The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

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Jan. 2019  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  56:39
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To our message today. We want to talk today about the baptism. with the Holy Spirit

Amanda the baptism with the Holy Spirit and one of the things that I like I said, you know, I'm one of those persons that they say everybody dreams and we dream every night. It's just a lot of time. We don't remember well at one of those persons that when I sleep I don't generally remember unless it's a real bad dream or it's God against the deal with me and my sleep in a drink and drink and I had a couple of incidents to happen and and and I don't know the full.

Interpretation, but I know I deserve the will of God and just to show you how important this is the first dream that I had about talking about the subject about the baptism of the Holy Spirit went to bed. He mad that I can think was on my mind, but I had a dream that my wife's mother mother Phillips are sitting right there formally. She's a district missionary in the Church of God in Christ. And now she's a district missionary America's for District 5. Why do we need to sit down and take a rest? And I had a dream about mother Phillips and in my dream mother Phillips was preaching. Harder than I've ever heard. I'm saying preaching she might call it being a missionary or we do know but she was preaching harder and just I mean she was she was tired and in the subject that she was preaching or was to be filled with the holy ghost in my dream. And when I wasn't what I woke up and I I I said something my wife as I had a dream and she was preaching up a storm. With me in my dream and I was like man that's unusual because an especially her preaching and so that was the first know that God gave me about this and then some Weeks Later. Begin to deal with me and and and and and and show me preaching about the need for the baptism in the Holy Spirit. And until this thing is Benny.

Dealing with me about it. And one thing that I know and that is if we going to be successful if we're going to be the church that God is calling for us to be a man is favored to be released.

Insole that was why last week we were talkin about being Portland's of being able to hear from God and and and we quickly we emphasize the fact that is not enough just to come on Sunday and hear what the preacher is telling you about God but there is Believers a man each and every one of us as a Believer the Bible say he who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says.

Come to your personal life what direction and guidance you need to be in a position to be able to hear from God yourself. Hear from God yourself not going to reap Reese dead right now. But thank God I thank God that I'm in a position where I can hear from God a man that makes all the difference in the world that makes all the difference in your cock and it's in your face, but Bible say say, by what the word of God and so one thing that I know is that if I can encourage you at and assist you and want you to hear God by yourself your level of faith is going to rise. Turn level faith in this church is going to rise. Hallelujah And so I want to share with you about the baptism in the holy spirit. Amen on today. Let's look at the scripture. We going to start out. What's a text in the Old Testament book of Genesis the 26 chapter? Beginning at the 17 verse that says then Isaac. Depart from there and pitched his tent in the valley of garage and Welfare. And Isaac Doug again the whales of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham and Spa. For the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham. Are we called them by the name which is father had called there wasn't a particular attention to this.

but this incident in the life of Isaac the son of Abraham the child across it says Isaac depart from that pitched his tent in the valley. He dwell there at Isaac Doug again the whales of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham is filed for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham and he called them by the names which is father had called. When you leave or not in a desert area in the end in a desert climate whales are whales are not just necessary a Manuel's having an adequate source of water is the difference between life and death.

nnnn the crime of spotting upper where you know in desert areas people would they would learn if they were to survive they learned where the water holes were and and and and the crime of stopping up a whale not only you know, you got the potential not to kill scores possibly hundreds of people. Amen. Amen. They might get there is no room to spare. So what we find the text here Isaac. Amen. Amen, and and he was living among the Gentiles. And if you're reading versus above this what you're flying is that as Isaac dwelt there the Bible said he sold in the land and receive a hundredfold return and and God bless Isaac soul to the point that the Gentiles envy him and he had to move and so the wells and is another point that I notice in this text and it will it will it will move on but it also says that when he read up the whales he called them by the name, which is Father called. Say that with me he called them by the name, which is Father called the English language is always changing. And the meaning of words or change constant email every year that's why they have to put out a dictionary to explain and Define some of the expressions and slams and it's interesting to me and then I guess sometimes people think it's a sign of progress change the meaning of words, but you know what I find out when it comes to spiritual things even though because I think is progressing and in the day that I grew up a bomb was something that was described. When you talked about a bomb you were talkin my son that blew up and and and calls Dad's today. If somebody says that's the bomb. What what does that mean? That mean? I guess it does really good. I'm great.

