(18 results)
Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 26 views
Many are a great deal worried by curiosity. A servant was passing through a street with a dish that was curiously covered. There met him a fellow who said, “I am most anxious to know what your lord has put in that dish, for he has so carefully covered it.” But the servant said, “Therefore you should…
Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 22 views
The birds go flying through the orchard, and they do not say a word to one another till they come to a cherry tree where the cherries are very sweet and ripe. Then they all fall to at once and begin to peck away with all their might. So nobody says much of an ordinary Christian who is doing little for…
Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 12 views
Without peace you cannot grow. A shepherd may find good pasture for his flock, but if his sheep are hunted about by wild dogs so that they cannot rest, they will become mere skin and bone. The Lord’s lambs cannot grow if they are worried and harried; they must enjoy the rest with which the Lord makes…
Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 27 views
A certain monk went to a monastery, determined to give himself up entirely to contemplation and meditation. When he reached the place he saw all the monks at work, tilling the ground, plowing, or trimming the vines round the monastery. He very solemnly observed as he entered, “Do not work for the food…
Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 34 views
Queen Elizabeth told a notable merchant in the City of London to go to the Continent on royal business. “Please your majesty,” said he, “who will attend to my business while I am away?” The queen replied, “If you will go abroad and see to my business, I will see to your business.” I will be bound to…
Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 18 views
I remember one who spoke on the missionary question one day saying, “The great question is not, ‘Will not the heathen be saved if we do not send them the gospel?’ but ‘are we saved ourselves if we do not send them the gospel?’ ” And so it is with regard to Christian gifts. It is not so much a question…
Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 8 views
There is a father, and he thinks that to go to his work—such common work as his—cannot be especially pleasing in God’s sight. He means to serve God, and so he stops at home. He is upstairs in prayer when the factory bell is ringing and he ought to be there. He hears that there is a conference in the…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 7 views
A 2017 New York Post article had the following headline: “Americans check their phones 80 times a day.” A 2021 PR Newswire headline offered updated information, “Americans Check Their Phones 96 Times a Day.”…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 8 views
In Spain, an archives director drew a paycheck for a decade without doing any work. He only was at work to clock in and clock out, and would go home or somewhere else in between. According to NPR, “He told Spanish TV he did get a lot done, but investigators found no evidence of that. And he's now been…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 4 views
One day when he was 13, Michael Irvin, NFL Hall of Fame wide receiver, decided to ditch school. As punishment, his father brought him to work with him the next day. It was a 14-hour workday, 110-degree heat, with only 15-minute lunch break to eat sardines and crackers. By the end of the day, “Irvin’s…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 11 views
Rock star Jon Bon Jovi has traveled the world and eaten in the world’s finest restaurants. Now, he is opening a restaurant of his own, The Soul Kitchen, established in a former auto body shop near his hometown in central New Jersey. Several years ago, Bon Jovi started a foundation to help those in need…
Illustration • • 8 views
My wife asked me this morning, "Whacha doin' today?" I said, "Nothing." She said, "That's what you did yesterday." I said, "I wasn't finished." Mikey's Funnies, 3-17-09
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 9 views
WORK Though the German people were regarded as industrious workers in the years following World War II, German leaders now fear their countrymen’s work habits threaten the country’s economic well-being. Ludwig George Braun, president of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce says German workers…
Illustration • • 340 views
John MacArthur Basisinformationen zur Bibel Christliche Literatur-Verbreitung Postfach 11 01 35 • 33661 Bielefeld Wenn nicht anders angegeben, sind die Bibelzitate der Schlachter 2000 entnommen. Abkürzungen weiterer Bibelausgaben: Elb.: Elberfelder Bibel, unrevidierte Fassung Lu 12: Lutherbibel von 1912…
Illustration • • 13 views
ILLUSTRATION: Grace, Salvation David Jeremiah points out that in the 1980s, the Smith-Barney brokerage firm made a series of commercials in which distinguished actor John Houseman spoke the famous line, "We make money the old-fashioned way. We earn it!" Sometime later, based on that commercial, a Christian…
Steve Bramham • Illustration • • 951 views
A Christian Guide to Passover (PESCH) Below is a compilation of several contemporary Seder services that are used today. Because of the passage of time and that Passover was intended to be a family tradition, it is not possible to reconstruct with certainty the type of Passover meal or celebration that…
Kevin Owsley • Illustration • • 19 views
Welfare by Larry Burkett | I | s welfare scriptural? The issue of welfare is very clear biblically; we are to help those in need. There may be disagreements about how much help is necessary and who should receive it, but there should be no disagreement on the necessity to feed, clothe, and shelter…
Kevin Owsley • Illustration • • 13 views
The Stewordship of Money, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- m^~ n--------------- /----- I he use of money has a great deal to say about the moral condition of the one who uses it. Contemporary Christians often make denunications of wealth and the wealthy, on the…