The Name Above All Names
Graduated from high school myself, and I were married a long time ago though, but I remember that. Well, I hope everyone is doing well. Hope everyone's enjoying. This brutally hot weather. It really hot it and it is. Thank you, John, for asking. Now, I'm going to tell you how hot it is. It and Martha told me this one, this morning, this is a good one. Now. Let me take. Did y'all receive the Alert in your mailbox yesterday from the post office? Nobody did well, you should have because they sent us one and they said it's so hot outside that they sent a recipe on how to bake lasagna in your mailbox. That's how hot it is. Now if you want to bake lasagna in your mailbox, you can see Martha. Tell you how to do that, okay? Alright. Yeah that's right. I don't think it's as good as the Statue of Liberty. But anyway, we'll go on. Alright, well, what I want to do today is I want a I want a preacher sermon today.
And it's probably, and I know I've said this before, it's probably one of the most important that I've ever preached. I say that every 3 or 4 weeks, but I really believe that it is, and I appreciate Vicki picking out the song that she did. Because the title of today's message is the name of all names. I'm going to talk about a name today, and what we're going to do today is we're going to look and see who The real true Jesus really is. Now, the reason I say that is this last week, I was watching TV like it 10:30. I was watching one of the religious channels. They had a pastor. And they had a rabbi on there, and they were just discussing Jesus. And I listened to the entire discussion. It was 30 minutes long. And they said some things about Jesus that I want to tell you what they said and I want you to tell me if you believe it or not. They said that Jesus. Was a good man. Would you would you agree with that? I would do. They said Jesus was a highly moral. An ethical man. Would you agree with that? I would too. They said that Jesus healed people. That he saved people. That he even resurrected people. Would you agree with that? Absolutely. They said that Jesus Christ was probably the best moral example that we have. Of anyone to follow. Would you agree with that? I would, I would agree with everything that I just said, and they said more things about him that he was the greatest teacher ever. Would you agree with that? I would too. I would agree with they talk for 30 minutes about things like that. And I agree with every single thing that they said, but what I didn't agree with his last as far as they went Jesus is a good man. A moral example, an ethical man, perform Miracles, love people. The greatest teacher ever every single thing they said was true, but that's where they stopped. So, what I want to do for you this morning,
Is I want to give you 7 Reasons by Jesus. His name is above all names. That you young folks, going off to college Skyler and Ethan. If you go off to college and all of a sudden your professor start saying, well I don't believe in Christianity and Jesus was just a good moral person. You tell them, let me give you seven reasons why his name is above all names and I want to give them to you this morning. Now Napoleon, he said this about Jesus, he said, I know men, And I tell you that Jesus Christ is not a man. Now, what he meant by that was he was not a mere man. He wasn't just a man, you see superficial Minds? See the resemblance of Christ. With the founders of other Empires and religions. Because I've heard Christ before being compared to Gandhi. To Mother Teresa. To the Dalai Lama. Because he would, he did so many good works and we all know that Mother Teresa and she just gave her life in serving people. But let me say the resemblance of Jesus Christ, to those people does not even exist. It doesn't exist. There is between Christianity and every other religion, the distance of infinity. That's the distance. We can say to the authors of other religions. You're not a God, you're nowhere close to deity. You're nothing but missionaries of falsehood. Any other religion? I don't care how good deeds they do or what they do, because they are molded from the same clay, that the rest of us Mortals are molded from They're just people. So you take Jesus Christ and put him up against all other religions and all other Founders and Empires. And you going to see the distance is infinity, because his name is a name above all names. That's what Paul said, in Philippians 2 verse 9. He said, God has highly exalted him and given him a name above all names, so you can take the religious leaders out of other religions. And you still have that religion, you still have their teachings, you still have their ways. You don't have to, personally know them to follow their teachings, but friends, you take Christ, out of Christianity, Christianity does not exist. It does not exist. Christianity is not a code, it is not a Creed. It is not a cause it is Christ himself and to take Jesus out that would be like taking water out of the well taking the blue out of the sky, taking notes out of music or taking numbers out of mathematics. You cannot do it. You will not have Christianity. If you take Christ out he is different from all other religious leaders. Not some of them say would look I know how to point you to the way. Jesus said, I am the way. Others of them will say, well, you know, let I've come. So I want to teach you this special truth. Jesus said, I am the truth. That's what Jesus said. Other say well I'm kind of like a philosopher and I want to show you have your how to have your best life. Now Jesus said, I am the life. I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father God, except through me, his name is above all names of. Here's what I want you to do, quickly. Turned to Hebrews chapter 1, Hebrews chapter 1, And I want to give you some reasons why, Jesus, his name is above all names and not a single reason will mention his morality, his ethics, his being a great teacher, I'll leave that to the other people. All those things are true. What I want to teach you this