So we're using the same words, but a man is our culture the behind but I knows what Isaac being a man Isaac went back a man and and see Isaac was the heir to the promise of Abraham and Isaac went back and read the old world that had been dug in the day of his father Abraham. And Isaac did not succumb to the influence of the Gentile Nations around he didn't call what they called. He said, you know what we going to call him by the same name that apartment that my father call in other words a man that slangs and expressions might change but there are some things some traditions and somewhere that is really a cat who won't the blessing of God. We need to call it what God calls anybody listening to me. Hey, man, let's continue all also Isaac servants dug in the bathroom and found a whale of running water there. But the garage floor with Isaac's herdsmen saying the waters are and so he called the name of the whale he said because they quarrel with him. And I dug another well and big pour over that one also and so he called its name sitting up and he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over in so he called its name real because he said for now the Lord has made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land. Then he went up from there to where Sheba and the Lord appeared to him the same night and said I am the god of your father Abraham do not see it. But I am with you I will bless you and multiply your descendants for my sermon Abraham sing and he built an altar and called on the name of the Lord and he pitched his tent there and their Isaac's service does a whale A man now, you might wonder what does that have to do with the baptism of holy spirit all of his back in the Old Testament digging wells in it, but you notice what I said Isaac was the heir to the promise that was given to Abraham. But notice it was not until Isaac went back and begin to redid the old Wells. Nnn is Soros assisted him and you know, she said when when one way or when they got it dug up, there was screaming or Running Y A man and there was a stream that came out of that. But it was not until Isaac Reed of the ridiculous father's Wells that are in the position. You are noticed he would do the way out and the Philistines would say that's how water that's how I want and he move and dig another well and they say no that's all I want now Isaac in the service was doing all the work. I put it on. I just want to try to fight and defend the well, he's like, okay if we don't have to be so we'll just move to the point to where when they dug well. Nnnn wasn't the test. He said God made room for us and it got him say this with me a man his movement and reading the whales in the reading the whale. Who's this? What does a new element? Daddy had with Abraham. Amen notice what the word said. Amen. Then he went up there he went up from there before she Unborn Lord appear to him the same night and said I am the god of your father Abraham. Do not see her I am with you. You say when it says it went back and read the old world and call them by the name that his father had named. Amen. He got himself into a position where he could hear from God for himself Hallelujah.

And I want to compare Isaac's digging up. His father's well is a reminder of the current leader of the church today. To allow the Holy Spirit to call rivers of Living Water to be released and Floyd a man in the lives of Believers today in living in the time. We living in a day a man what that's not a lie that's mentioned about the need to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. Amen with the Holy Spirit.

If you would believe the report amen, everybody almost disabled everybody. Amen believe something everybody is a member and we've got a lot of a mess servicemembers, but there's a lack of holy ghost power. Is anybody listening to me?

Search members what if you take the vital signs of a church, like you do a patient in an emergency room. The pulse is weak. The vital signs a man or in the danger area amen and nnn wheel and what we see is an anemic church that needs to go back and get the old well. Call a man by the name a man that is used to be called progress. A man seemingly. Amen progress is not always progress Hallelujah. So want to talk about baptism in the Holy Spirit? A bad MPG in Ephesians. We went to the New Testament in Ephesians 5 and 18. It says they're do not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation but be filled with the spirit. Hey Matt, be filled with the spirit a man. We talkin about the need to be filled with the spirit. That's that's a real needy. We can't do a spiritual world without being empowered by God spirit for Hallelujah. a man acts 1 and 8 it says but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and all Judea Samaria and to the ends of the Earth.

