beings the reconciliation of the world, what will their accepted mean but life from the dead?

It's a beautiful statement, right? To the rejection of the Jew that rejection of the Gospel, by the Jews has led to, what the focus on the Gentiles and bringing salvation to praise God. We're here today because of that, right? Now, what do you know, if that's the case? What will the acceptance are bringing back into the fold of Jews? Be like, you think this is good way to the Jews come to Salvation. And I have this little a quote from Barnes not Andy Barnes 8w bars, but another Bard's it says this image therefore in the apostles. Mine was a striking illustration of a great change of reformation, which would take place when the Jews should be restored. And the effects should be felt in a conversion. Also of the Gentile World. They are scattered everywhere. They have access to all people. They understand all languages. And their conversion would be the kindling of a thousands of Lights at once in the darkness of pagan world. Think about that. Think about when God chooses to restore now, we're talking about and we'll talk about that in a minute. With the salt is real, we got used to restore a remnant of Israel. It will have a profound effect. Not only on the Jewish World on the Gentile world, but in so doing we're going to move before we get into that when I move into the the words of warning against Gentile casino, right? And he's saying that the Jews have been hardened for this. Of time. If it don't get all high-and-mighty. Is right because God is gracious. And he has shown Grace. I give him the gospel to the Gentiles. Throw up. He wants us to realize that God's grace was given to them over the Jews at this period of time that but got seven work is nonetheless at work. So at any time go to close the door salvation with Gentiles. Could you. Trinket. Yep, and let me remind you when we talked about Jews and Gentiles. When we talked about a people, we're talking about in general. And I mention this little bit to you last week, that when will you think the difference between thinking Hebrew and thinking Greek? Greek is a scientific language is written in Greek. In fact, that's why they use engineering. If you take an engineering classes, so many Lambda is, is it is it engineering determination? And in Delta, you know, Alpha and Omega. All those things are all in this precise language. We think Hebrew is an art. So what is Greek? Is it is a science, Hebrew is an art there and you'll touch me. See the beauty of God, displayed? Right, the heavens declare, the glory of God.

What the Old Testament is more inclined to declare, to us, is a group, like, when the Jewish people rejected God, it wasn't this. The person ejected, the people rejected God, when God blessed. He blessed the people. When God cursed, he cursed the people that we know when he took when the children of Israel went into Babylon, they all went in the Babylon, was the righteous people there. Yeah. So when we talked from this perspective, let's understand that we're talking about Gentiles as a as a people choose as a people, not necessarily focusing on every little individual 10K. So when God, God could close the door on the Gentiles, meaning in general and that doesn't mean that it won't be gentle. That will be saved. Israel is hardened. What does it mean? There's not individual Israelites that are being saved. You know, I'm saying, do you understand what I mean? Okay, Ricky at your hands up. even though the Greek. Okay, and Hebrews much of it was written to the Jews though, in some cases for the Jews. So even though they used the Greek, the precise language. They still used some of the ways of communication that the Hebrews used in the Old Testament, to get their point across today in the Western World. We think of poetry in terms of meter and rhyme.

When you get to the Old Testament in the Hebrew, like some this is not it poetry to vent or word picture sing. Yep, right?

Yep. Yep. A lot of times Western is, is it is kind of synonymous with thinking Greek thinking precise, you know, Eastern is lot less than that. So we want this was words that Paul was giving to warn the Gentiles against being conceited. Cuz really, what were the Gentiles they were, they were wild branches, grabbed it into the route for the 17 and 18 tells us that. But if some of the branches were broken off and you all the way wild, all of shoot for grafted in among the others. And now share in the nourishing root of the Olive Tree, do not be arrogant for the branches. If you are remember it is not you who support the route but the route that supports, you understand that he's saying here. Is that you? We're Wild Olive branches. And by the way, we were talking about this tree. What what, what is this? Olive tree? Let me mention nursing for the end of last week's lesson. So, hopefully you remember that. What is this Olive Tree all about? Have you seen this imagery before? And where have you seen it? If you said was Jeremiah chapter 11, verse 16, you would have been, right. The Lord wants called you a green. Olive Trina. Who is he talking to who's there? My talkin to the truce talking to the Israelites? Beautiful with good fruit. But with the Roar of a great Tempest, you show up, he will set fire to it in the branches will be consumed. Again, we see in the book of Hosea, his shoots shall spread out, his Beauty shall be like the Olive and its fragrance like Lebanon. So let's understand that. The Olive Tree hear that Paul is talking about is true Israel. Yes. I was just going to say the tree is the kingdom of God or true is true. Israel.

