Declairing Your Destiny
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As I was praying with my team and the people around me this idea of declaring the promises of God seems to be continually coming up. The idea that we have the authority Jesus had to decree something into existence is prevalent in the bible.
Job 22:28 (NKJV)
28 You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.
This statement is made when Job’s friends accuse him of all sorts of things, but there is truth to these statements. V 27 states that when we pray God will hear us when we cleanse ourselves before Him. Then we will give thanks. The idea is this:
When you receive Jesus Christ as Lord and savior your are ultimately walking in Jesus’ authority. Elephaz even goes onto state that if you draw close to God, you’ll be able to declair God’s will which gives us a healthy assumption that we will be close enough to God to know his will for ourselves and for others because in v 30 Elephaz states that people will come to know God through us and due to God’s favor in our lives.
So the goal through these declarations is salvation- Bringing people to Jesus.
Psalm 2:7 (ESV)
7 I will tell of the decree:
The term decree means to command it’s an official statement that something must happen. To decree something is take what God has already stated will happen and birth it here in the natural realm.
I’ve seen this work numerous times. My wife and I were ministering in Nebraska last year and when we were done and getting ready to leave on of the farmers asked us to pray for a certain amount of rain. This farmer was a faith believer and their irrigation system couldn’t keep up with the abnormal drought. They needed this specific amount of rain because it’s what it takes to for the ground to stop burning it up and actually absorb it. They were getting drizzles here and there, but nothing that actually watered their crops. Beth and I stopped to pray because I felt the leading of the Spirit to declare it right then. As we were being driven to the airport it began to rain. This wasn’t just any rain, but what started off as a slight trickle turned into a downpour the closer we got to the airport. We loaded our plane, navigated the layover, and landed back in Pennsylvania 5-6 hours later. While I was collecting my bags the farmer called me and stated the rain had stopped and they got the amount of rain that we prayed for.
One of the things I remember as we prayed is that we didn’t ask God to send rain. We declared that rain would fall. We spoke it as if we knew with certainty that God was going to answer our prayer and then we immediately thanked him for the provision.
So I told you what the noun meaning, but the verb or the active definition of decree is a formal and authoritative order, specially have the force of the Law
It’s commanding something God has decreed with the authority Christ has given us.
One of the ways we see this occurance of the word is Jesus Himself
John 1:1 tell us that Jesus is the word
The Greek form for word is logos which means a mandate or an order. Jesus’ entire life was lived as an order. We are told he spoke with authority because he was the word.
When Jesus prayed out healing upon people he never asked he declaired.
Matthew 10:12 Jesus told the man to stretch out his hand.
When he spoke to Lazurus he didn’t say God if it’s in your will—Lazarus come forth
to the dead man at Nain Jesus said arise.
When JEsus calmed the storm he said Peace be still
Some will say but that’s Jesus. I remember a month a go a lady with walking issues came into the church and sought healing. While praying I heard the Spirit speak and say tell her to get up and walk. I told her, I didn’t ask—Get up and walk. I grabbed her ands pulled her to her feet and she walked out the door without crutches.
16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
This verse has a lot to unpack to understand it ‘s full power.
You life and the isn in your life has a lot to do with the your ability to decree things from Heaven.
Confess your sins
There is power in confession. There is also accountability in confession. It’s one thing to confess your sin to God, but this specifically tell us that we bring healing through our confession of sin. I want to draw your attention to the term as it is working. I never saw this before until now. What is “it” connected to? It is connected to the confession of our sin. So as our confession is working—AKA bringing healing into our lives we grow in power. Specifically the power of God.
I have found that some times people don’t get healed from their illness because they aren’t releasing the sin that is causing the infirmity.
I was praying for someone a while ago. As I prayed I felt the person needed to forgive themselves. They thought that their infirmity was directly tied to their behavior. What started out as a healable infirmity turned into a stronghold in their life because Satan used this to plant a seed of doubt into their mind. This seed gave root to the pain which became stronger over time. When this person forgave themselves not only did the pain go away but the initial infirmity went away as well. There is power in confession. On the contrary I was walking someone through healing who wouldn’t confess the sin they committed. I knew God wanted to heal them because he told me specifically to pray and what to pray, but the person wouldn’t take the necessary steps—so they walked away with their infirmity in tack.
2. Prayer has power.
28 You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.
The term thing here comes from the Hebrew
This means promise. Prayer is the ability to unlock promises, but you can’t receive promises from someone you don’t communicate with.
When we pray for people we are declaring promise from Heaven.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
Your purpose was written before you were born.
11 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,
The term predestined here isn’t talking about a removal of choice, but rather the promises that are written which can be claimed. I am a firm believer that if we don’t live up to our potential God will find somoene else.
Isaiah 6:8 God says he looked all over for someone to send until Isaiah took the willing spot of being sent.
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
The term workmanship comes from the Greek word Poiema which is where we get the term poem. It speaks to a work of art being compelted. Poem in our language is grouping of words that fits a picture written in rhythm. .When we get into God’s rhythm we step into our destiny. God has a masterpeice written for us that we can complete when we come into agreement with His written words.