No Fence Sitting
Revelation • Sermon • Submitted
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· 64 viewsWhen it comes to eternal matters, it is impossible to sit on the fence and expect to go to heaven.
Sermon Tone Analysis
On the old Andy Griffith Show, Barney Fife, his loyal, yet somewhat incompetent deputy, is often seen as never able to make a firm decision. In one episode, Andy was having a disagreement with his girlfriend about a particular issue. Barney was standing between them as they were arguing. Andy would state something, look at Barney and say, Ain’t that right, Barney? To which Barney would reply, Well, yeah, Andy, that’s right.
Immediately, Andy’s girlfriend, would counter with something else to Andy. Then she would look at Barney and say, Now isn’t that right, Barney? Barney would show a great deal of discomfort, not wanting to lose her friendship either, and ended up agreeing with her, as well.
Poor Barney Fife; unable to take a solid stand, while being in absolute misery as he was so concerned with pleasing everyone.
When it comes to eternal matters, it is impossible to sit on the fence and expect to go to heaven.
Laodicea was a community that was probably one of the wealthiest of the cities which we have looked at so far. In attempting to understand this letter, it is helpful to remember how Jesus taught when He walked on this earth. He taught by using illustrations that were relevant and understood by the people. Even here, in the revelation given to John, this letter is another example of how Christ took what the people were familiar with and taught accordingly.
Laodicea was known for its lukewarm water. The water supply came from hot springs six miles away and was cooled down as it made its way to the city. It wasn’t cold, nor was it still hot. The town was also known for its extreme wealth. The city was known for a famous glossy, black wool, which was known far and wide; somewhat like what we used to know of the silk from China. There was also an eye powder which was used for medicinal purposes as well.
The city was a true melting pot, accepting everything. The city could have had Barney Fife for its mayor, as they basically stood for nothing.
So, with these background elements in mind, we’ll get ready to look at this letter to the church in Laodicea. The majority of commentators believe that this church is representative of the church towards the end of the age. There was a strong emphasis on being highly organized, yet it consisted of a large number of unbelievers.
There Was an Internal Deficiency.
There Was an Internal Deficiency.
Revelation 3:14–17 (NASB95)
“To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says this: ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. ‘So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. ‘Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,” and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked,
Christ begins this letter by showing that He indeed is the final authority. He sees all and reports everything with complete accuracy and no prejudice. Verse 14 finishes by showing that He is indeed able to say all this with absolute assurance by pointing out that He is the ruler of God’s creation (which is seen in the NIV), He is the standard by which all of creation will be judged.
We, like the Laodicean church, can spend all kinds of time comparing ourselves with how others may be living or serving. Yet, it does no good doing that. What we may compare is outside with outside. We need to recognize that the only judgment which counts is that of Christ. We need to grasp the concept that it is not what we do or how we do it or how close we are to the letter of the law of a constitution or a tradition or what others may expect; it is who we are. Simply stated, it is not as important what we do as what we are.
The Laodicean church’s deeds or their works were worthless. According to the book of James, works will show what kind of faith a person has. If Christ states that their works are lukewarm, then it would stand to reason their faith was not genuine. This is further amplified by the fact that Christ states that He would spit you out of my mouth, or vomit them out of His mouth, according to the NIV.
If what we do is because of others expectations or even what we have been trained to do, then there is no eternal value. However, if what we do is based upon our saving relationship with Jesus Christ, then there is eternal value, if our motives are right. And Christ alone can judge the heart.
The church had experienced external wealth, but internally they were in poverty. The outward appearance was amazing, but the inner person was worthless. The frightening part of this is that this would indicate that the church was made up of a lot of people who were not even saved. They went through the motions and for all practical purposes appeared to be saved. Why wouldn’t they have dealt with this issue? It seems that the reason people will not admit to internal poverty is that they do not feel lost. As one writer states, They went to church, sang the songs, but never entered into a personal relationship with God. They were imitators, not participators. My friends, if there is anyone here that fits this scenario, don’t go home until you’ve dealt with this with the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is nothing good said about this church in this letter. The community may have even felt that the church was wonderful, but remember that it is Christ’s response that is the only one that counts.
When it comes to eternal matters, it is impossible to sit on the fence and expect to go to heaven. So what what was the church needing?
There Was a Supernatural Necessity.
There Was a Supernatural Necessity.
Revelation 3:18 (NASB95)
I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see.
Christ gives some counsel as to what was essential for the church. They were to first of all, buy from Me gold refined by fire, so that you may become rich. He is not talking about outward richness, but inward richness.
We can learn a bit more about this from Psalm 19.10-11: “They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them Your servant is warned; In keeping them there is great reward.” This is speaking about God’s Word. It was in His Word in which they would clearly see their sin and their need for the Savior. It was that gold of God’s Word that would give them instructions on how to live for Him and to take a stance for godliness.
This caused me to ask some questions that I believe would be good for all of us to consider. Do we find ourselves avoiding God’s Word? Do we find ourselves reading God’s Word simply out of duty? Do we find ourselves only studying God’s Word like a research project, while avoiding it to penetrate and do a work in our lives? My friends, if there is even a hint of yes in our responses, then we need to check our spiritual condition. As we evaluate, we continue on in these verses.
John continues with the words of Jesus, by telling them to [buy] white garments . . . This was to cover their spiritual nakedness. This represented the righteousness of God. For apart from the righteousness of Christ, they were bare before the Lord, with sin written all over them, which would result in condemnation. It didn’t matter how fine they may have dressed with their black wool garments or whatever else their money could buy. It didn’t matter how often they came to church, on what committees they sat on, how much money they gave, whether they sang hymns or choruses. They were clothed in filthy rags, spiritually speaking. They needed the white garments which only Christ could provide.
