Colin Powell learned a valuable lesson about work early in his life. While working at the Teamsters Hall on soft drink delivery trucks, Powell accepted a job as a porter at a Pepsi bottling plant, not knowing what a porter actually did. The first day on his new job, the future Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was given a mop. He was determined to be the best mopper at the plant. At the end of the summer, the foreman watched Powell work during the summer and complimented him on his hard work. The foreman offered him a better job for the next summer. Powell could have had a different attitude toward his menial job as a porter, but he was determined to do the best job even if he was not working at the best job. The lesson he learned was this: "All work Is honorable. Always do your best, because someone is watching."'
We may not have the most glamorous or the best paying job in the world, but we can still be thankful that we have a job. We also have a great incentive to do our work well, because "human ways are under
the eyes of the LORD, and he examines all their paths: (NOV. 5:21, NRSV).'