morning or things that are true that most people don't even realize. And when they realize these, then you'll know why Jesus that name is the name above all names. Hebrews chapter one. We're only going to look and 3 versus you say, well, how you going to get seven points out of three versus I can do it and I watch this. First number one, God. Who at sundry times and divers manners. And I'm reading out of the King James this morning and what in the world does that mean? Sundry and divers? We never use that terminology anymore. It means that both of them mean this various Or numerous so just read it like this God who at various times and in various ways. Spoke and time passed unto the father's by the prophets. Has in these last days spoken unto us by his son, whom he hath appointed. Heir of All Things by whom also, he made the worlds who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding All Things by the word of his power when he had. Underlying these next two words, By himself purged. Our sins keep set down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. I don't know when you followed me when I read that if you thought anything about those scriptures or not, but I want to tell you something. There is no greater teaching in the Bible than what we just read in those three versus those three versus give us the seven reasons. Why Jesus name is above all name and I want to give you the first one. Now, Jesus. He has the final word from God. You say, well, what do you mean by the final word? Well, two things I want to show you here. Hey, first of all, in old-time or long ago, God spoke in what I call fragments you say, what, what do you mean by that? Look at Birth one, God who at various times and in various ways spoke in time pass into the father's by the prophet. So before Christ appeared God spoke to the prophets, let you know the prophet. So you can say Moses then. And you can say you can say David or you could say Jeremiah Isaiah, any other problem, the Minor Prophets. Anyone who is Samuel. He spoke to people through the prophet but he only spoke in fragments you say what do you mean by that? Because no single profit. Received the full Revelation from God. This is what theologians call as you work through the Old Testament. This is God's progressive revelation. He progressively, gives more information as people needs it. He gave some information to Moses. He gave some to Abraham, he gave some to David. He gave some to Isaiah Jeremiah, but none of them had the entire word from God. He came in fragment someone speaking, in the formal also, I'm was speaking in the form of Prophecy somewhere. Speaking in the form of wisdom from as in songs He spoke in Old Testament and dreams. Remember all the dreams that people have God, spoke in dreams, even spoke to a donkey I mean, was it say in various ways at various times? God spoke to the father's through the prophets. A long time ago by the prophet, it was all the word of God but all of it was just in fragments. So that's what verse one means that God spoke but it was just fragmented. It was through through the years but now be God has spoken in finality. Look what it says. In Pursuit has in these last days spoken to us by, who his son. he's like, what's the last days from the time that Jesus ascended to heaven to right now, That's the last days we've been in the last days a long time, God has spoken to us by his son, you see him both Testaments, we have the written word of God. But only in the New Testament. Do we have the Living Word? Jesus Christ. Jesus is the perfect revelation of the will of God for mankind, because the word Jesus became what flash look at it in John 1:14. John 1:14 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us. We beheld, his glory, the glory of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth when God spoke to me in in Jesus, he said everything that he had to say. I want you to hear that very clearly this morning, Especially if you were here and you're not saved. Jesus is the final word. That you will ever hear. There's no there's no more Revelation coming. There's no more secrets, there's no more Hidden Truths to find. Jesus is the final word he has said everything man needs to hear in Jesus. We have God's final message and we need to look for no other. You see all those fragments have come together in Christ. Although the Old Testament is important, I love the Old Testament. It can only be understood though when viewed at pointing to and fulfilled by Christ long ago in the old days, God spoke to man through the prophets. But in these last days, your days by days, he has spoken through his son. Jesus is the final word of God from God. Jesus is number 2. Not only is he the final word from God, but Jesus. Is the future heir of all things. Look at it in the second part of verse too. Well, he's the last word in these last days spoken Us by Sun, but then whom he hath appointed, heir of all things. Now, what does this point is to? Again, I thought I take you back to the Old Testament. Want you to look at what God Said to Jesus in Psalm chapter 21 verse 8. Ask of me and I will give you the nation's for your inheritance and the ends of the Earth for your possession who owns it. All Jesus. He owns it all the whole earth belongs to God, and God has made his son are of everything. That's what the Bible says here, whom he has appointed heir of all things. Not some things, all things in addition to the world being Christ inheritance Believers, we are part of his inheritance to infusions one. I don't have that on the screen, but it talks about how Believers one day will be presented to Christ as his bride. Why? Because he owns us we are his inheritance and we will dwell with him forever. God owns it all because he is the future. Heir of all things that I think about this. I didn't hear those guys talkin about Jesus, how great a person, he will say anything like this. They didn't say he was a final word from God. They didn't say, he was the future heir of all things, but we need to understand that number three, Jesus.
