Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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Graduated from high school myself, and I were married a long time ago though, but I remember that.
Well, I hope everyone is doing well.
Hope everyone's enjoying.
This brutally hot weather.
It really hot it and it is.
Thank you, John, for asking.
Now, I'm going to tell you how hot it is.
It and Martha told me this one, this morning, this is a good one.
Let me take.
Did y'all receive the Alert in your mailbox yesterday from the post office?
Nobody did well, you should have because they sent us one and they said it's so hot outside that they sent a recipe on how to bake lasagna in your mailbox.
That's how hot it is.
Now if you want to bake lasagna in your mailbox, you can see Martha.
Tell you how to do that, okay?
Yeah that's right.
I don't think it's as good as the Statue of Liberty.
But anyway, we'll go on.
Alright, well, what I want to do today is I want a I want a preacher sermon today.
And it's probably, and I know I've said this before, it's probably one of the most important that I've ever preached.
I say that every 3 or 4 weeks, but I really believe that it is, and I appreciate Vicki picking out the song that she did.
Because the title of today's message is the name of all names.
I'm going to talk about a name today, and what we're going to do today is we're going to look and see who The real true Jesus really is.
Now, the reason I say that is this last week, I was watching TV like it 10:30.
I was watching one of the religious channels.
They had a pastor.
And they had a rabbi on there, and they were just discussing Jesus.
And I listened to the entire discussion.
It was 30 minutes long.
And they said some things about Jesus that I want to tell you what they said and I want you to tell me if you believe it or not.
They said that Jesus.
Was a good man.
Would you would you agree with that?
I would do.
They said Jesus was a highly moral.
An ethical man.
Would you agree with that?
I would too.
They said that Jesus healed people.
That he saved people.
That he even resurrected people.
Would you agree with that?
They said that Jesus Christ was probably the best moral example that we have.
Of anyone to follow.
Would you agree with that?
I would, I would agree with everything that I just said, and they said more things about him that he was the greatest teacher ever.
Would you agree with that?
I would too.
I would agree with they talk for 30 minutes about things like that.
And I agree with every single thing that they said, but what I didn't agree with his last as far as they went Jesus is a good man.
A moral example, an ethical man, perform Miracles, love people.
The greatest teacher ever every single thing they said was true, but that's where they stopped.
So, what I want to do for you this morning,
Is I want to give you 7 Reasons by Jesus.
His name is above all names.
That you young folks, going off to college Skyler and Ethan.
If you go off to college and all of a sudden your professor start saying, well I don't believe in Christianity and Jesus was just a good moral person.
You tell them, let me give you seven reasons why his name is above all names and I want to give them to you this morning.
Now Napoleon, he said this about Jesus, he said, I know men, And I tell you that Jesus Christ is not a man.
Now, what he meant by that was he was not a mere man.
He wasn't just a man, you see superficial Minds?
See the resemblance of Christ.
With the founders of other Empires and religions.
Because I've heard Christ before being compared to Gandhi.
To Mother Teresa.
To the Dalai Lama.
Because he would, he did so many good works and we all know that Mother Teresa and she just gave her life in serving people.
But let me say the resemblance of Jesus Christ, to those people does not even exist.
It doesn't exist.
There is between Christianity and every other religion, the distance of infinity.
That's the distance.
We can say to the authors of other religions.
You're not a God, you're nowhere close to deity.
You're nothing but missionaries of falsehood.
Any other religion?
I don't care how good deeds they do or what they do, because they are molded from the same clay, that the rest of us Mortals are molded from They're just people.
So you take Jesus Christ and put him up against all other religions and all other Founders and Empires.
And you going to see the distance is infinity, because his name is a name above all names.
That's what Paul said, in Philippians 2 verse 9.
He said, God has highly exalted him and given him a name above all names, so you can take the religious leaders out of other religions.
And you still have that religion, you still have their teachings, you still have their ways.
You don't have to, personally know them to follow their teachings, but friends, you take Christ, out of Christianity, Christianity does not exist.
It does not exist.
Christianity is not a code, it is not a Creed.
It is not a cause it is Christ himself and to take Jesus out that would be like taking water out of the well taking the blue out of the sky, taking notes out of music or taking numbers out of mathematics.
You cannot do it.
You will not have Christianity.
If you take Christ out he is different from all other religious leaders.
Not some of them say would look I know how to point you to the way.
Jesus said, I am the way.
Others of them will say, well, you know, let I've come.
So I want to teach you this special truth.
Jesus said, I am the truth.
That's what Jesus said.
Other say well I'm kind of like a philosopher and I want to show you have your how to have your best life.
Now Jesus said, I am the life.
I am the way, the truth and the life.
No one comes to the father God, except through me, his name is above all names of.
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