You shall receive power. A Mac Powell that word in the Greek dude, almost a man and then there's another word that talks about a party Jesus instructed the disciples instructed and then when I say Jesus instructed the disciples the instruction that he gave for the inside of the Cycles is the same instruction for rocks. Hey Matt. We not when he said but you shall receive power after that. The holy spirit is come up on you and you'll be Witnesses unto me and Jerusalem Judea Samaria and to the ends of the Earth. So what we're talking about is the me to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

The date to be filled with the Holy Spirit and and and as we amen get into it when Jesus baptized is us with the Holy Spirit. It is the same enablement ability and qualification that he received himself. Jesus did not answer enough to do something that he didn't do himself. I can respect a leader that will if you're going to leave you got to go before you need to be in front of the lead from behind. Order is like trying to drive a car sitting in the back seat from behind Jesus a man when he is required of a man being the ability in the qualification.

Nnn. I don't know why. Very pissed benedi emphasis in many of our churches about the need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. I don't know if it's the pressure you no pressure being exerted when they used to say You must a man be born again a man. You didn't just come and join a church. In fact the song that they had in the Church of God in Christ Churches of God in Christ. They got away from you got to be born.

But it seemed like that a man. We have devolved into a joining movement instead of a born-again movement. But we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

When I say Jesus is asking us to do the same thing that he did enjoy 3 + 34. It says he whom God has sent speaks the word of God, but God does not give the Spirit by measure. Imagine Jesus Christ receive the Holy Spirit without permission. That's what that's referring to in John 3:34. And I believed that is Jesus is a perfect example if it was good enough for him. It'll be good enough for us. Hallelujah. Amen and Anna in Luke 24:49. Jesus gave a promise to his disciples and Luke 24:49 to say behold. I send the promise of my father upon you. But tearing and the City of Jerusalem until you are endowed with power from on high. A man that word Terry you mean he told the disciples. He's I'm getting ready to go back to my phone, but I went when I get there. I'm going to send the promise of the father upon you and I want you to the word cherish mean when a man right now with power from on high. Why did they have to wait when there was some things that need to be accomplished in Jesus had to go back to the father and then and the Holy Spirit

We don't have to wait now Jesus. Amen and has been given to us a mint talk about the baptism in the holy spirit that need to be filled with the holy spirit. Amen and and and soul.

I was thinking about the fact of Jesus baptism Jesus when he was baptized in water, you said?

That we need to fulfill all righteousness. Amen. This also occurs by a man. We need to take part in all that God has for us y'all listening to me. I said the righteousness of God. It's going to be in our personalized. We need to receive all of the resources that are available as a child of God so that the righteousness of God can be fulfilled in our personal lives. We can do it with our own Shrek when Jesus was baptized in Water by John the Baptist the Holy Spirit revealed a job that the one who you are the four runner up you'll recognize him because I went went went when he when he comes up out of the water a man John saw the Holy Spirit descended like a dove and a n n n n Resto Jesus and and John have been told when you see that he's the one that two of the four runner up and when Jesus appeared to Giant, I recognize something about him that we might fulfill all righteousness amen and and and and soul it was in that experience of notices said you'll see the Holy Spirit. a bomb There is an abiding presence of the holy spirit that we all need to have in our lives. buying presents now in a moment

It was in our rob you all got some for you if you all got your Bibles in the book of 1st Corinthians 12 chapter.

We read it and I congregational reading.

And I want to point something out because there is that there's some confusion.

the song believers when it comes to the fact of up of seeking the experience of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. a man in the book of 1st Corinthians the 12th chapter

and not the 13 verse.