Is the first cause of creation. You say now. What do you mean by that? Well, let me take you to John chapter 1. Verse 1 through 3, All things were made through him. Speaking of Jesus, all things were made through him. and without him, Nothing was made that was made. All things were made through him. And without him, nothing was made. That was made. Who? Created everything? Got who?
All things were made through him Jesus. And without Jesus, nothing was made. That was made. Who's the creator? All things were made through Christ and by Christ. Who's this creator? Christ, Jesus. Look at it. All things were made through Jesus. And without Jesus, nothing was made. That was made. Jesus is the first cause of creation. Look what Paul says in Colossians 1, 15 and 16. Listen to this, he is the image. Remember the express image of the invisible God God is a spirit God the father's Spirit can't see him. He is the express image of the invisible. God the firstborn over all creation. I watch this. For by him, Jesus. What does it say? All things were wiped created by who Jesus that are in heaven that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether Thrones or dominions, or principalities or power. All things were created through him and for him, Jesus created it all God delegated, the creation process to Jesus Genesis 1:1. That's Jesus. All things were made through him for him and by him, he is the first cause of creation, that's who Jesus is now. I was thinking this morning I was going over some facts. Do y'all know the name of the closest star to Earth? You know, what the name of it is? Proxima. Sentara. That's the name of the star, you know, how far it is away the closest star to us four and 1/2 light-years away. Now I want to I want to think about this, if you could hijack a light beam like moves it what 186,000 miles per hour per second did, you know, at 186,000 miles per second, you could go around the world seven times in one second. You could go around the whole world seven times in one second and the closest star is 4. 1/2, light years away. And astronomers talk about how they are stars in universes that are 5 and 10 billion. Light years away on ask you something, who made that. Jesus. God made it. Who put all that in space. The Lord Jesus did. Look what it says in verse to God has spoken to us by his son, whom he has appointed, heir of All Things by who also, he made the white, the world's everything, every Galaxy, every Milky Way Jesus did it. I didn't hear any of those guys. Talk about that. They just want to talk about. He was just a good teacher and a good. Moral upright person. Please let me take this world will give you Jesus. They will give you the nice good moral Jesus. What they won't give you is Jesus as God. And he is God.
He made it all the Bible says that he owns the cattle on a thousand hills. It says the Earth is the Lord's and all that dwell therein. Everything is the Lord's Inflow. We think about the little plot of ground that we live on. I own one point three acres and I call that mine. My house is sitting there and I say this is my house. This is my land. I'll run you off. If you come on my land friend, let me tell you something about lot. That little lot is not buy it belongs to the Lord. Everything belonged the Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof It All Belongs to him. It All Belongs to him. So what are we saying? So far? He's the final word from God. He's the future heir of out. He's the first cause of creation. Now here we get to the good part number for this is what people don't like. Don't let you talk about Jesus as a good man. They don't want you to talk about Jesus. He is the fullness of the godhead. Look at it in verse 3.
the Bible says here who being in brightness, Of his glory talkin about the glory of God, the father and the express image of his person. Bible says for it, please God. It pleased, God, the father that in Christ. All the fullness should dwell Colossians 1 verse 19. Any view of Jesus Christ, any view anywhere, does that does not include him as being God is absolutely falsehood. Look what it says again being in the brightness of his glory and the express image that Greek word for express images icon, Jesus is an icon of God. It's like when you stamp something on the Signet you put something on a ring you put a seal down is the exact representation of what God and that is what Jesus is his exact image Express image. The Bible says here. Now to understand the meaning of brightness think of the Sun What do we receive from the sun? We received radiation from the sun, the sun comes out like it is. Now you go outside the Sun hits. You you are experiencing the radiation from the Sun in the same way. Christ is the light. He is, the radiation from God, he is the rate, he helps us to see what God is. Like, Christ is what God looks like to us in human flesh. If you could see God, the father in human flash, you know who you would be? Looking at, you be looking at Jesus, because he is the express image, and I love the way it says here, the brightness of his glory. And when he took on human flesh, He became the manifestation of God to us, there is only one way to know who got ears or what he's like in the only way to do that is to look at Jesus because he is the fullness of God in human form. That make sense. That's exactly what he is. Paul wrote the Timothy. He said here's the mystery of godliness.
