John 14:1....Triumph in Our Troubles
John 14:1....Triumph in Our Troubles
The danger with troubled people is not that they will believe nothing, but that they will believe anything
Troubled people need peace and affirmation
The distress over Judas’ withdrawal and the rebuke given to Simon Peter had left the room full of tension.
Even in the hour of His own temptation and struggle, Jesus looked at His disciples with compassion. What a model for you and me. What an example for what we deal with daily. What a comfort to know that Jesus looks on me—dirty feet and all—and His heart is full of compassion toward me
Jesus gives the commandment, “Do not let your heart be troubled.” And then He gives the way to obey it when He says, “Believe in God; believe in Me
Belief being the singular key to a trouble-free heart,
These disciples, good Jews, had already trusted in God
now Jesus asked them to trust in him. They had watched him feed five thousand people and bring Lazarus back from the dead, but now they must trust him not just for food or miracles, but with their lives.