The New Life in Christ

Ephesians   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Paul teaches that the new life of a Christian must be one that excludes corruption


The New Life in Christ

FCF: bad language, Vulgarity, Lying, Sowing discord, tearing others down
Proposition: As believers we are to commit ourselves to strengthening others through our speech. God empowers us to do this with the aid of the Holy Spirit.
I wonder how many of us have really embraced the new life in Christ. There is a big difference in saying we are a Christian and being a Christian.

1. Demonstrate Grace (Ephesians 4:29)

Ephesians 4:29 ESV
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
a. In our speech
Don't communicate corruptly; What is corrupt communication? Corrupt communication is not limited to four letter words. Corrupt communication must be resisted.
-- Corrupt - Sapros which means, rotten or worthless. a term that generally refers to fruit which can not be eaten or spoiled food.
Matthew 7:17–18 ESV
So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.
-- Corrupt communication is prohibited as a believer
-- it is not limited to four letter words and vulgarity
-- it also includes: Negativity, demeaning others, sowing discord
b. In our motives
-- Motives asks the question, Why are we saying what we say and is it helpful. This is why Paul give three interesting cues to what the purpose of healthy communication is.
-- 1. necessity,"to the use of" is a clause in our language but in the original language it is a word which means, necessary or occasion, needful.
ILLUS: It should put us in the mind of when we were younger and would say something and our mothers would ask, "Now was that necessary?" We say those things which are necessary! We don't say mean and harsh things to one another.
-- 2. Edifying, which means to build up
- it is purposeful communication
- we intentionally look to build others
- we find it necessary to build others
-- 3. Minister Grace, it means to be profitable. Gracious speech ministers
- it becomes profitable for others
The speech of the Christian must exhibit the character of Christ. Through it we are given a great responsibility as a believer.
John Stott says, "The dog barks, cow moos, pigs grunt, lambs bleat, monkeys squeal, donkeys bray, birds sing but humans speak"
Transition: Just think about how special we are to God that He has given us an attribute that only He holds. No other animal has this privilege.
Application: Our speech distinguishes us from all of nature. Something which reminds us we are made in God's image. Cherish it by using it for good. Cherish it by building others. Cherish it by ministering grace to others.

2. Demonstrate Sensitivity To The Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30)

Ephesians 4:30 ESV
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
--grieve - lupeo which means, to cause stress or to bring heaviness
-- the Holy Spirits job is to help us. Jesus refers to him as the comforter, John 14:16, Paul reminds us that He speaks for us when we cannot speak for ourselves {scripture reference}
-- To reject His help is to cause him grief.
-- To reject his guidance is to cause him to grieve.
-- He seals us . . .
ILLUS: Stop, drop and roll . . .
Application: Before you speak, stop and hear what the spirit is saying. Don't reject His help. Listen to the voice of God. The spirit is not going to cuss. He won't allow you to lose your religion. He will guide you if you allow him to. Just stop. Drop what you want to say and let the Spirit roll off your lips. Count to 10 really slow so that you may have time to hear what God is going to say.

3. Demonstrate The Right Attitude (Ephesians 4:31)

Ephesians 4:31 ESV
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.
-- All refers to everything! There are no exceptions. There are no good reasons to remain angry, bitter, there are no good reasons to lie, there are none for evil. ALL MEANS FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERY OPPORTUNITY
ILLUS: Elsa from the story frozen discovered the best way to get past her pain was to "let it go!" And to embrace her difference with love.
Transition: so it is with us as believers. Our difference is based upon the love God has shown us. We are challenged to exhibit that same love towards others without holding on to the pains, hurts and mistakes in our past.
Application: Make today the day you decide to get rid of all the anger you have built up and the bitterness you have been holding on to. Today right at this moment let it go. Look you don't even have to tell the person you've done this, just show them by exhibiting love.
It doesn't matter who it is let go of it. It may be more than one person. it may be the world.
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