Ephesians 2:11-22
Introduction: In the preceding verses Paul has been talking about salvation through grace. Since it is freely given, and does not depend on our abilities, it is given to everyone who qualifies. The Jews thought they were the only ones who qualified, but in this section of Scripture Paul argues that everyone qualifies for reconciliation.
I. Contrast the Jews and Gentiles
A. Circumcision / uncircumcision vs. 11
1. The Jews thought of this as a mark of their specialness; since the Gentiles didn’t have it, they were worthless
2. God thought of circumcision as an external mark of a person devoted to Him
B. Gentiles were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel vs. 12
1. Excluded from the blessings of citizenship
2. They had no part in the covenant of promise
3. No hope after death
4. Atheistic - aqeos - strictly atheistic; as estrangement from God, godless, without God
C. It appears that the Jews had all the advantages, but
1. Gentiles could be saved through faith without the Jewish religion Romans 2:14-16
2. But the Jews, instead of appreciating what they had, became proud thinking they were better than anyone else.
II. What Jews and Gentiles share in Christ
A. Blood of Christ vs. 13
B. Peace vs. 14
1. He tore down the wall \ fence between
2. Hostility
a. Enmity - positive, active, and typically mutual hatred
b. exqra - enmity, hostility, hatred, both as an inner disposition and objective opposition
c. Cause of hostility - the law vs. 14-15
C. Reconciliation vs. 16
1. Between people and God
2. Between Jews and Gentiles
D. Access in one Spirit to the Father vs. 18
E. Members of the household of God vs. 19
1. Based on Jesus and the message of apostles and prophets
2. Temple metaphor vs. 21-22
III. Lessons for us
A. We need to be careful of pride
B. It doesn’t matter how bad people have been, they can still come to Jesus
C. In Christ there are no walls unless we build them
Conclusion: Are we like the Jews, thinking we are better than others? Do we build walls in the church based on race, politics, religious knowledge, etc.? God wants us to be one!