This is not suggesting that anybody could actually purchase their salvation. It’s actually best understood by going back to Isaiah 55.1 “Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.” What an unsaved person has to offer is themselves in their desperate lost condition.
Remember the Hans Christian Andersen story entitled The Emperor’s New Clothes? The king had a tailor hired to make him some new clothes. The tailor gladly received the money and pretended to make the king some new clothes. The tailor then put on the king those marvelous new clothes and made great comments on how lovely and grand the clothes looked on the king. The king then went out into the town and paraded up the street, feeling somewhat foolish, but believing more and more as the people commented about the extravagant beauty of the new clothes. Finally, an innocent lad piped up with a comment to the effect that the king had no clothes on at all.
The comparison is simply that Satan, like that tailor, would like to convince people to be a part of a local church and just know that they are fine just the way they are. He will work at convincing people that just by their being in church, plus being on different organizations in the church, that they must be saved. And if enough people in the church and community begin to accept this as the truth, because it must be so, then that individual or group will parade about the church and the community in absolute spiritual nakedness.
Yet, we pray that there would be someone with the innocence of a child who will be used by the Holy Spirit to point out the nakedness in the person’s life, so that they too may receive the white clothes which Christ offers.
This is seen further by Christ pointing out they also need to [buy] eye salve to anoint [their] eyes so that [they] may see. In spiritual blindness, the only solution is to allow the Holy Spirit to open people’s eyes. All the powder that was available in Laodicea was useless to enable them to see their true spiritual condition.
Simply explained, the majority of those in the church, needed a salvation experience that was genuine.
There Is An Eternal Opportunity.
There Is An Eternal Opportunity.
Revelation 3:19–21 (NASB95)
‘Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. ‘He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
In verses 19-20, there is more of a warm relational tone. Their dismal condition has been spelled, but they won’t be left without a hope. The invitation is given in verse 20. Why would an invitation be given? Because the church was mainly made up of people who professed Christ as Savior, but did not genuinely possess Him. They could say the right words, even behave in outwardly good moral ways. They could serve in their church in upstanding style. The issue was that they were going to hell in their current condition.
My friends, whether you are a part of this local church, part of another church, or simply online and think your okay; it is entirely possible that there are some who are unsaved, who are not born again. You may have talked the talk and been able to fake the walk, but internally you know that your eternity is not heaven. None of us here, much less me, knows who you might be. But you and God do know.
Don’t believe the lies which Satan has convinced you to believe. You may have been or are currently part of the leadership of a church, led worship, taught Sunday School or some other Christian Education job, been baptized, been part of a church since your youth, possibly made an outward, emotional commitment later on in life—but you know it wasn’t real. Don’t fall for Satan’s lies. Christ offers you the opportunity of a lifetime. He offers eternal life, starting now.
If you are saved, please remember that Christ offers you a joyous, fulfilled life.
For those who are questioning your eternal destiny, knowing you’ve been pretending far too long, what needs to be done? It’s actually quite simple. Read Revelation 3.20 “‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.” Though this is meant for the church at Laodicea, it can be and has often been applied individually, at evangelistic crusades and Bible tracts. If you sense Christ knocking at the door of your heart, let Him in.
But you say that there’s too much junk in your life and your spiritual house is so cluttered and filthy that you don’t think you can open the door. My friend, you can’t clean it up, nor will you on your own. Just admit to Christ what a mess your spiritual house is. Go ahead, stop trying to hide the paint and spackle you’ve been using while trying to cover broken and cracked areas of your life. Admit to Jesus that you recognize that you’ve tried to pretend that you were living in a mansion, but now you understand that it was just a run-down, sin-filled house.
You might ask, Isn’t that dangerous? Not at all. For Christ will come in and clean up your mess. He will help you to get rid of the garbage and set things up so that He can live in your spiritual house forever, keeping it the way He wants it to be. You just have to invite Him to take over your life.
When a person has been delivered from sin, that person is brought into fellowship with Jesus Christ. Oh, how sweet that is! No more pretend games. No more lies. No more Christian service because it seemed the right thing to do. Now you serve Jesus because of the incredible love that is there. Whenever Satan would try to convince you that the evil you could do was justified and even spiritually motivated you have Christ and His Holy Spirit to prompt you and convict you, warning you to say no to ungodliness and yes to righteousness.
Who is a Christian and who is not a Christian? It is getting harder and harder to tell. The Bible tells us that in the end times, the wheat and the tares will grow up together. Only the Lord Jesus Christ, the harvester, will be able to tell the difference.
Of course, you can tell in your own life, but it requires that you open your spiritual eyes and ears and hear what the Spirit says to the churches, like it says in verse 22.
When it comes to eternal matters, it is impossible to sit on the fence and expect to go to heaven.
As the worship team comes up to lead us in a closing song, I would like to extend a 2-part invitation.
First, if you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, I invite you to make that decision today. I’m going to ask you to come forward and I or one of the Elders or their wives will visit with you and pray with you.
Secondly, if you are a Christian, but you know that things have gotten pretty muddy spiritually, ask Christ to clean it up for you. Maybe you no longer have joy in your life, because you’ve allowed the enemy to steal it or hide it. Today, you can experience joy once again, as you let Jesus have first place once again. Again, I or one of the elders or their wives will pray with you.
I am asking any of you that are making one of these decisions today to come forward. You might be thinking that this would be embarrassing to you. You might be thinking that it is unnecessary. My question to you is why would you resist this if the Holy Spirit is genuinely moving you to follow Jesus Christ for the first time or to renew a relationship that once was?
Come as the worship team leads us.