There's a difference. You all see 1st Corinthians 12 and 13 in 1st Corinthians, 12:13 and says their spirit. We were all baptized in the one by where the Jews are Greeks where the slaves or free and have all been made to drink into one Spirit 1st Corinthians 12 and 13 and is talking about when you got safe a man. When when when you responded to the gospel message a man confess your sin believe in your heart and the Miracles Miracles salvation takes place. It is the spirit of God. Xbox 13 says it says for by one Spirit. We were all baptized into one body. That one body is the body price. How many carbs in A1 body where the Jews are Greeks where the slaves are free and have been made to drink into one Spirit that's talking about the salvation experience. The salvation of the Holy Spirit none of us that are saying would be saying if it had not been a man for the Supernatural and miraculous power of the spirit with the Holy Spirit and he's looking at at least talking about it there and soul being say I'm talking about being equipped for service. You look y'all see the distinction. You say you can be saying and a part of the body of Christ? But you can use you can be an inactive and and and and not much search. And the sad part is that there are a lot of members in the body of Christ who go to somebody's church and a 10 God has done a saving work in their life. When it comes to good works.

You find a few and far between is anybody listening? better not.

The reason that the church in many instances is weak and in an email is because we got a lot of people in the body a man, but but but they haven't been quit.

That's why we're talking about the need and nothing that there's been a lot of the f*** alone. He's teaching and and and what have you talked about being the baptism of the Holy Spirit and a lot of people are afraid. I remember when I first so I come in the church. I wasn't say it. When I first start talking about that, I wouldn't say. I was a teenager and I remember when I first saw it coming about the reason I have all the prayer We Gather Round off and I can remember when I was insane, but I kept my eyes open. I feel like I got to watch you guys.

Amen, I'm closing my eyes. It was somebody could happen due to hit me upside the head I I got to watch. CNN.

What time does sometime there's a fear for good reason cuz there was some Pope that was a little while.

But sometime there's a fear that is really unreasonable. Because this is something that I believe that deep down in your heart of hearts, you know, whether you saying they're not deep down in your heart. You know, I don't know what I was like when I wouldn't say. I don't know the things that I used to do when I wasn't say I know the words that came out of my mouth when I wasn't say and I know when God.

If you have been saved, you know when God saved you. A man 104 Steele Street Eagle Park Acres, Madison, Illinois a man in in a run-down building a man. Probably it was a Sunday when I got filled with the Holy Spirit on a Sunday night. I know that but but before I got filled with the Holy Spirit

Revival we were having Revival and it was a Revival that was being held by Elder Henry Phillips Senior who it come and come as an assistant pastor and a bishop became The Pact of that though and one of the first things he did was it have a Revival He came he came up to me as a young man. You said to me said you know what? I mean need your help. I don't need your help help build this church some things we need to do. I need your help and I think to myself. All right, whatever you need.

Anybody listening to me sometime you help me. I'm so glad that he wasn't so desperate to have members that he just say. Yeah, just come on like you or I'll come up, but you know what? He said to me. He said not in order to really help. You need to be sealed with the Holy Spirit. That's what he said to me order to be able to help me. You need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Nnnn, I had to come face-to-face to be in like, okay. So what you saying? You mean I got to come up there to the Ottoman and have my eyes closed and I just got somebody not going to hit me.

But keep the seeds of the word of God into my life and made me consider as a Young Man. But it was not enough just a big part of a church to go to a church that if I really was going to be in a position to help. I need to be filled with the Holy Spirit Denver a man when I made up my mind. I remember when I receive Christ into my heart and I asked him to see that's what I'm saying, you know, whether or not that the Holy Spirit has come upon you and put you in the body crotch. And the thing that I'm trying to communicate is the spirit. That's slated the same. Holy spirit. That is the same. Holy spirit that wants to us.

Aliquippa sorceress all of us have different talents and abilities. Amen abilities before I got filled with the holy spirit. Amen in order to be suitable for service. I had to be a man. I had to be filled with the Holy Spirit. And when God came in on next Sunday night and filled me with the Holy Spirit. I can work. I got filled with the Holy Spirit on the side of the church say amen and end in a spirit. It knocked me down and I was laying on the piano. Upright piano laying under the off right now and God did a work on my soul. Hallelujah Stop talking about the Holy Spirit and there's a question we need to consider. Is it possible to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues?

