Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:28-8:1)
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28 And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine: 29 For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.
1 When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him.
The people react to Jesus’ words.
The people react to Jesus’ words.
They were astonished by his doctrine.
Doctrine is a simple word that means teaching.
In many ways, Jesus’ doctrine was contrary to the prevailing wisdom of their time.
How many times did we see Him say, “ye have heard it said…but I say unto you.”
Just because a teacher has a spiritual title or office, doesn’t mean that they are a good representative of the truth.
The pharisees and the religious leaders were quoting the same book that Jesus was quoting.
There was, though, a significant difference in interpretation and application.
The pharisees were twisting the law so much that they were no longer aligned with what was written.
They had made serving God more burdensome and difficult than God had ever intended.
The people could also see a difference in the way Jesus and the religious leaders of His day related to their own teachings.
There is a reason that calling someone a pharisee these days is a potent insult.
As the spiritual elites added more and more details to the law, they were personally less and less in alignment with it themselves.
This hypocrisy led to a lack of trust and a feeling of of suspicion from the people towards leadership.
Sound familiar?
Trust in pastors is at the lowest it’s ever been.
Could it be because so many teach opinions and perversions of biblical truth?
Could it be that so many are blatantly hypocritical in how their lives and teachings match up?
Jesus was different than the other teachers they had heard.
Jesus was different than the other teachers they had heard.
Jesus stood out not just because of His content, but also because of His delivery.
The people noticed that He spoke with authority.
The scribes did not.
Why did the scribes not speak with authority?
They were the supreme religious agents in the land.
And yet, in order for them to make a statement that had to constantly appeal to some other authority.
To this day Jewish teachers will refer to well-known rabbis to add weight to their teaching.
At best, all the scribes could really do is appeal to Moses and what he wrote.
Despite their position, the scribes were lacking in their ability to really help anyone.
Here comes Jesus, acting as His own authority.
Again, we hearken back to His repeated statement of “I say unto you.”
Jesus’ words are the words of God.
He needs no other authority to validate Him.
Great multitudes followed Him.
Great multitudes followed Him.
We don’t highlight this enough, but it wasn’t just the 12 that followed and believed on Jesus.
A couple of years ago we did a study of the book of John.
Over and over, John recorded that many believed on HIm.
Jesus’ was not an ineffective leader.
I know where this comes from.
Jesus and the message of the gospel is the answer to man’s problems
Even the multitudes of people who believed on Him later, could probably be traced back to His ministry.
What we see happening in the book of Acts is due, I believe, to the vast amount of believers and seeds planted by Jesus during His earthly ministry.
The 3,000 that believed on the day of Pentecost...
Is it unreasonable to think that the majority of these people had some exposure to Jesus during His 3-year ministry?
I don’t think so.
For those that followed Jesus, they found that this one sermon was just the beginning.
Some have said that if all we had from God was the sermon on the mount, it would be enough for this life.
I don’t know if i agree with that or not.
But, it doesn’t really matter because this isn’t the only thing we have from God.
This isn’t even the only thing we have from Jesus.
Those that faithfully followed Jesus discovered the richness and the depths of what that brings.
The sermon on the mount was the first introduction for many to the teachings of Jesus.
His doctrine was consistent.
He spoke it with authority.
It led to many that heard Him following Him.
Jesus, His doctrine, and His authority can still have this affect on people when His disciples follow Him.
Though Jesus is not presently on the earth, He is still at work on the earth.
Through His Holy Spirit and through His disciples, God is still trying to reach people with His message.
We as His followers are supposed to be acting as His representatives in the world.
When we are following Jesus, His doctrine will be seen in our lives.
Some people may never pick up a Bible or attend a church.
They should see Jesus doctrine lived out in the life of one of His disciples.
Genuine charity, genuine purity, genuine forgiveness are all things that Jesus taught in this sermon.
These are all things that should be seen in our lives.
When we are following Jesus, His authority will be seen in our lives.
According to whose authority do you live your life?
We can follow the advice and counsel of countless authorities that are out there.
Even religious authorities are vying for our submission.
The one authority that outranks all others needs to be our Master, Jesus.
When we are following Jesus, we will point others to follow Him too!
The effect of a believer living the commands and tenets of the Bible cannot be overstated.
He is an example to everyone of the change that can come from the right doctrine and the right authority.
We should make the Christian life look appealing because it is.