That God was manifested in the flesh. That's your mystery right there. He was manifested in The Flash. What did Jesus himself? Say, if you seen me, you've seen the father, why? Because I'm the express image. I'm the brightness of his glory friends list and you can't have Jesus just as a good teacher. Just as a moral example, just as a good ethical man. Just as a great teacher, you can't have just that of him. Jesus was God In the Flesh. And that's where the Fallout becomes. When you go to school, when you go to the university, the less you talk about Jesus is this a good more? And yeah, we'll study all the things he did. He was such a good, man. They'll put him in the same boat, with Mother Teresa infinity. Infinity exists between them to know, he was more than just a good teacher. He has the final word of God, the future heir of all things, the first cause of creation and he is the fullness of the guy. And that's just for. We've got three more to go. Number 5. He's the facilitator. Of all things. Not what do you mean by that? I mean this that Jesus Christ created this world. And when he created the world, he did not take his hand off the world. Did you know that if he didn't have his hand on the world right now? If he just created everything and just let it go as it pleases that we would probably have already either frozen to death or burn to death. You let the song Get just a little bit closer to us and we'll burn to death. You let it move a little farther away and we'll freeze to death. You don't think that there is a divine power in heaven who has his hands on this Earth. Yes, he created it but he also up holes everything. Look at it. If you will and the second part of verse 3, brightness of his glorious press image of this person to watch this upholding All Things by the word of his power. I want you to look at one verse Colossians, 1 verse 17, Are we already know that he is who Jesus? He, Jesus is before all things. And in Jesus, all things white consists. What does that word mean held together? And heal, everything is held together in Jesus, he's the alpha, the Omega, the beginning and the end who is, who was and who is to come, he is before everything. He's the reason that the planet stay on course that the that the Earth doesn't fly away as it circles. The sun, he is the Eternal Word of God, he holds creation together. I like to think of it like this, Jesus is the glue of the Galaxy one that holds everything together without him our Cosmos. Would be chaos. He brought it into being, he keeps it going. He's the one who holds all the world together with mathematical precision. And then you have these poor people today. Who's saying this, whose fear-mongering these politician, what in the world are we going to do the Earth's surface? We have gone up, .00, 1° in the last 30 years. What are we going to do about it? We're going to melt away and all they want to bring in all of this climate change and things like that. Are we going to have? There's going to be a chain reaction. We going to have a nuclear explosion that's going to blow the world up. What's going to happen? We're going to have this ecological disaster. Aren't things out of control, friends. Listen. The only thing that's out of control. Are these insane in app and idiotic politicians? That's what's out of control and a media. That's out of control that tries fear-mongering and everything. What does the Bible says here? It says here that upholds. All things by the word of his power friend, Jesus and Heaven, he has the Easy Button. He knows exactly what's going on with his hand is on everything. And when this world end, it will end because Jesus wants it to end. Not a second sooner or later. He opposed all things. He is the reason of creation and he's the ruler of creation, he upholds it all. now, if you don't believe it, Look down and verse 10 and 11 of the same chapter and look what it says.
And by our Lord, in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth. We already proved that and the heavens are the works of your hands. We prove that they Shall Perish. What Shall Perish the heavens and everything else? They Shall Perish, but they'll remain us. And they all shall wax old as a, as a garment. You say what, what is he saying here that the universe is winding down? You ever heard of the law of entropy? That's the second law of Thermodynamics that says everything. Unless new energy is pumped in everything, just wears out you ever noticed that with your body as you get older was your body, do it wears out. You're not getting better. We're getting older and crippler and everything else. We feel the eight and the pain everything runs down. That's why I say evolution is a farce because Evolution says, oh no, we're not running. Now, we're going up, we're going to reach Utopia is what we're going to do. Know everything is going. Everything is running down, it is the generating. But the Bible says, just like an old garment, all everything is going to pass away, but you Lord are forever. You see, he is the facilitator of all things. Well, let's move on. If I don't will be here till 6 number 6.
He is the Forgiveness of our sins.