Is it possible to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues? You seem to be baptized by the Holy Spirit and initials that key point that I was trying to bring out earlier and and and about the two different experience. And and and I want you to pay particular no to this to be baptized by the Holy Spirit. Baptized with the Holy Spirit describes two different experiences.

Shut up with me read that with me. Let's do this. Describe two different experiments.

1st Corinthians 12 and 13. Is it to be baptized? the Holy Spirit into the body crotch y'all got y'all see that this isn't making sense. What is being baptized?

I submit to you that if you want to be fully equipped for service. You need to be baptized by the Holy Spirit to be saved and you need to be baptized with the Holy Spirit to be equipped for service. I don't know about you. But if I'm going to go to the trouble to get a new car. Amen and NN. I'm leaving. Amen. God bless me to get a new car or a new for me. I don't know if I want to get it showroom, but you know. But I tell you one thing if I'm going to go to the trouble to get a new car. I want I want I want all of the features and I had a car they had one in my never opened it up.

When you when you live in the hood.

You think twice about having a glass over your head, but I do want I do want climate control seat it be nice to have a heated seat.

Why go to the trouble? a pink site and allowing the Holy Spirit to be baptized into the body of Christ and be saved and sitting here with roll-up windows. No heat. A map when we started out this winter the heater going out in my truck a man and you know, it was all right in the fall, but I knew when I was coming and I had I was going to have to do something. I don't want to do anything crazy riding around a new car and you got to put the coats and blankets on cuz you ain't got no money.


And so what we're talking about here then is we are baptized by the Holy Spirit when were saying but baptism Endowment for minister. And Jesus said the Harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Hitman the church by coming I appreciate that I appreciate you supporting the church with your finances. I appreciate that a man but weak done a man and be more effective if you are filled with the Holy Spirit and quit for servers what happens when you get sealed with the Holy Spirit and equipment service. Amen, then the cuse you can you got some but you spell already in you a man. It's almost like and I mean play video games and so that's why I'm going to go back to an old one cuz I don't plan any I remember Pac-Man. Can you remember how can I need help cuz I'm a ghost chasing me is that what's going on? Okay is chasing you but but if you could get to that energy, what does that mean?

What happened and what's chasing you you can turn around and chase it and either?

Some members that stop being chased and I need you to get the power panel so you can help me turn around and we need to go.

Hallelujah traditional classical Pentecostal Doctrine says that you can't have one without the other. If you been baptized with the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues is the initial evidence of the experiment that's traditional classical Pentecost. arutz of Pentecost but came back as SS we have understanding has grown as well. And so what I say, however, it's all it cannot be proven that you not been baptized with the Holy Spirit. In Tom's is not a qualification, but it's an invitation. Y'all hear that. Who sings the song believe you will say until I heard you speak themselves. Also, you can talk and and and and and they heard I heard her even at the that was one of the old mothers that was in the church when the bishop beans was a child and when when when he got saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, and she was testifying at the dentist. She said I was there and I heard them speaking in tongues old seconds. That was sweet sites with testify and MMA.

I heard it for myself and but I'm going to tell you something. I know some people that got to do with the Holy Ghost at home. And what nobody there to here? A man and so is Isaiah speaking in tongues is not a qualification, but it's an indication. I don't know. I'm trying to think of something. You know, how was empty and you rushed and real fast. It was getting close to being.

New York pump your own gas

when you pump your own gas and you got the the holes in there and you start filling up the tank that is if you listen close enough, there's a certain sound when it starts getting close to full.

That when we ask God sometime I said, okay if it is what I was saying, I was baptized with the Holy Spirit and you telling me that I need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. What how do you do that? How do you do it?