True Believers.

The route and, you know, God can remove or Graft in branches as he chooses to write the kingdom of God. Yes. This tree is extremely important because this tree is the true Israel. These are children of Abraham by faith, right? We found out that happened in chapter 4 of Romans. So what Paul is warning them? The agenda also says, listen, you have been grafted in to this tree. You were apart from that, you were away from it. You were under the wrath of God, and I chose to save an input. Give you Grace and bring you into the true Israel. By grafting you at.

When you graft a tree or two routes in and agriculture, the roof controls, many almost everything up. When you off work or when you want to do it. I think I mentioned it last week that when you want to make a dwarf, apple tree, you take a regular apple tree, cut its roots off and put on a quince root system on it. It controls the height of a tree and it is in control completely.

The guy Montpelier.

Montpelier, Thomas Jefferson.

Monticello grow grapes in the United States, are the Great Plains, it didn't work. But once we take the grape plants from say France and Grant them to the roots of the Wild Grape in here in the United States, it worth it though. It gives you more understanding up this verse, right? He says if you remember it is not you who support the roof but the roof that supports you, this is extremely important to what has God done. He says, he replaced the broken branches true, but can just as easily this place and replace. The Gentiles. Okay. So we're talking in general, still get there again. Don't think that God has done with his people and now you're, you're, you're the, you're the, yeah, the new Israel. I do not believe in replacement, theology. How many nose replacement theologies that the church replaced, Israel. I think this scripture, this passage of scripture, really brings us to the right understanding that the church, The Olive Tree, the true Israel, flutes of Jews and Gentiles together troop Israel does. So God is telling them is that just as easily as he hardened Israel and gave you salvation and you were grafted in, he could shut the door on the Gentiles. And so that the Jews will now come in. But, you know, that's the beauty of this is controlled by God. This is his Sovereign plant. All right. So as we go to this last part, we see that the hardening and blessing of Israel. Credible. All right. Let's let's read this. This last part together. We haven't read this. I said lest you be wise in your own site. I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery Brothers. A partial hardening has come upon Israel until what the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And in this way at the very important phrase that the adverb in will, look at the minute in this way. All Israel will be saved as it is written. The liver will come from Zion. He will banish godliness from Jacob and this will be my Covenant with them. When I take away their sins as regards, the gospel. They are enemies for your sake. But as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. That's another important phrase for the gifts and the calling of God are what you do. Boca Bowl. We're just as you were at one time disobedient to God, but now you have received Mercy because of their Disobedience. So they too have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you. They also made now, receive Mercy for God, has consigned all to Disobedience and he may have mercy on all portion of scripture. Isn't it? Does that all mean? Well, let's look at it. But first of all, we see that that the hardening is partial partial. Until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in. So in part means in a small measure and then he uses the word, the same word that he used the book when he talked about that. God had the full inclusion waiting for the full inclusion. What will be the form pollution be like when the Israelites come in at that same word for when God has completed, what he has established, what he has before ordained. He's talking about his number in this way. Now, in this way. He says that I met God in this way. All is well, will be saved in this way. As I mentioned, is an adverb. It means in the way indicated as I am indicating year, or Israel will be safe. So, what is he saying? Prior to that? What is he talking about? This house is understanding who the oil is. Rule will be stayed means where we just been talking about. In this putting back to what was just been said in this way. All this will be sick. What we've been talking about Clues, what? Gentiles Wild Olive branches were grafted in, right? And it's going to include what Jews who have been temporarily hard then, but will come again to Christ as a nation. Is he making also a reference here to the Jacob, the aunt in that?