He is the Forgiveness of our sins. The one who has the final word, the future are the first cause of creation, the fullness of the godhead. The facilitator of all he came to Earth, this very one to take away our sins. He didn't send an angel, he didn't send the Holy Spirit. He came to Earth for our sakes and sacrificed his life for us. Francis think of it like this, the little babe in Bethlehem is the one who is the name above all names? That little baby born. In a stable, he came to save us from our sins. He is be not only if the reason for creation not only is he the ruler of creation. He's the Redeemer of creation. He came to redeem, and how did he do it? Look what the verse says. Birth story. When he had I told you the underlying these to buy him self. Purge our sins. He's the solitary savior. Do you know that everybody's looking for savior today? Everybody's looking for a different savior. I'll do this. Probably this. I'll say this, I'm looking for saving only save the world ever have solitary. Savers name is Jesus, the name above all names, R and you'll be saved by him alone, or you will not be safe. That's just a fact. There is no other Savior and look at that word purged. He says he purged our sins. Not only, did he forgive them? He purred. What is that? Worth a late and meet the cleanse? The twins is us from our see, he took our sins away. I hear people talk about occasionally Purgatory. Oh yeah, you die and you stay a few years and you have to suffer for your sins and then maybe later if people pray for you you can come out for and there's not a single word in the Bible about purgatory. The thing that purges our sins is the blood of Christ. Not me going somewhere suffering so I can get somewhere that will never happen. He is the Forgiveness of our sins. Look what Hebrews 9 25 and 26.
Not that he should offer himself often as the high priest, enter the most holy place every year with blood of another. Let me tell you what some of the high priest would go in the holy of holies. Once a year to confess the sins of the nation had to do it every single year he had to do that. Not that and then would have had to suffer off the friends list. If Christ death on the cross, is not enough to save you forever and you if you can lose your salvation, then the only way to get your salvation back is Jesus is going to have to come back again and died for you. You think he's going to do that? No, he died. Once for all because it was enough, not like a high priest. I have to keep going back and forth confessing since then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world. But now what's the next word? Once at the end of the ages, he has appeared to do what to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself once. Once. All the duck. He is the Forgiveness of our sins. Well, one more will close.
Number 7, Jesus. Is the finisher of our faith. You say well, what do you mean by he's the finisher. Of our faith will look at it in the last part of Earth 3.
Brightness of his glory. He's, he's the fullness of the godhead. Upholding all things. He facilitates all things when he had himself, purged are saying he's the Forgiveness of our sins. And he sat down on the right hand of majesty on high when he finished purging our sins and other words, after he died on the cross, in the resurrection, he was he was ascended to heaven. He sat down beside what's Jesus doing today. Well, one thing he's doing, he's sitting He sat down now. Why is that important? Because in the Tabernacle in the temple, the holy of holies they had Furniture in there. But it had no chairs. The priests never set down. He say, why didn't they set down? Didn't get tired. Of course they got tired. But they couldn't sit down because they were so busy, Forsaken, and confessing the sins of all the other people people coming and going all the time confessing their sins. They couldn't even set. There was no chairs in the Tabernacle. Why? Because it was never complete. If you don't know Jesus, the Forgiveness of your scent is never complete. Never complete. And see, but his sacrifice. What's finish? What did Jesus say on the cross? It is finished. It is finished. No more going to the temple. No more slaughtering animals, no more. The holes going in the holy of holies once a year. The veil was rent and it is finished friends. I want to ask you something. He is the author and finisher of our faith and when Christ finished, he sat down now, when I ask you something, Can't you see why Jesus is so much more worthy than what our culture gives him today. I listen to them, preachers. Talk for 30 minutes, not a single one of them mentioned anything that we've talked about today, why? Because this is the real true Jesus right here. He was all those things that they talked about. He was all of that, but he is so much more. So, in closing, I want to say this to you today. if you were here, And you've never accepted Christ as your savior. Today would be a wonderful day to do that and let me tell you why.
because in these last days, God has spoken to us through his son. and the reason I say that is this, God has given you everything that you need in the Bible. To make a decision, a logical heartfelt, thoughtful decision to accept Christ. You have everything that you need to do that. but if you look at all this evidence and you say, you know, something I just can't do it. I just can't believe it. I'm just not going to accept friends. Let me just say this if you refuse to accept Christ for who he says he is,
God has nothing else to say to you.
Think of that.
Nothing to say.
Who is Jesus? The final word.
The future. What are The first one cause of creation. The fullness of the godhead. The facility, he upholds. All things and keeps it running. Yes. Who forgive me of my sin and purse. Jesus. And who's the finisher of our faith? Who was it? That died in a rose and set down. Jesus name above all names.
For the debut closes.