The Good Shepherd
The Good
John 10:11-18
1. 2 Miracles Sandwich John 10
Jesus heals a man born blind – John 9
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead – John 11
2. These miracles draw out the sinful ugliness of
Jewish leadership – their hardness blinds them to
the One who heals the blind; it deadens them to
the One who raises the dead.
3. Between these miracles, Jesus makes some
staggering claims, one of which we’ll study today
– “I am the good Shepherd.”
The Good Shepherd’s Identity
1. In Contrast to Non-Shepherds (10:1-10)
Thieves and Robbers – these “strangers” avoid the
door altogether (v. 1-2, see especially 10:9)
Hireling – these are the self-concerned; they may be
less evil, but prove equally dangerous (v. 12-13)
2. Rich Old Testament Metaphor
1. Ancient Metaphor: Genesis 48:15; Psalm 23
2. Hopeful Metaphor: Isaiah 40:10-11; Ezekiel 34:2324;
The Good Shepherd’s Activity
1. The Good Shepherd Lays Down His Life (10:11)
5x Jesus uses the phrase “lay down”
Present – Jesus was in the process of obeying God’s
commission; “the good shepherd is laying down …”
2. The Good Shepherd Knows
5x in chapter 10 Jesus uses this word “to know personally”
Jesus knows his flock eternally (v. 15)
Jesus knows so that He can be known (v. 14; 16)
3. The Good Shepherd Gives
The Good Shepherd gives eternal life
The Good Shepherd gives eternal security
1. John 10 makes the death/resurrection of Jesus
history’s central event.
2. John 10 elevates the knowledge of Christ to a
primary concern – from the knowledge of Christ,
we derive salvation, safety, security, and
3. John 10 demonstrates the evangelistic heart of
Christ – “I have other sheep.”