Jacob's right after he had accepted. Right as its promise.

And here he said the ungodly from Jacob, guess that's a good thing. It's a good observance there because Jacob was called Jacob, but he was still living and unbelief. And then he was declared Israel when he believed God. Remember what was what was that event that happened? That God changed his name to Israel member that wrestle with the angels. Oriental wrestled with the angel, Lord, or equipment pre-incarnate, you know, appearance of Christ, and he wouldn't let go until he blessed them. So there was in symbolic form. Jacob, receiving the blessing because of his faith and trust in God and he became Israel. How do you say when we talked about Israel in it in that net effect. And even in the New Testament, sent you about through Israel? Where talk about talking about here. So I told you about that when we talked about this idea. What does this mean? I've had more discussions with people. Mostly people who of dispensational discipline and now I can't go into what this What station was in his butt. What are, what does it mean? That all Israel? Be safe? I think of the contact. That's why I've been moving very slowly through 11 chapter 11 of Romans. All right, think of that, cuz he says you're in this way. So we pointing back to all this been said, then he says, all Israel will be sick. Some people believe he's talking about the fullness of the Gentiles is probably less support than any of the others. Okay? Others believe. And I kind of cling to this one. We're talking about both Jews and Gentiles Believers or what? True Israelite spiritual Israel. I believe that there is support for this in view of the contact, right? Let's keep Context this King, right context when you are reading scripture and you have the desire to take that scripture and run with it, that piece of scripture. You cannot do that without the context, that changes things. So, that in the future.

We're talking about both, and I believe the says, there's has a lot of support scriptural support that, that we're talkin about here. True. Israel includes both Jews. And Gentiles. However, when we talked about that, the Olive Tree and the completeness of that Olive Tree, true Israelite, believe were talking about to syngenta. However, it is an aspect in which God is going to remove. The overall blindness of is, I don't know what that looks like. It seems to be in context of the end times. I don't know what that looks like. So, but I I I know what it is not. It doesn't mean that every Israelite going to be saved every Tuesday to be safe. It doesn't mean that. But I do believe that since God is going to remove the hardness and then the whole purpose of what God is doing in Saving the Gentiles and creating a jealousy. As it were in the Jews is going to cause them to want to come to Christ. I don't know what that looks like. I said, Yes, sir. I see Paul confrontation with the Lord, on the road to Damascus when he So the Lord will heard the Lord and was given cataracts Is Blindness, Jeff. That was temporary. Yep. Yep, representing. That's good. That's good. Because it was going to, it's going to be, there seems to be a going to be a shift and I don't know again. I'm not a prophecy expert or whatever, but there seems to be a shift, like there's going to be a time when the blindness of Israel is going to be removed, and there's going to be a number of juice safe. And here's the beauty of this. That's why I say this way. All Israel will be safe. So, who was the all Israel? It's the total totality of of the Olive. Tree will be complete. Totality of the Olive Tree, olive tree. The Gentiles, the fullness of the Gentiles are coming. And what? The fullness of the Jews? What come in and you have one man. That's what he said. You broke down the wall petition. That's the way I interpret the scripture. I trying to keep it in the context of it. It has Old Testament support. And Paul goes back to Isaiah gear, Isaiah 59, versus 20, and 21. And a redeemer will come to Zion and those in Jacob who turned from transgressions declares the Lord. And asked, and asked for ask, for me. This is my Covenant with them, says the Lord, my spirit and his upon you, and my words that I put I have put in your mouth shall not depart out of your mouth or out of the mouths of your Offspring or out of the mouths of your children's authoring says, the Lord from this time forth and forever more. If you go back to 20 from you kind of your caught your eye at your point. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.

