The Church of God- 1 Timothy 3:14-16

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The Church of God- 1 Timothy 3:14-16

What is the Church? This is a question that, depending upon the answer, has enormous implications for how a church worships the Lord, shepherds her members, and seeks to preach the gospel to the lost.
For example, if you think a church exists exclusively for evangelism, then you will say something similar to Steven Furtick when he told people, “If you want discipleship, don’t come to my church.”
Or, if you think a church is a country club, then you will not expect members to be like Christ nor help them become like Christ nor hold them accountable when they fail to do so.
Of, if you think the church is the household of God, you will conduct yourselves accordingly. You will believe certain things and you will behave in certain ways.
Listen to the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith as it summarizes the teachings of Scripture on the Church:
“The catholic or universal church, which (with respect to the internal work of the Spirit and truth of grace) may be called invisible, consists of the whole number of the elect, that have been, are, or shall be gathered into one, under Christ, the head thereof; and is the spouse, the body, the fulness of him that fills all in all.” 1 (1 Heb. 12:23; Col. 1:18; Eph. 1:10,22,23, 5:23,27,32)
There are many more paragraphs in the Confession that summarize the Scriptures’ teaching on a variety of issues within the church, but this introductory statement helps us understand our subject this morning: The Church of God.
It is of God because it is His Church. He did, after all, obtain it with His own blood (Acts 20:28). It is not the Garretts church or any other family in our wonderful history. It is God’s Church. And God Himself has given to us how He wants the Church to function and what He wants the church to believe through His servant, the apostle Paul.
In examining this passage, we will ask three questions: What is the Church of God? How does the Church Function? and What does the Church Believe?
In answering these questions I hope, by the Word of God and the Spirit of God, you will see how vital is it to have a Church that is of God, meaning a Church that follows God, submits to God, and trusts God.

I. What is the Church of God?- 3:15b

We have already read the summary of what a church is from the London Confession of Faith, but in Paul’s words the church is “the household of God.” He further elaborates on this by calling it “the church of the living God.” In other words, “household of God” and “church of the living God” are synonyms.
What does it mean that it is called the “household of God” and the “church of the living God”?
The phrase “household of God” frequently in the Old Testament. It first appears in Genesis 28:17 where Jacob realizes that the place he was sleeping was “the house of God.”
The rest of the Old Testament refers to the Tabernacle or Temple, which is the place of God’s presence. For the nation of Israel, God’s presence was always “there” in the prayer. The people of Israel could be near God’s Presence, because His presence resided in the Holy of Holies, where only one man (highly limited) and only once a year.
With the New Covenant, God has completely changed everything. Through the wonderful work of Christ, we now have access to God, as the books of Hebrews and Ephesians teaches us. In fact, through the work of Messiah Jesus, (Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” )
The Church, then, is the place of God’s presence, not the Temple. This is a huge change from the old covenant. When we gather together here in this place, the presence of God resides. It is a foretaste of the church in Rev. 6:4-12.
But Paul describes this place and the reason for his letter to “know how one ought to behave.” That brings us to our second consideration.

II. How does the Church Function?- 3:14-15a

If the Church is the place of God’s presence, then it follows (and I would argue we should want to know) that God will provide instructions for our behavior in a church. We have touched on this already in the earlier part of this letter and will continue to see it throughout the rest of it.
Paul calls the church “the pillar and buttress of truth.” The Church is the guardian of truth. Notice what God is saying through Paul. It is not seminaries that are the guardians of truth. I love theological education and have spent more than half of my life learning in the classroom. But this does not change God’s authoritative word on the matter. It is the church, it is people like you and me, under the guidance of the Spirit of God and in conformity to the Word of God, that we guard the truth.
We have examined and will continue to examine these truths found in the Word of God. But there are several points worth our consideration if we are to behave rightly in His Church.
First, it is that we are to know God’s Word. It is amazing to me how little care the majority of those who claim Christ show for the Word of God. We must be life-long students of the Word of God and actually know what God’s Word says. This requires regularly reading and studying and memorizing and meditating. We will never be a pillar and buttress of truth if we know more about football stats and recipes than God’s Word.
Secondly, it means that we examine one another according to God’s Word. We use Lifeway Literature for our Sunday school curriculum. While it would be nice to trust those who write that curriculum, the truth is that even Southern baptist literature has errors and issues in it. Sunday school teachers, you should examine what is written in light of God’s Word, not the other way around. The same applies to my public preaching and teaching. But it also applies to your interactions with one another. When you seek to comfort and counsel one another, it should be in light of God’s Word.
Warrior Creek Baptist Church should be a pillar and buttress of truth. Let us do the work required of such a marvelous task. But this naturally leads to our final question: what does a church believe?

III. What does the Church Believe?- 3:16

Paul gives us a confession. It is a concise statement on the key tenets of Christianity. We believe much more than this, but not less.
We recited the Apostle’s Creed together as a common confession of the church. It is a statement of our (the church) beliefs. Historically the church has held to such confessions or “creeds” (again, statements of belief). Here is a sample of creeds and confessions that church has historically held:
Apostles’ Creed
Nicene Creed
Athanasian Creed
and my favorite: The London Baptist Confession.
Paul’s statement here is commonly thought of as a hymn, a song sung by the church that contains the mysteries of the church and the glorious truths and experiences of the child of God. It summarizes the preexistence of Christ, His incarnation, His true ministry and fulfillment of OT prophecies, His gospel work, and His ascension where Christ reigns at the right hand of the Father.
This the Church believes, confesses, and sings. This is the mystery Paul speaks about in 3:16. This is what the Church believes. Our lives as followers of Jesus Christ are distilled from these teachings. Our practices are shaped by the person and work of Christ.
Let me give you one example of this. In that phrase “taken up in glory” partly refers to Christ’s ascension. His work on the cross is finished. He interceding for us (Rom. 8:34). He is making intercession for us (Heb. 7:25). He is able to save us to the uttermost, the author of Hebrews tells us.
So while you are striving to live like Christ you will face failures. You may become discouraged because of these failures and begin to think that not even Christ could save you. But these thoughts should be ejected from your mind. Christ lives, He was raised from the dead, and it currently at the right hand of the Father praying for you and because He is doing that He is able to save us to the uttermost. Completely. Fully. Every single part of us will be saved because “He was taken up in glory.”
This is the Church of the Living God, the household of God and the pillar and ground of the truth. The question is: what are you doing with it? If you are a believer, you must be a part of a church. It is not optional. There are no side-line Christians. And if you are a part of it, what are you doing? Again, there are no side-line Christians. It is not a spectator sport.
This does not mean you will all hold to a visible office or job. Many of you, however, could make it your aim to pray for the church. I was so encouraged when I was visiting with one of you because this individual said they prayed through every name on our member roll. Listen, that is vital to the work, and never feel like “all you can do is pray.” It is the most glorious thing you can do, and you will see the fruits of that prayer.
Perhaps you are not a follower: God came to save sinners. Believe Him today!
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