Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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> .9
Praise the Lord.
Really awesome.
Well, welcome.
We're glad you're here.
We are.
I do.
We're at, we're just upon loving people, great Eddie way in all seriousness, all seriousness, aside.
Yes, I do.
Hold on just a second.
Let me try not to trip over my wires, okay?
And of course, they dip down here.
We are actually on chapter 11 of Romans and we've got about three weeks of this to go.
And then we're going to be starting chapter 12, sometimes in the winter months again, and then beginning the first week in June, when we study, what we call hermeneutics.
I know if you ever heard of it, but the scripture teaching that class.
Do you all the back ones, too?
And I can show you where to find.
Are all recorded.
So if you need to go back and Andre lesson, that's great.
So with that said, and since we've been recorded for about 5 minutes and have all this stuff on record, let's begin in prayer.
Thank you so much for the privilege.
I'm here this morning with your people, the people that you have called out from the world.
What makes us this thing from the world.
Not from anything that we have done.
There's no merits that we have accomplished to bring our self into your present for this because you have called us, you have brought us your mercy and Grace was showered upon us and we thank you and praise you for that.
We pray now, as we look at this passage of scripture chapter 11, the Bromans and your Holy Spirit would be in the midst of us.
This morning, that he would be our teacher.
We pray this in Jesus name.
Okay, so we are again, remind everybody where we are.
We are in the section called God's sovereignty over salvation, previous to that.
We saw how God indicted the entire human race and said, they were all sinful and hopeless.
And then he showed where Christ was given as the atoning sacrifice for Sinners and whoever puts their trust in G. Does Christ will be saved, but this process of Salvation doesn't just happen.
People aren't smart enough to come to Christ.
There's not this.
As some have thought has not this spark of righteousness that each of us has.
We have no right to dismiss, according to Romans 3:10.
So what has to happen for people to come to Christ?
God's Sovereign, power has to be at work in in that he has to be the one that initiates salvation.
And he also like, when did he call?
When did he decide that?
Scripture says in eternity past?
Close our minds, right?
We can't figure that out.
Yes, sir.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, this is
for example.
You came to the conclusion, wrongly.
So that man had totally falling except for his intellect and couldn't reason his way to God called of plagiarism plagiarism.
And that we found out that our minion.
ISM arminius, was Calvin's, you know, so, thank you.
That's me.
I just have to start the words and you guys can finish them.
That's right.
That's okay.
You from last week.
We were here last week, and this is kind of an interesting question, but I think you'll know what I mean.
What Vice has God chosen to bring Israel to repentance and faith.
Is it strange?
But that's what God has chosen.
He's chosen to bring Israel to himself jealousy and and so he knows what would bring us to Salvation would not.
So yes.
tried to get Israel to
Make the gentle jealous also back and forth.
Yeah, I know that this idea of jealousy is is is not always a bad thing.
All right.
It's right.
That we be jealous about our wives and somebody flirts with our wives.
We have a right to be jealous because that is they belong to us and we belong to them in a sew-in in respect the reality that the children of Israel knew themselves to be the children of God and to see that dog was saving Gentiles spurred them to jealousy, but that was used by God, right?
So hit this is where we are.
I'm just going to recap a little bit of what we did last week.
We did get not starting this song all over again, but we're talkin about the this whole section from 11 to 32.
Is that the Hardy of his real to benefit Israel?
So we saw that the Jewish stumbling and the Gentile connection that took place as a result of their stumbling.
We saw that salvation to the Gentiles.
An incentive for the Jews to repent because of their trespass, salvation had come to the Gentiles.
Remember what the, what, the Apostle Paul said that also in Ephesians chapter 2? It makes us very clear.
You know, there was no, it's not plan, B plan Z Plan D because you and beings didn't like God's plan.
So he had to keep coming up with a new one.
This was all a part of God's plan from the beginning to what was God going to do?
He eat with making one man.
You remember this passage in Ephesians chapter 4, chapter 2 verses 14 50.
I mentioned this last week for himself is our peace who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh.
The dividing wall Facility by abolishing the law because I was expressing ordinances that he may create in himself, what one new man in play some too.
So making peace.
So this is this is nothing new.
We mentioned that in 70 AD, the temple was destroyed.
So the Jews were scattered abroad.
They no longer had a temple to go to do in their mind.
What happened to God?
It is so you can just imagine the Jews.
Okay, so the reality of the Jews and what they were going through is that the temple had always been the place that they go to meet.
God always been the place, right?
So the reality and it's a beautiful reality.
You read the book of Exodus and how God with gave detailed instructions for the building of the Tabernacle, which was the mobile version of the temple.
And that was where God with it, with his people, with meet, with his people.
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