The other is those who have accepted, right? So here's the, the point is our final Point here. They may be enemies of the Gospel, but they are beloved by God. So Jews. As a people do not promote the gospel as a people out. Again. We're talking about a group and not individuals. There are a part of the Remi Jews as an electromagnet, our beloved by God and they may stop pain. Mercy. Just as food has Jetta, this is massively important. I have talked to people. It said, God is going to save all Jews and because they are God's people, I said, well, how are they going to be safe? God is just want to save them. Know, that's not biblical virtues are going to be saying the same way as a question what is left? Of the promises for the Jews. To do to accomplish. At this time, what is what what do the Jews have to do? Repent, Bingo and Trust price.

Jews and Gentiles come into the kingdom. The same way through repentance and faith in Christ. Yep. Sacrifice is all the precursors that pointed to are gone. Now, he's here and we have his people are his Temple. It's just a beautiful real. Yep. Yep.

Where is but it says they will look on him whom they cure. Yes.

They were hardened against.


Price was an ism. Right.

Yes, and I will put my word in their heart. Yes. It's a beautiful, new covenant. I will give you a heart of Heart of Stone. Amazing. Beautiful Apothic 9 for the gifts and the calling of God are what you revocable. No words, if you think that God changes his mind, he has a different plan because of the outcome that he didn't see.

When did God make this plan before he created one molecule and it is irrevocable? It cannot be changed, God's salvation. Got saving a people does saving a Jew and Gentile, God saving a true. Israel, is irrevocable. But there was this aspect, it is an interesting way that Paul says this and verse 32 for God, has consigned all to Disobedience that he may have mercy on all. What does that mean?

Yes, Bingo right there. Where is there? In this concert in this context in this context? All is food. Bosom Jen Jews and Gentiles that had priority over the other. Got to consign both. They're both Jew and Gentile alike are all sinners. So in the same way, they all will come to Salvation in the same way. Right? God will show Mercy in the same way. God will show Grace in the same way. Beautiful. I think this picture is so clear. When was God's plan is for both Jew and Gentile? Yes.


Is that close to the final time when the Lord is coming back? Because Jews are turning to Christ recognized him. Because this scripture doesn't give us a timetable necessarily. It's it's if you take all the scripture together Old Testament, New Testament, all it seems to be aimed more at the end. Uptime. And with the Jews, he is right, because that's where it came from. That's where the people originally came from. And when you look at the Apostle, how many of them were not used. It's amazing. It's amazing to that. All the Jews are coming from every part of the world.

Yeah, I think God is an obviously we don't know the time yet. You know, we have the tendency to try to think of this is the time for this time of this. They read the newspaper and look at all the skin stuff. We don't know all that we know is that God's promises are irrevocable. He's going to save Jews and Gentiles and that Israel. The true Israel will be not one will be left out that God had designated designed for new. What? And that's, that's a, that's a beautiful thing. I love it. I'm going to read this. Another Barnes quote that says, Mercy is favor. Shown to the undeserving. It could not have been shown to the Jews in the Gentiles. And last it was before prove that they were what guilty for this purpose? Proof was furnished that they were all and I believe it was clear there for that. If paper was shown to either, it must be on the same ground that of mere undeserved Mercy. A man. Go back to what he said before in one man. God will raise up.

Yeah, that's right.

Amen, I love, I love the Scriptures. It helps us understand the plan of God that you had before the foundations of the Earth. The same way people that you would call your own. The scripture says, they are your precious possession. They are the Bride of your son. Jesus, Christ's father. I thank you that we are part of this one. That's Wild. Olive Branch is the Gentiles were grafted into the true Israel, which is both Jew and Gentile. You've created one man. Wonder Man, Who Would love you to serve you seek your face Worship, You Proclaim your message. Father. I thank you for the great salvation. You've given us. How do I pray now that it's, we going to the worship service, I pray that you would just take away all the distractions things that we're thinking about that will happen this week, or Run today and that our Focus might be on you and worshipping you. We pray this in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

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