Daily Bread
What is Bread
This petition reminds us to ask for our needs based on God’s generous, fatherly nature
This petition reminds us to be content with our needs.
This petition reminds us of how God’s providence and people’s diligence works with prayer.
Now having established the fact that God provides that does not mean that we should sit around and be inactive and not work. Don’t be a lazy bum and say, “Lord provide.” Work. The Bible says, “If a man does not work he should not eat.” You say, “Greg I don’t have a job.” Go look for a job and work hard at looking for a job and work where you can and be as responsible as you can be.
This Petition reminds us of our need for God
Howard Rutledge, a Vietnam prisoner of war, was incarcerated at the prison the Americans called Heartbreak Hotel in Hanoi. In his book, In the Presence of Mine Enemies, he writes:
“During periods of enforced reflection it became so much easier to separate the important from the trivial. For example, in the past, I usually worked or played hard on Sundays and had no time for church. For years Phyllis had encouraged me to join the family at church. But I was too preoccupied to spend one or two short hours a week thinking about the really important things.
“Now the sights and smells of death were all around me. My hunger for spiritual food soon outdid my hunger for a steak. I wanted to know about that part of me that will never die, to talk about God and Christ and the church. But in Heartbreak solitary confinement there was no pastor, no Sunday school teacher, no Bible, no hymnbook, no community of believers to guide and sustain me. I had completely neglected the spiritual dimension of my life. It took prison to show me how empty life is without God.”