The Horrors of Hell (2)
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Dear friend, I do not know any other way to say it, but to say it this way. If you choose to go to Hell, you are a fool. By choosing to go to Hell, you are denying God, and God in the Bible calls you a fool for denying Him. Make no mistake about it. If you choose to go to Hell, you will not be partying like it is 1999. You will be in agony, torment, and pain. Let me try to tell you what you will experience.
1. You will be __________________ from anything and everything good. (Matthew 25:41)
In Hell Proper, you will be separated from anything and everything good. Now, that is hard to conceive because today even the most miserable and evil person on planet earth enjoys God’s______________.
In Hell, those blessings will not exist. You will, however, will remember God’s goodness and will even have some awareness of the unending pleasures of heaven, but you will be separated from those pleasures. (Luke 13:28-29)
In Psalms 139, David clearly writes that God is present in Hell because God is _______________. You will never be free from God’s presence. You will be eternally accountable to Him. He will be Lord over your existence. You will be separated, however, from His blessings. You will no longer experience God’s mercy and grace. You will experience God’s wrath, a wrath that has been stored up for you. (Romans 2:5-6)
God gave you Jesus out of His _____________ and ______________. It was Jesus who died for everyone of your deeds, but since you rejected Him, you will be left separated from God but paying for your deeds.
2. You will ______________ vile associations.
Matthew 25:41 says that hell was prepared for the ___________and his ____________. Hell was not made for you. You were made for God, yet God will make provisions for you in Hell if you die in your sins apart from Jesus Christ. You will spend eternity in Hell being tormented with Him. Because you rejected Christ, you will join a vile group. You will be counted in this group. (Revelation 21:8)
3. Your punishment __________________ the crime.
Hell is a place of ___________________where justice will be served through the payment for crimes committed against __________ and ___________. (Colossians 2:13-15, Revelation 20:12)
Those things that Christ died to wipe out are the things which you will be punished for by rejecting Christ. It is really incredible. Can you imagine getting punished for every word, thought, and deed that violated God’s standard?
If you are judged by what is written in your books, what does that mean? It means that _______________ is not going to be the same for everyone. (Luke 10:10-15)
It is going to be worse for Dyersburg, TN in judgement than it is going to be for Beijing, China because Dyersburg, TN has been exposed to much ______________, and Beijing has not. Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom were ungodly places, but Jesus says it will be worse in judgement for Bethsaida and Chorazin than it will be for those other places. Why? Because those other places had been exposed to the gospel, the light, more than those other places. (Luke 12:47-48)
4. Your punishment will be _________________.
Hell will be an _________________ state for you. The Bible says that you will be cast into everlasting fire forever and ever. Forever and ever is an indication that your punishment will never end. How can God punish a person infinitely for sin that is finite?
a. First, you will be ________________ so you can experience God’s eternal punishment. (Revelation 20:12-13)
This is the Second Resurrection, and just like the First Resurrection that we talked about a couple of weeks ago, these at the Second Resurrection will receive _______________, bodies that will allow them to be punished eternally.
b. Second, you are punished eternally because your sins are against an _______________ God. God is eternal. He is beyond time and so are His ___________and _________. When you sin, you break the eternal law of God, an eternal law that has eternal consequences.
If you go to Hell, do you know what you will keep on doing? You will keep on ____________ because there is no ________________ in Hell. In Revelation, John writes something very interesting about the New Heaven and the New Earth. (Revelation 21:4)
What are the former things? The former things are _____________ that bring death, sorrow, crying, and pain. Those things will not exist in Heaven, but in Hell, the former things will live on. (Luke 12:23-31, Luke 13:28)
Jesus Christ shed His innocent blood on Calvary to keep you from going there. He died in your place. His blood covered your sins, but if you continue in your rejection, He will have no choice but to give you what you deserve. Will you come to Jesus today?
We do not know what tomorrow holds. An accident, a disease, a heart attack, a mass shooting, or the Rapture could be around the next corner. If you leave this world or are left on this world without Jesus Christ, you will experience the horrors of Hell that I have discussed this morning. Will you come to Jesus?