Somebody Knows
Rev. 3:7-13
March 19, 00
Intro- Jesus reminds the believers that He is aware of everything. He knows what is going on.
I. He knows because He is a sovereign God. Romans 9:20-21
A. He is holy and true - Moses and the burning bush or Mt. Sinai.
1. No imperfection to cloud His understanding.
2. So pure that someday every knee shall bow. The Truth shall be known - Rev.19:11, 16
B. He is in control - holds the keys. Prob.21:1, Matt.28:18
II. He knows your present situation.
A. Your deeds both good and bad. Rev. 20:11-13
1. Bad ‘ cowards, abominations, Prob.6:16-19 Pride, Lying, Rebellion, Trouble makers.
2. Good ‘ courage, morally upright, honest, peacemakers.
B. He knows of your faithfulness in the midst of trials.
1. To His word - which keeps the doors of opportunity open.
2. By example - living as a Christian not just saying you are.
III. He knows your future.
A. He will rescue you from the hour of testing. - of the whole world.
B. He will give you a place of honor in the new temple.
Con. Serving a God who knows everything can be both convicting and comforting. Entrust your life into His hands, seek His forgiveness for sin and His power to live a different life with Him as King.