I'm not one if you ask me for bread. I'll give you a call. He said one day I'll give you a snake bull show your heavenly father. Give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Hallelujah.


let's let's give some support scripture acts 2:33 to the right hand of God. And having received from the file the promise of the Holy Spirit. He poured this out which you now see and hear. Hey, man, this was on the day of Pentecost.

On the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came and it until those in the upper room notice that it to the right hand of God. proceed from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, which you now see and here there are believers were speaking in tongues. Really God gave utterance. Actually, I'm 18. when Simon saw that through the laying on of the Apostles hands the Holy Spirit was saying give me this power also that anyone on whom my hands made with the Holy Spirit the sauce.

to be filled with the Holy Ghost is living doing spells and so-called magic of the

Hallelujah, you know what the interesting thing?

What was it up in history?

X19 just just giving some scriptural support here and it happened while Thomas was at for rent in finding some disciples the same to them. Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believe so they say holy spirit. I was here these were disciples.

For doing religious work.

Paul was able to tell that something was lacking. And so he said to them into what damn were you baptized and they said to him into John's baptism which was a baptism of repentance and it said John and be baptized with the baptism of events signed to the people that they should believe on him.

When they heard this name of the Lord, Jesus latest news on them the whole tones and prophesied.

description scripto is part of the package. Like I said, you can drive your salvation car with no options if you want listening.

Hallelujah second gear the importance of speaking with Thomas you say why? Why why why do we emphasize speaking with tongues get portals?

That's You know sometime I lightning spells. Yeah, but want to say something and and and get tight tongue and and and and don't quite know how to express what you want to say. When U R R Us speaking in tongues to God Is direct communication your spirit is communicating to God. for some of us

for what reason are not we got more confidence and somebody else praying for us than we do praying for myself. Drew swimming wearable confidence and somebody else a man going to God for us that we have for myself. That's why I was doing the teaching you got to get to the point where you hear from God yourself. You got to hear meself. There are some instructions that God is not going to give me about you. He's going to he wants to give it to you. I know the plans I have for you. It meant that some communication that God is going to give me he wants to give it to you, but you got to be in position to receive.

I'm so no matter what you might see it when you are filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking another time. You'll communicate.


don't think about speaking in tongues. a person speaking in tongues edifies himself

That means build some stuff about the holy spirit makes Jesus mean even more Jesus becomes even more real.

The Bible said prophecy is for education education and Conquer book of Corinthians. Who speaks? I don't Tom edifies himself that were identified. It means it's strengthens if it's like charging a battery. Charging a battery. We got a battery back there that I got a call from the alarm company and said we got a battery sell it and it's losing its charge and they got indication and so they gave me a call because the battery backup amen has lost its charge and and needs to be replaced. Well, the kind of battery that we have is not a replaceable one. It's apparent that one but the way

Some of us that are believers and and we were filled with the Holy Spirit and we can do it. Like I told you I can tell you when I got filled with the Holy Spirit.


next to battery needs to be recharged.

And some of us have been not taking the best care about that. Nnnn, just like I got a call from the alarm company. Let it let me know if there's a multi battery that needs to be taken care of.

And God said you need to speak to the church because there's some faulty battery. Is there a man that I'm just holding on?

We wonder why amen see when the sun is shining. You know 70 degrees. It's not a big load on a spiritual battery just like a car but they're forecasting later on this week some below zero White Chicks. Some cold that's coming in from the north. And and and if your battery is not and it just barely Holding On by a thread when the temperature go down.

Hey, man, we need to make preparation now before the storm come.

so in conclusion the baptism with the Holy Spirit Is an essential beginning point for all of ministry? It's not it's not the dog, but it's the Gateway and what God wants to do in your personal life and in the car and we need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit spoke in tongues once in awhile. I'm saying to you. Amen. We need to be revived. I hope you got some from the word today.

I'm going to be coming over.

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