Stormy Weather
The End of the Day
They left the crowds
The Sea of Galilee
Multiple Boats
The Storm
Jesus Posture
God is at home with His nature, even when it goes wild. The contrast between the disciples’ panic and Jesus’ peace attests the deity of the Man asleep on a pillow at the stern of the boat. He who is the Word by which all things were made has no reason to fear a storm. He who foresees the making of a new heaven and a new earth sleeps in the knowledge that nature’s peevish outburst can be controlled by its Maker.
The People’s Posture.
The Result
Jesus revelation
Nature is God’s creation. God created the heavens, earth, sun, moon, stars, seas, land, plants, animals, and man. Viewing His work, God pronounced it “good.” David sang, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork” (Ps. 19:1, KJV).
Control of the elements is even more extraordinary and inexplicable than the restoration of suffering human beings, and is in the OT a frequently noted attribute of God in distinction from human beings who find themselves helpless before the forces of nature
Stormy Weather
Some non Obvious Reasons you feel busier than ever- Cary Nieuwhof
God’s Perspective
Our Perspective
Their fear of the storm overwhelmed their commitment to Jesus and their confidence that he did care for them (4:38), a reflection of their lack of faith that God could be at work in Jesus to protect them even during the threat of a raging storm. Jesus’ questions imply their fear was unfounded, since their faith should have assured them of their safety, though not necessarily of a miracle (cf. Dibelius, 71). Such assurance was reflected in Jesus’ own serenity during the storm.