Sermon Tone Analysis

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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
We are living in a time where men are struggling in this country.
This Covid even after 2 years - still see many people struggling to meet their baisc needs
People are hungry and starving
We see a few weeks ago a mother who confessed to killing her own child
When we look at the conditions that child was living in
Sorry to say this but it seems death was a blessing in disguise
People are seeing hard times
I think that the reason why we seeing crime spiralling out of control is because people are desperate
Some people forced to thief basic supples in order to provide for their own families
They are turning to a life of crime.
How many of you tonight know what it feels like to be in need
All your savings have ran out
Or it is beginning to run out
For a lot of people - they live paycheck to paycheck
Once one paycheck is exhausted they have no more money
They need money and cannot afford to lose a job
To those of us who are working we need to be very grateful to God that we have something
You may not have the biggest salary but at least you have something to take care of you and your kids
But it is not easy when you feel like you not sure where your next meal is coming from
It’s not easy when you are not sure how you are going to live through the month
it’s not easy when you have no money and the landlord doesnt care about you and they are ready to kick you out
I remember during Covid many trinis were stuck in America and other places
Imagine being stuck in another country and cant leave
You have no US dollars
How did these people survive there
The only answer I can think of is the grace of God
God had to provide for them to stay so many months away from Trinidad
If is one thing that Pandemic taught us is WE NEED GOD
At the end of the day we all need God
We cant depend on our families and our friends all the time
There is only so much - man can do for you
We need God
He is Jehovah Jireh our provider
God wants us to look to him and not to anyone else
Stop looking to Keith Rowley to meet your needs
He is just a man
May we look to God
God wants us all to depend on him for everything
It’s an insult to God when we look to someone else other than him to meet our needs
When you are a child you depend on your parents to provide for you and that is the role of parent
But when you become and adult you realise who is your real parent
And that is Abba Father - your provider
I remember there was this time with me when my contract wasn’t renewed when it was finished
The government basically had us home at least 2 months minimum without pay
This was around a Christmas time and Christmas time is one of the worst time to not have a job because that is a time you like to buy stuff
If you dont buy stuff for anyine or even yourself during the year Christmas time is when you buy stuff
I remember I will be going with my cousins who had Christmas shopping to do at that time of year and i will just be watching all that they are spending and wishing I could do the same
Now I must admit - i was not broke or had no savings etc but the truth is I didnt want to just spend my money crazy not knowing if I going to get back a contract
The point I am trying to make is when you no longer working and no longer have a job it can stress you out a bit
Becuase at the end of the day - whether we like it or not
Money is a neccessity
We need money to provide the basics of food, clothing and shelter
When we lack these things it can cause anxiety and depression and other feelings to creep in to our lives
Now I am sure that what I just described is not foreign to a lot of you listening to me tonight
I know that there are many of you listening to me tonight who has experienced something similar or even worst
I could still say I had some savings if i needed to spend money or my parent if I desperately needed money
In my case I had no wife and kids to take care off but for some of you listening tonight
You had all that as well to deal with
And it wasnt a nice experience
When you have a family especially to take care of it even harder
I know that for Covid a lot of you faced some serious challenging times
I know a lot of you would have been not working
Or working for half pay etc
Whike you might be grateful for half pay - half pay when you have a family doenst cut it
Some of you kniw what it is like to hear you boss tell you - you need to not work
You are not Essential
That was the main word during the Covid time
There was discrimination that time abiut who is essential and non essential
When you are non essential - it made it sound as though the work you do has no value
To everyone listening tonight I want you to know that the Work you do has value
You are making a difference whther you are a garbage man or a doctor.
You are essential whether your boss says so or not
But like I said it can be hard when you have no idea where your next source of income is coming from.
During the pandemic one man who was doing a lot of Charitable work was the Activist Inshan Ishamel
Whether you like the man or not - the man did bless a lot of people during that time with hampers
Some people say he was in it for fame - whatever is his motive - when you are desperate and have a family to mainitain to you dont mind whatever help you getting
You rushing for a hamper .
Let us see what God’s Word says
I want to focus on the 11th verse today which says
What is Bread
Bread was the basic sustenance for many in the ancient world and, therefore, was at times used metaphorically to refer to physical needs.
Sometimes this is still true today.
For example, the person in a household who makes the most money is often called the “bread-winner.”
When we ask God for our bread, we are asking him to supply our basic needs.
Martin Luther said, “everything necessary for the preservation of this life is bread, including food, a healthy body, good weather, house, home, wife, children, good government, and peace.”1
In the ancient world, this petition was very relevant.
Commonly, laborers were paid on the very day that they worked.
The pay was typically very low, and it only provided enough to purchase food for that day.
It was almost impossible to save money.5
This prayer would have given these day laborers great hope—God would meet their needs for the day, just as he did the day before.
Now if you are a multi millionaires listening to me tonight then you may be saying - well i have enough bread for years and that may be true for you but for the majority of people it is not.
This petition reminds us to ask for our needs based on God’s generous, fatherly nature
Today I want us to know that we can boldly go to God and ask him to Provide For Our Daily Needs
Today I do not know what your needs are today but I want to let you know that you need to see God as your Provider
God is a Father to you
God is someone who wants to provide for you
In a day and age where people might want to look to man as their source and may want to run down people like Inshan Ishmael etc
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